Think of an athlete finishing a marathon. They cross the finish line, exhausted but exhilarated, but with every muscle singing the song of dedication and effort. Do they simply shuffle away, achievements unacknowledged? Of course not! They proudly showcase their medal, bask in the cheers, and recount their journey. 



Just like the athlete, your company deserves the same celebratory moment. Accomplishment reports are your victory lap, an important, crucial tool for internal and external recognition. Such reports capture more than the mere moment, it is the celebration of  the sweat and toil that went into the accomplishment. 


What is an Accomplishment Report?

An accomplishment report is a summary of your achievements over a specific period. Think of it as a brag/record sheet highlighting completed tasks, goals reached, and the impact you made. It can be used for work performance reviews, scholarship applications, or even personal reflection. Keep it concise, quantifiable, and focused on results!


In the daily grind, significant achievements can sometimes fade into the background and be forgotten as not enough light was shone on it. The report allows you to step back and appreciate the bigger picture. Did you launch a new product that exceeded expectations? Did you implement a sustainability initiative that made a real difference? 


Highlight these triumphs and let your investors, partners, and even the employees know the impact. Investors and partners look for stability and potential. A well-crafted report showcasing your accomplishments demonstrates trustworthiness and growth trajectory. In an accomplishment report, stakeholders see a company with a proven track record, making them more likely to invest their time and resources.


And for employees recognition is a powerful motivator. Showcasing employee contributions in the report reinforces a sense of purpose and belonging. With the acknowledgement of  individual and team efforts, you foster a culture of appreciation and inspire continued dedication.


While you invest in collecting medals, trophies, and aspire for bigger things, we have content-ready Accomplishment Report Templates. The templates are 100% editable and customizable, , y and can be tailored to your accomplishments and achievements. 


Checkout the complete deck!


Accomplishment Report PPT Template


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Explore the slides in the deck below:

Template 1: Project Status Accomplishment Report with Budget Summary PPT Template


Use this PPT Template to summarize your project status in the accomplishment report. Efficiently manage progress through tables recording activity, completion percentage, issues, delivery dates, and ownership. Summarize the project status in the section provided. The budget overview table details items, owners, tracking reports, and additional notes, ensuring comprehensive insight. Download Now!

Project Status Accomplishment Report with Budget Summary PPT Template


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Template 2: Project Activities Accomplishment Report with Issues and Action PPT Template


This PPT Slide will enable you to report any issue and plan actions. The first table records all the completed deliverables in the current week. The next table enables you to highlight the achievements alongside an action plan for the upcoming week. List the ongoing long-term projects in the company and the issues that need immediate attention in the section provided. To explore more, download now!

Project Activities Accomplishment Report with Issues and Action PPT Template


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Template 3: Project Status Accomplishment Report with Milestone Template 


Compile  foundational data of the project like the reporting period, project title, date of report, project manager, report author, and project sponsor in this PPT Template. In the executive summary column, you can plan schedule, budget and identify any evident issues. Use the color-code boxes to highlight the project status or the level of risk involved. It is crucial to set milestones in your project, this helps in tracking the project as well as keeps the team motivated. Use the table below to list  project milestones and record their status and expected completion date of each. Download Now


Project Status Accomplishment Report with Milestone Template


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Template 4: Project Accomplishment Report with Planned Activities Template 


It is  important to track activities that were completed and accomplishments that were planned but are yet to be completed. This template will enable you to segregate  activities based on their completion and priority status. List the planned accomplishments, the planned but not accomplished activities, and the task and targets that need to be achieved in the future. Get access now! 


Project Accomplishment Report with Planned Activities Template


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Template 5: Project Summary with Planned Timeline PPT Report

Goals without a plan are just dreams. To turn your vision into reality, use this Timeline template. Start with listing key details of the project like project name, project managers, period covered, project number, date of status entry, and a tentative completion date. In bullet points write the project summary. List the project deliverables in the table alongside the category, status, details, and comments. Plan and plot  tasks on the timeline and ensure that you’re on track. Use the last table to record any potential risks involved. Download Now!


Project Summary with Planned Timeline PPT Report


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Template 6: Daily Project Accomplishment Report PPT Template 


It will be beneficial for your company to prepare daily accomplishment reports, to track projects on a day-to-day basis. Maintain a work log that allows you to track description of the work done within the day, the employee that carried out the task, and whether or not the goals were accomplished using this PPT Template. List  other ongoing tasks in the table below and record their status. Download now!


Daily Project Accomplishment Report PPT Template

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Template 7: Weekly Accomplishment Report PPT Template  


Use this PPT Template to compile weekly data and form a report. Use the blue column to list  project activity descriptions. You can record the target, the accomplishment, percentage of completion, and any recommendation to  develop or better the project. You can list up to five programs in the given table on the PPT Slide. Get started, download now!


Weekly Accomplishment Report PPT Template


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Showcase your medals! 


Remember, an accomplishment report is a testament to your company's journey and a springboard for future triumphs. So, go ahead, celebrate your success! Take that victory lap and share your story with the world.