You may have mastered the  Non-Fungible Token (NFT), but your audience needs guidance. Every good teacher needs the right tools and resources to make their classes (in this case, training sessions) interesting and engaging.


With this mantra in mind, SlideTeam brings to you this Comprehensive Training Module on Blockchain-Based NFTs. It is the ultimate resource to share your knowledge and experience of NFTs with your trainees and have them log on to the path of digital literacy.

Why a Training Module on Blockchain-Based NFTs?


More articles on blockchain and NFT have (already) been written than the average person can read in a lifetime. The impact of this technology on our day-to-day lives is evident in the form of new NFTs being generated and traded. Blockchain and NFT, when combined, spell magic.


Hence, it is every company’s responsibility that they train their employees to understand and use it. This will ensure that the enterprise is not left behind as the world moves on to newer and more exciting ways of doing things.


The trainer can download the module with a click here. The resource provides the following benefits to the trainees the trainer, and the businesses:


  1. Improved Understanding of Emerging Technology: This knowledge can help the company stay ahead of its competitors by being better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that NFTs present.
  2. Potential for New Revenue Streams: A company can explore new ways to monetize its products and services. For instance, this could be in creating and selling unique digital assets as NFTs.
  3. Improved Customer Engagement: NFTs offer a unique way for companies to engage with their customers. For example, a company might create NFTs that provide exclusive access to products or services, or that reward loyal customers with better experience or freebies or tokens; the possibilities are endless.


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Session I: Overview of NFTs and Comparisons 


We start the training by laying a solid foundation for the trainees on the matter of NFTs. In this article, we will cover what NFTs are and how they are as compared to the ‘Fungible Tokens’. We outline this comparison in terms of interchangeability, uniformity, and the ability to be divided.


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Blockchain based Non Fungible Tokens NFTs Training Ppt


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With the basics taken care of, we move to the next session.


Session II: Features and Advantages of NFTs


This session answers the question, “Why should I care about NFTs?”


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At the end of the day, NFTs got as popular as they have because they are beneficial. In this part of the module, we take some time to understand and discuss the features of NFTs (standardization, immutability, etc.) and their advantages (transferability, security, verifiable, etc.)


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With some confidence established in NFTs and some sense of how “NFTs are worth our time”, we transition to the next session and assess how NFTs are being applied in real life.


Session III: Popular NFTs and Some Use Cases


This course establishes that (blockchain-based) NFTs are not of theoretical interest but are already a part of our day: Today. A few of the most popular NFTs are Bored Ape #2087, Doodle #7675, and more. These are more than just ‘cartoon graphics’ and certainly play with the audience’s mind and make them go wow.


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Blockchain based Non Fungible Tokens NFTs Training Ppt


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Several NFT use cases are presented as a list including real estate, medical records, supply chain, voting, and many more. With a discussion on how NFTs are in fact part of these systems today, we flip the page to Session IV.


Session IV: Variety in NFT Assets


In Round 4, we introduce the trainees to the diversity of NFT Assets in a number of industries such as Gaming, Music & Media, Event Tickets, Memes, Artwork, etc.


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Some slides on the training module provide you with a brief explanation of how NFTs are integrated with these industries so easily. Unlike ghosts, the presence of NFTs is no longer up for debate.


Session V: Purchasing, and NFT and the Top 10 Marketplaces


Some who are technologically challenged may feel that NFTs and blockchain are concepts that are ‘high techy-techy’. However, buying an NFT is no more difficult than shopping on Amazon or streaming your favorite artist’s latest album on Spotify.


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The trainees will learn the 10 best marketplaces for NFTs such as Foundation, Mintable, OpenSea, and many more. Before we unleash the shoppers, we show them the most expensive NFTs sold such as The Merge, Human One, CryptoPunk #3100, etc.


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We present a linear process to simplify the process to buy an NFT for the trainees and step into the next session.


Session VI: Ethereum Standards & Creating and Selling NFTs


It’s not just shopping for other people’s creations that NFTs allow. They will learn how they can use their own artistic side to create NFTs of their own and sell them on the marketplaces that they learned about in Session V.


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Blockchain based Non Fungible Tokens NFTs Training Ppt


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This is where we discuss the ‘blockchain-based’ aspect of blockchain-based NFTs. Showcase standards such as ERC-721, ERC-1155, ERC-998, etc. For a detailed explanation of these concepts, access our comprehensive training module.


Session VII: NFTs IPFS, Minting and NFT Rights


Minting an NFT is not only how you give birth to this digital asset but also how to claim your ownership of the ones you create. The season presents a slide containing the factors to be considered before you do mint an NFT.


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We continue the session and tackle the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) head-on as it is a more obscure concept in the blockchain. A slide will be all the content you will need to help the trainees understand this with ease.


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Blockchain based Non Fungible Tokens NFTs Training Ppt


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We finish Session VII with an introduction and discussion of the rights associated with NFTs and their ownership.


Session VIII: Energy Consumption and Security with NFTs


Energy consumption has always been a concern when it comes to NFTs, so much so that it’s a regular news story. We present the concern in a neutral fashion and look at ways to reduce energy consumption, being done right now.


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What has never been a concern with NFTs is security. NFTs, by their very nature, are extremely secure. Within the slide, we present you a number of steps to make the infrastructure surrounding NFTs secure as well. Suffice it to say, NFTs are harder to hack into than the US Government.


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Should the US Government be run on NFTs and blockchain technology? Something fun to discuss with the class.


Session IX: Avoiding NFT Scams


NFTs are secure, people aren’t. If the blockchain won’t spill its secret, you just might. Here, we give some tips to make sure you stay vigilant while handling your digital assets.


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Some tips include buying NFTs from authorized marketplaces and avoiding phishing emails. Your aunt does not need you to login into your NFT wallet through that absurd link ‘she’ emailed you.


Session X: NFTs, Cryptocurrency, and the Future


NFTs are cryptocurrencies linked to blockchain in a very similar fashion. Now that you can buy a Tesla with Bitcoin, the future is just around the corner.


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Speaking of the future, we discuss how the future NFTs appear to us, as we are today, and what we can expect from this amazing technology.


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With a quick glance at the future, we return to discuss a summary of the training and open the floor to discussions and questions. We believe that this training module will have your team ready to walk in step with the technology of today and tomorrow.


FAQs on Blockchain-Based NFTs


What blockchain is used for NFTs?


The most commonly used blockchain for NFTs is the Ethereum blockchain, which is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that allows developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Ethereum's ERC-721 and ERC-1155 token standards are the most widely used for NFTs, providing a standardized way for developers to create, manage, and exchange unique digital assets.


Does blockchain support NFTs?


Yes, blockchain technology supports NFTs as it provides the necessary infrastructure for creating and managing unique, immutable digital assets. Blockchain technology allows for the creation of a digital ledger that records every transaction related to an NFT, providing transparency, security, and ownership verification. By using a blockchain-based platform, NFT creators and collectors can ensure the authenticity, uniqueness, and provenance of their digital assets.


What are the largest NFT blockchains?


The largest NFT blockchains by market capitalization and transaction volume are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Flow. Ethereum is the most widely used blockchain for NFTs, with a market share of over 90%. Binance Smart Chain is an alternative blockchain platform that offers lower transaction fees and faster confirmation times than Ethereum. Flow is a newer blockchain platform that is designed specifically for building decentralized applications and NFTs, and it has gained popularity due to its scalability and developer-friendly features.