A survey by the Professional Grant Writer, a team of non-profit consultants in the field, highlights that just 1 of every 10 grant proposals gets accepted. Among the top three common reasons for rejection, the first is failure to adhere to the proposal content, format, or length guidelines that the grantmakers specify. You will have thought people reporting on how they used other people’s money (grants) would be careful enough with that, but as you now know, it is hard to be simple!


On the positive side of things, do you want to know what is the favorite guideline of grantmakers (The Third Secret, by the way, not the first) that has to be present in every single accepted grant proposal? It’s a detailed professional Grant Report.


The Nitty-gritty of Grant Reports


Let’s understand this critical element of granting process, starting with what grant reports are and their types. These are the documents grant seekers submit to funders describing the progress, outcomes, and impact of a project (mostly non-profit) seeking support or even explaining how the support provided to date has been spent or used. The major types of grant reports are:


  1. Progress reports: Provide updates on the periodic progress of a project, including milestones, accomplishments, and challenges encountered. 
  2. Final reports: Summarize the final outcomes and impact of a project and provide information on how grant funds were used. These reports highlight the shortcomings in fund use if there and their reasons.
  3. Financial reports: These documents show detailed information on how grant funds were spent and include documentation of expenses and revenues.
  4. Interim reports: Keep grant makers updated on ongoing progress or recent (goals, objective, or any other significant) changes in the project and are usually submitted on a quarter or semi-annual basis.
  5. Technical reports: Showcase detailed information on methods, techniques, and results of research or other technical aspects of the project.


Following specific guidelines and requirements that the investing agency provide is necessary and non-negotiable when preparing and presenting a grant report. 


Must-haves in A Grant Report

Well-defined systematic grant reports can be the difference between accepted and rejected proposals, especially those submitted during the proposal review period. Before documenting it (even with pre-written samples), you must know what information grant reports include. Based on the type of report, project requirements, and grantmakers’ guidelines, more information may be added. The fundamental components, however, are:


  1. A project or program summary, including its goals, objectives, and recent changes or progress after the proposal submission.
  2. An overview of the activities and accomplishments during the grant (proposal review) period.
  3. A detailed financial report aligned with the grant budget, including expenses and revenue. Sometimes investors ask for internal finance and expense information. With this, they want to be assured that your organization follows sound financial practices.
  4. Extra funding sources or expenses, if there are any.
  5. A description of challenges or obstacles encountered during the grant period.
  6. An evaluation of the project or program (final report), including its impact and outcomes.
  7. Plan for continuation 
  8. Any additional information required by the grant-making organization.


Pre-built Grant Report Templates for Professional Submissions


The top challenges in drafting grant reports are the lack of time and staff. Our expertly-designed research-based grant report PPT Templates will ensure you don’t face tedium. Our templates are ready to use and quick to customize due to their 100% editability feature. Using these pre-designed sample reports PPT designs, even an individual will become a one-man army and can draft 10+ reports a day with ease. 


Let’s explore these exclusive grant report templates (along with three bonus templates at the end) and find an ideal reporting tool for you! 


1. Annual Grant Report PPT Presentation Deck

A grant report allows organizations to demonstrate how they have used the allocated funds and the impact they have made. This is important for maintaining accountability to funders. This complete presentation deck contains 22 high-quality sample reports to help you strengthen your bond with investors. These include information slides about your organization, previous grants received, their allocation, social work records, consolidated income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, grant expenditure, its summary, analysis of major activities, CSR, and Net Present Value (NPV). Download it now!


Annual Grant Report PPT Presentation Deck


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2. One-page Events Grant Status Report Presentation Template

Organizations get an opportunity to identify areas where they can improve their programs and services by analyzing data and information gathered and presented in grant reports. Use this PowerPoint status report template to record precise statistical data of grant-supported events for analysis or the next investor presentation. It will help you exhibit the event expense, the overall budget for events, the top five grants of your organization in the previous year, and statistics of previous events. Get it now! 


One-page Events Grant Status Report Presentation Template


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3. One-page Grant Expense Status Report Presentation Deck

A well-written grant report will showcase the success and impact of an organization’s programs and services and help these secure continuation funding/award or new grants. Use this one-pager presentation template to prepare a compact yet sweeping, professional report on grant expenses status and present it with conviction. It contains pre-designed columns for grant summary, statement of receipt & expenditures, detailed expenditure table, and approved budget report for the last three fiscal years. Grab it today!


One-page Grant Expense Status Report Presentation Deck


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4. One-page Grant Revision Status Report Presentation Template

Looking for the best way to communicate the value and effectiveness of the organization’s work to funders and stakeholders? Nothing more or less than a data-driven grant report highlighting the results and impact of the funded program or project will suffice. Prepare a concise grant report that includes essential information about your organizational efforts to secure funding with this one-pager PPT Design. It deals with the organizational grant profile data, grant budget revision, source, and status for the grant applications. You can also share revenue summary and graphical presentation of grant applications — applied versus won. Click the link below to get it!


