Meetings, meetings, and more meetings! The backbone of any process, meetings take up most of the time of business owners and management teams in any setting. 


However, whether these meetings prove productive depends on the planning with which businesses drew up the agenda. 


Poll any workplace anywhere in the world, and you will find staffers claiming that their biggest nightmare is having to sit through unproductive meetings that lack any agenda. 


Not anymore! At SlideTeam, we have identified and curated a solution to this perennial pain point of businesses and employees and created professional agenda templates. 


There are varied sample agenda templates, also available as an online resource, that work to improve the efficiency of meetings, and keep discussions on track. Get these with a click here. 


These PPT Templates are expert-curated and give you the best-in-class design to ensure that meetings don’t meander without an agenda. Each of these templates is 100% customizable and editable.


The content-ready nature provides the user with the desired structure and gives an initiation point; the editability feature of the presentation templates means that you can tailor these to unique audience needs and preferences without breaking much sweat. The savings in time and money once you use these templates for conducting your business meetings, is immense. 


Let us explore these templates now!   


Template 1: Project Management Schedule Bundle Project Kickoff Meeting Agenda PPT Professional Rules   

This PPT Template showcases the elements that are a must-have on the meeting agenda that kick off a major project. Start with the data and time of the meeting, highlighted prominently. Then, delineate the required space for three broad headings of the attendee's name, that specific individual's department, and the role in the project that is to begin. Also, use this template to give agenda items that work for such a meeting. These are project background and purpose; project goals and objectives; ground rules, roles, responsibilities, high-level plan, next steps, etc. Communication plan expectation is also listed, so the people know the order in which speakers would make their input. Businesses can also name the owner of these agenda sessions in this extremely hands-on, popular presentation agenda.

Project Kickoff Meeting Agenda


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Template 2: Agenda Implementing Online PPT Presentation Portfolio Professional 

This PPT Template on agenda setting is a professional document clarifying today's critical talking points for online banking business. The icons signify the importance accorded to each of the seven discussion points. For instance, the third icon aptly symbolizes the text, which is about how to shift a bank to the online mode from the offline medium. The picture in the design signifies to the client that money is the prime industry that is to be given its due through the template. Download now to set the agenda and move things forward in today's fast-paced business world.  



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Template 3: Our Agenda PPT Professional Deck  

This PPT Layout can be used in a program or an event with five major meetings or separate pieces of training organized sequentially. The design is this preset's USP, with the template's name and the text on which the schedule is printed chosen very carefully. You might fit in your marketing efforts at once with a hands-on exercise on business models scheduled later in the day. The agenda also works to remind stakeholders of how vital checklists are in the scheme of things of any business, with the carefully curated image.


Our Agenda


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Template 4: Agenda PPT Presentation Professional Visual Aids

In a horizontal format, this agenda works best when you have three events to note and share. The presentation template works due to the color scheme and the picture in the top-left corner of a man busy taking notes. By taking notes and paying complete attention to the theme of any meeting, the template also helps you ensure a clutter-free communication of the agenda. Get it now!



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Template 5: Business Marketing Agenda PPT Presentation

The template's contemporary, clean, minimalist design is its biggest strength. It can also fit in as many as six agendas or talking points, an outstanding achievement for the design team. The black and grey color scheme adds to the readability of the agenda template, with the coffee cup by the side conveying a comfortable feeling of having something meaningful to communicate. Get this presentation template now!




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A professional agenda sets the limits and dictates timelines that must be followed in any business meeting, even if it is of 10 minutes. Just following this advice can improve productivity no end and create a culture of respecting each other’s time and improve focus.
Another business domain where similar levels of attention to detail inventory reporting is. Find best-in-class inventory report templates with a click here. Each of the templates is a treasure house of value that can unlock hidden efficiencies in your inventory management. 


PS. Quality improvement is always a worthy business goal to hanker after. Find world-class templates on quality improvement with a click here. 



FAQs on professional agendas



What are the three types of agendas?

An agenda is a topic of business discussion that management functionaries need to debate, analyze, and decide upon. Hence, businesses must classify agendas into types based on importance or urgency. An agenda item on a professional document can be there for three general purposes. It might need a discussion, it could be something that the meeting participants need to be informed of, and it could be related to giving and taking updates on a task's progress. Therefore, the agenda can be staff meeting agenda, an in-house team-related agenda, or a board meeting agenda. Information, discussion, and tasks are, thus, the three kinds of agenda.  


What is a professional agenda? Give an example.

A professional agenda means a business meeting where specific actions are to be taken to achieve a pre-decided result. For instance, a sales dealer meeting with the CEO of an auto major is expected to exchange information that results in more dealers joining or expanding the business. Many other kinds of professional agenda meetings are routine in business. Examples of these additional meetings are the Leadership team meeting agenda; the all-hands meeting that takes place after a predefined meeting; the first interaction with a new employee of the CEO, and so on. 


How do you write a professional agenda?

Agendas risk being branded unprofessional when these attempt to do too many things. Hence, of the five significant steps that go into writing a professional agenda, the first step has to be narrow down the focus and stick to one theme of the meeting. It could be a leadership meeting, a committee meeting, etc. After the theme is clear, the meeting organizer must narrow the field further to the topic. The third step mandated now is allocating timelines and drawing up a schedule for each issue under the main agenda. The 4th step is to see if there are any documents the participants need or want during the meeting and keep them handy. Finally, a professional agenda meeting must factor in enough time for the participants to discuss and review issues.