A media flowchart is a visual representation of the content creation process that the industry adopts. Your media flowchart engrosses the audience and helps your colleagues get a better understanding of relevant stakeholders, their goals, and roles & responsibilities. These top-class media flowcharts that you create with such finesse and expertise need to be packaged as a PowerPoint Presentation.


Creating a Media Flowchart PowerPoint Presentation, however, is a task that needs time, effort, and money as it requires knowledge of the animations, shapes and painstaking work on a work-station to get it right. Creating a new deck from scratch for each project is not feasible. Enter, SlideTeam.


We understand your needs for information and design and provide you with our Top 5 Media Flowchart Templates. The slides are content-ready, saving you the time spent researching, and are 100% editable as well, allowing you to have the final presentation for your audience category, done, in a jiffy.


Let’s tour these five spectacular, yet practical PPT Slideshows; please choose the one(s) that best fits your needs.


Template 1: Digital Media Planning Briefing and Planning Process PowerPoint Presentations Slides


This 55-slide complete deck is the ultimate tool for creating and delivering media strategies through media flowcharts. Edit the slides to develop flowcharts for communication strategy, audience research, media objectives and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) development. This empowers your business to work toward a common goal.  Download this PPT Set with a click on the link below.


Digital media planning briefing and planning process powerpoint presentations slides




Template 2: Social Media Playbook Social Media Crisis Flowchart


There is nothing better than a Yes/No algorithm to make work easier. This PPT Layout with a blue, red, and yellow color scheme enables you to improve your decision-making ability when a crisis hits your social media processes (in this case, negative comments). Grab this PPT Slide from the link below.


Social Media Playbook Social Media Crisis Flowchart




Template 3: Social Media Comments Engagement Flowchart


This PPT Layout classifies your social media comments and directs you to take appropriate action for each classification. Use this flowchart to respond faster to comments on your posts, whether positive or negative. Say YES to downloading this PPT Slide right away!


Social media comments engagement flowchart




Template 4: Social Media Content Posting Flowchart Media Platform Playbook


Use this flowchart to approve/disapprove the content you plan to publish, reschedule, cancel, etc. This enables you to decide the nature of the content, such as value-providing, brand vision, etc. Download this PPT Pre-Set now to filter the best content for your audience. Showcase your content expertise and the feel and the magic of saying the right thing a the right time.


Social Media Content Posting Flowchart Media Platform Playbook




Template 5: Social Media Brand Marketing Playbook Social Media Crisis Flowchart


Broadly similar to Template 1, this PPT Slide enables you to proactively respond to the kind of traction your content is getting online in the form of comments. Use this PPT Layout to monitor, filter, and resolve issues that crop up on your social media publications. Download it now to moderate your content with ease, conviction and a mastery that wins clients and influences others.


Social Media Brand Marketing Playbook Social Media Crisis Flowchart




Let the Charts Do the Talking


The right combination of fonts, shapes, animations, and arrows will enable you to connect with your colleagues and explain the project process to much greater comprehension of all stakeholders. It also empowers employees to stay focused during meetings and retain the information for longer, and execute plans more professionally. Our Media Flowchart PPT Templates are the tools with this combination to get your meetings and projects running smoothly.


P.S. Looking for tools to convert hot leads into loyal customers? Check out our blog post on the lead management process (Templates included)!


FAQs on Media Flowcharts


What is a media flowchart?


A media flowchart is a diagram or visual representation of steps involved in the creation and distribution of media content, such as a film, television show, or advertising campaign. It outlines stages of the production process and the roles and responsibilities of  individuals or teams involved in each of these phases.


Flowcharts help teams stay organized, track progress, and communicate effectively. With a clear visual overview of the complete process, a media flowchart can help ensure that everyone involved is on the same page and works towards the same goal.


A typical media flowchart might include concept development, scripting, pre-production, casting, post-production, marketing, and distribution. It may also include milestones such as deadlines, production budgets, and delivery dates.


How do you create a media flowchart?


Creating a media flowchart involves identifying the steps involved in the production and distribution of your media project and organizing these in a visual format. Here are some steps to create a media flowchart:


  1. Identify the stages of your project: Identify the key stages involved in your media project in step 1. For example, a film project might include scriptwriting, pre-production, casting, production, post-production, marketing, and distribution.
  2. Define tasks and deliverables for each stage: Once project stages are identified, define specific tasks and deliverables required for each stage. This might include writing a script, casting actors, filming scenes, and so on.
  3. Determine the order of the stages: Next, determine the order in which each stage should be completed. For example, pre-production tasks like location scouting and casting might need to be completed before production can begin.
  4. Choose a template: Choose a template (from any of ours above) to create your flowcharts.
  5. Create the flowchart: Using your chosen PPT Template, create a visual representation of your media flowchart.
  6. Review and refine: Once you have created the initial flowchart, review it to ensure that it represents the flow of your project to extreme accuracy. Make necessary refinements or changes.
  7. Share and present the flowchart: Share and present the flowchart with your team and stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page.


What are the five steps in the media planning process?


The media planning process is a series of steps that advertisers and marketing professionals use to determine the most effective way to reach their target audience with their message. Here are the five key steps in the media planning process:


  1. Set Advertising Objectives: The first step is determining what the advertising campaign is trying to achieve. This could be to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales, or any other you may have identified.
  2. Analyze Target Audience: The second step is to define the target audience for the campaign. This involves identifying its demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics.
  3. Develop a Media Strategy: The third step is to develop a media strategy that outlines how the advertising campaign will achieve its objectives. Determine the optimal media channels and formats to reach the target audience.
  4. Implement Media Plan: The fourth step is to implement the media plan by scheduling media placements and negotiating rates with vendors. Buying ad space in media channels such as TV, radio, print, online, and social media is the best illustration of this.
  5. Evaluate Performance: The fifth and final step is to evaluate the performance of the media plan against objectives that were drawn up in the first step. This data can be used to refine future media planning efforts.