One-page Grant Revision Status Report Presentation Template


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5. One-page Annual Grant Report Presentation Template

Grant reports are useful in presenting the transparent, accountable, goal-achieving character that your organization has acquired after a lot of hard work and commitment. Use this sample one-page annual grant report template to develop a ready-to-go blueprint for your upcoming funding reports. It presents data on your organizational profile with key points, grant history, received and allocation data, tracking, and revenue data. Download it now!


One-page Annual Grant Report Presentation Template


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Bonus Templates For Our Readers!


1. Business Plan for Startup Funding Presentation Deck

A business plan describes how a business, especially a startup, will achieve its goals. Keeping it concise for easy readability is the key. Use this business plan presentation deck to map and start a smooth startup journey. It includes high-quality professional slides on the company profile, elevator pitch, team introduction, problem your startup is addressing, its solution (s), value proposition, a detailed roadmap, milestones achieved, traction, business, revenue, and expense models. Get it now!


Business Plan for Startup Funding Presentation Deck


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2. Sample Budget Proposal For Grant Pitch Presentation Deck

Budget proposals are a practical and detailed guide on business finance and expenses. They show the investors your grant needs and how you plan to use these. This presentation deck highlights key information regarding unexpected challenges, profit, operations, results, realistic targets, and more. It includes A4 format PPT templates giving an executive summary of the grant budget, objectives, program description, and statement of need with description, cost, and desired outcome. Grab it today!


Sample Budget Proposal For Grant Pitch Presentation Deck


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3. Grant Proposal One-page Application Presentation Template

A well-written grant proposal helps organizations secure funding, build partnerships and demonstrate their project/idea impacts along with strategies. It helps grant seekers win the trust of investors by showing that they have knowledge about the project or problem they are trying to solve. This one-page grant proposal presentation template will lay the foundation of your concrete proposition to impress the investors and bag decent funding. You can add your company logo and project details like location, type, the total amount required, name of the applicant, and grant officer, along with an executive summary, to this customizable PPT Design. Download it now!


Grant Proposal One-page Application Presentation Template


Download this template


Evaluate Well, And Learn!


Grant reports are a valuable tool for organizations to evaluate their progress and plan for the future by reflecting on what worked well and what didn’t and identifying opportunities for growth and improvement. They are additional and highly beneficial elements of the grant proposal process and make the difference between rejection and acceptance. Grant seekers must not neglect them and draft the precision and keenness. To help in this task, SlideTeam offers these ready-to-present grant report templates to grant seekers. These eye-catching professional PPT designs will be your hammer to crack the shell and secure a grant!


Download these grant report templates to document and showcase your grant results with unparalleled and remarkable efficiency!


FAQs on Grant Reports


1. Why is grant reporting important?

Grant reporting is important for several reasons. A few are:


  1. It allows funders to track the progress of their investments and ensure that the funds are used for their intended purposes. 
  2. Grant reports allow grant recipients to demonstrate the impact of their work and the value of their organization to potential donors and funders. 
  3. It helps to ensure accountability and transparency in using grant funds and build trust between grant makers and recipients. 
  4. Grant reports help to identify areas where additional support or resources are required to achieve project goals.


2. How do I create a grant report?

Each grantor has specific requirements for the report, so the first step for writing an acceptable and value-adding grant report is to check the guidelines before writing and submitting it. Here are some steps you can follow to create a grant report:


  1. Gather necessary information like project plans, budget documents, and data on project outcomes & impacts.
  2. Write an executive summary that provides a brief overview of the project and its achievements.
  3. In the background and objectives section, describe the project's goals and the implementation context.
  4. The methods section describes how the project was implemented and the research conducted.
  5. Summarize the project's outcomes, including data or statistics that support its success in the results section.
  6. Write a conclusion with a summary of the project's overall impact(s) and related future plans.
  7. Including an appendices section is optional. Use it to highlight additional but valuable information, like budget or project plans, that support the report's findings.
  8. Citation of information or funding sources used in the project is necessary and should not be missed.
  9. Review and edit the report to ensure it is well-organized, error-free, and easy to understand.
  10. Submit the report to the grant maker or funding organization.


3. What are the 4 types of grants?

There are many types/classifications of grants available based on criteria like the area of focus, eligibility, and the size of the grant. The most popular types of grants (based on their use) in the business industry are:


  1. Project grants: Funding for specific projects or programs. Organizations or individuals receive these grants for research, education, or community development projects.
  2. Operating grants: Provided for an organization's ongoing operations and general expenses. They are awarded to non-profit organizations for operational costs (such as staffing and rent) to help smooth functioning.
  3. Capital grants: Fund allocated for the construction, renovation, or purchase of facilities, such as buildings or equipment. Primarily awarded to non-profit organizations or public entities.
  4. Endowment grants: The budget entitled to establish or add to an endowment fund (long-term investment fund) that provides a source of income for an organization. The common receiver of these grants is non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and cultural organizations.


Another popular grant classification is federal grant funding which categorizes them into — Competitive grants, also known as discretionary funding (based on the merit of the proposed project), formula grants (mathematically calculated funds are allocated), continuation grants (renewal of existing funding), and pass-through grants (issued by a federal agency).