Information management is the in-thing today, with businesses looking for smarter ways to handle humungous amounts of data. Having a plan to do this is important, or corporations can sidetracked into following side-alleys, while missing the important bit in their efforts to capitalize on opportunities or neutralize threats using an information management plan. 


Another major pain point that businesses face is supply chain management. Here, incomplete information or inadequate management plan to deal with this, adds to the cost. With no one sure where your shipment is and when it will be on shop shelves, uncertainty harms the order book no end. 


To make sure your information management plan works and delivers to handle all such practical issues, SlideTeam’s PPT Templates are the answer. With well-defined end-goals in response to specific problems that hit profits, our templates provide a design and world-class content to address the problems head-on. You also get answers to product information management and handling supply chain bottlenecks using these slides and layouts.


Having a communication plan in place is also important to managing information in a planned manner. In fact, building an effective communication management plan is also essential to completing projects on time. Find the best in-class PPT Templates on communication plan management to ensure every business project of yours is a success, with a click here.


The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.


Let us explore more, and find a perfect plan to manage information and deliver results for all stakeholders, most of the all the customer. 


Template 1: Product Information Management (PIM) System End-User Training Plan Implementing Product Information

This PPT template depicts the end-user product when an organization follows a comprehensive information management plan to create something useful and productive. The layout is a tabular representation addressing a major pain point of businesses, training, and upgrade of skills of employees. The slide represents a plan for facilitating training to employees related to the usage of implemented PIM software. This organizes and designs that data in five columns of training topic, training method, date of training, the trainer and the budget that the company has allocated. The aim is to see how information, when managed, using technology can provide tangible benefits to all stakeholders.


Production information management(PIM) system end user training plan


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Template 2: Product Information Management (PIM) Implementation Plan

This PPT Presentation is a one-pager on drawing up a plan for product information management for optimum results and best satisfaction of all stakeholders. Use this presentation to depict the five steps in implementing any kind of PIM. These are design and discovery sessions, an operations and modelling phase, getting the configuration right, integrating the process into the business plan through customer or end-user touchpoints. The last step is defining an output for the PIM solution so designed that could be complete data transport or other ways of data manipulation.  The USP of this slide is the detailed steps that will get your clients to value it. For instance, this slide suggest role play by employees as a key input to get acceptance of the new information management process. Download it now to ensure your product information management effort proceeds and closes with clockwork efficiency.  


Product Information Management (PIM) Implementation Plan


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Template 3: Product Supply Chain Business Plans Information Management Technology 

Supply chains is one key business domain where information facilitation and curation has great value. Once a dealer can know exactly where the product ordered is, he/she can give exact deadlines to all channels down the line, to the customer, facilitating their experience. Use this template to illustrate how your knowledge of product supply chain business plans, plus technology (in the form of blockchain today) can make a real difference to business efficiencies. In a real life case study, IBM is using information management technology for supply chain in a project titled, ‘IBM Blockchain Service for Supply Chain.’ This PPT Layout helps you depict how businesses can emulate that kind of effort in product supply chain business plan, using information management technology. Download this presentation template now to see how supply chains and technology are so closely linked. 


Product Supply Chain Business Plans Information Managem…


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Template 4: Information Management Supply Chain Planning Business Intelligence Policy Consulting

All information management plans, ultimately, contain some information about an organization and its business environment. Use this PPT Template to link the supply chain processes from idea (the first icon, these are the USP here) to hitting the bull’s eye in supply chain management, as in the last icon. The other stages depicted in this template are research (microscope), planning to the atomic level (in significant detail, that is), then allow the other supply chain partners from around the globe to come in, and deliver on the project. The end goal is, of course, effective integration of information management with supply chain planning. There is no better resource than this available to showcase how to do it, and use this template to demonstrate how it is to be done. Download now for that perfect flow from information to tangible delivery of products and services, that too on time. Moreover, you can also explore our supply chain management ppt which is designed by our professional researchers.



Information Management Supply Chain Planning Business…


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Template 5: Market Penetration Technology Development Information Management Resources Planning

Planning for optimum resource use is what makes information technology so vital. If resources were in abundance, there would be use for software to aid efficiency or make better sense of the business world. Use this slide on market penetration with the use of technology and its maximum development to simplify the complex information flow needed to simplify the customer journey with your products or services. The presentation template also allows you to document how technology development and market penetration are linked through information management plan. The better your management plan for information, the deeper you market penetration is the point you can get across to your elite set of audience with the PPT Graphic.


Market Penetration Technology Development Information…


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Template 6: Archive Disposition Evaluation Monitoring Information Management Planning Environmental Scanning

Scanning the business environment is basic college text book stuff. Yet, scanning it to get information and then manage that information to its optimum use is the capability only few businesses and gifted entrepreneurs enjoy. This actionable PPT Presentation represents the process of scanning the business environment (both internal and external) for information. The six stages that help a business owner master this process are represented through the visual of the chain. Plan how to archive, then evaluate and monitor the information that your scanning of the business environment reveals. Finally, also know that in the information chain, one must also know the correct method of disposition (destroying it), when it is dated or not needed. Use this template to impress audience and create a demand for the kind of information management you can create, with the mere visual of a chain.


Archive Disposition Evaluation Monitoring Information…


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It is a universal truth that information is power, but managing information with a plan is akin to gaining omnipotence. Businesses can create new customers, value offerings and extraordinary products and services if they can master this relatively new domain area. In the triad of input, processing and output, the information flow and the way it is treated can create magic. 


A frequently used way to mould information in a positive way for businesses is the public relations discipline. Click here to access best in-class PR Proposal Templates that also use your information as an input, and processes it to create an output of positivity and good will for your businesses. PR is a skill on a par with the intellectual input needed to create information management software; use it now!     


PS Another kind of information need to improve their processes is feedback from customers. Seek this valuable input information from customers in a well-designed, structured format using these customer review templates from SlideTeam. Click here to access these useful customer review templates to subject them to all the information management plan drills and create even more value for the customer.



FAQs on Information Management



What are the five key areas of information management?


An ideal information management system has five critical areas. These are collecting and processing information, analyzing it, integrating the analyzed information, interface, and displaying the information so collected. Finally, the 5th process involves ensuring information security. These five areas are the practical ways information management manifests in the everyday business domains of finance, operations, and marketing. Before managing information in this structure format, however, it is also essential to know that the standard description of these five key areas are: Accumulating (Collecting) information; Saving or storing it up; Distributing or spreading it to the right people at the right time; Archiving or Recording it to the best of the ability, according to the era and finally, the 5th step is vital —destruction (or giving not required or outdated information) a decent burial.  


What should be included in an information system management plan?


An information system management plan is based on the three pillars of technology, business use case, and data. Hence, any information system management plan must include a combination of skills and competencies and tackle challenges that each of these significant domain areas faces/creates for an enterprise. In addition, the soft skills of the human personnel involved in the information system management plan are also crucial. Coming to specifics, the inclusion of the following seven elements are must in an information system management plan:


  1. Software
  2. Database
  3. Procedure
  4. Operating personnel
  5. Input and output
  6. Medium and Message
  7. Hardware


What are the seven components of an information management plan?


As touched upon in the previous FAQ, we start with software and our requirements from it (that is, its functionality and what it should do us. For instance, for a clothing retail store, it could be culling out the proportion of sales discount wise, etc.). The second component is the database, implying the kind of database the software will need as its structural base and input. The 3rd component of an information management plan is the procedure, and the 4th is operation personnel to run the entire information management show. In the 5th component, we decide on the input and fix the correlation of output to input. In the penultimate part or base, we detail the medium and the message of the information (online, offline, the combination of both, which channel?). In the seventh and last component, we look at the hardware we will need to run this information management plan we have just built. What is the physical infrastructure required to run this plan of information? Based on these seven components, we design a working and delivering information management plan with a synergistic and holistic approach.Â