Success in the shipping industry depends on the ability to navigate change, anticipate challenges, and seize opportunities.– Maersk


The legendary words of Maersk are used as a guiding light in the shipping and transportation world, even today. Shipping makes up a massive portion of the world's GDP. In fact, calling it a lifeline of the global economy is an understatement. That's the vitality of shipping in today's world.


And this is not a new-age business. Shipping has been around for as long as human history has been. Even ancient Mesopotamians, Indus Valley civilizations, and Ancient Egyptians used shipping as a primary mode of transportation thousands of years back. Based on this, it's easy to gauge how vital shipping today is for the interlinked economies. 


Almost 90% of the world's goods are transported via shipping. Every year, 11 Billion tonnes of goods are transported via shipping lanes and the actual value of the goods transported via shipping lanes is almost $14 Trillion, with a T! That's more than the GDP of numerous countries combined. 


There is no denying that the shipping industry and shipping firms are the soles of the global supply chain. These shipping companies often have to present themselves and their assets in front of potential customers and investors alike. For that, they need a shipping company presentation that's perfectly crafted and tailored according to industry standards.


At SlideTeam, our experts have created a list of such templates that can help shipping firms with company descriptions and presentations. Click here to check out company history templates, to prepare company profile presentations.


The 100% editable and customizable nature of these presentation templates provides you with the flexibility to edit at will. The content-ready PPT Slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let's take a look at these templates one by one.


Template 1: Shipping Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If you are looking for a comprehensive template that can help you present your shipping firm's profile. This transportation firm overview covers an executive summary, global presence, transport services, transport fleet, business model, and ownership structure. You can use this deck to outline your CSR activities, plans, and even SWOT analysis. This template also gives an in-depth look into the financial assets of your firm. It's a perfect presentation template for meetings with clients, stakeholders, partners, and potential investors. The template offers a thorough insight and a complete breakdown of your company and its vital metrics.


Shipping Company Profile


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Template #2: Executive Summary

This template gives viewers a detailed executive summary of your shipping firm. The template is clean and looks professional, and it's blue and white color palette makes it very pleasing. The template outlines the company services in a crisp and short description. It also covers the revenue distribution using a horizontal bar chart that offers better clarity to the viewers. The template also has a USP section that highlights critical advantages with bullet points. The best part is about the leadership section. As the leadership is highlighted using a circular layout and names of the key figures, viewers can quickly identify who is at the helm.


Executive summary


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Template #3: Brief Company Overview

This template lays out a crisp overview of your company. The best part? The overview looks very pleasing and professional. What makes it even better is its layout of the content. On the left side, it has key company details, names, founding years, employees, locations, and website. On the right side, the template lays out the company's key subsidiaries, awards, and achievements. The template also has images of skyscrapers in the background. Download now and get ready for your next powerful presentation!


Brief company overview


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Template #4: Company Guiding Principles 

Use this PPT Template to present your transportation firm's guiding principles to the viewers. The template has three boxes with each one is dedicated to Vision, Mission, and Core Values. Each box has a relevant icon to make it engaging. The core values are listed in the bullet points, which makes them easy to read and grasp. Download Now!


Company guiding principles


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Template #5: International Presence 

International presence is critical for any shipping firm. So, during any presentation, highlighting your transportation firm's global presence can be impactful. It features a global map that highlights all of your company's locations across multiple continents. The template uses icons to showcase where the offices are present. While on the right-hand side, the template lists the exact locations of the office and the number of employees present there. The locations covered include America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific.


International presence


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Template #6: Global Supply Chain Routes and Locations

This template showcases the supply chain routes and locations of your organization's fleet. It can showcase your global presence, the routes your transport fleet takes, and your organization's ability. The template has a world map and icons that represent various logistics elements like warehouses, sorting centers, and a number of trucks, planes, and cargo ships. Overall, the viewer can get a gist of your firm's shipping ability. The layout looks clear and properly organized. This helps your users to understand the company's extensive logistics network. The design uses a blue and white color scheme, maintaining a professional and cohesive look.


Global supply chain routes and locations


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Template 7: Order Distribution by Services Category

This PPT Template gives a detailed classification of what type of goods the shipping firm has transported over the year. It divides all the orders throughout the year and records it on a pie chart. A box that lists all the key insights related to the orders your organization has received. The chart is visually engaging, with distinct colors for each category. The layout is clear and informative. This makes it easy to understand the distribution of orders across various service categories. Downlaod Now!


Orders distribution by services category in 2022


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Template 8: Transport Fleet

This PPT Template showcases the shipping firm's comprehensive logistics fleet. It helps to deliver a presentation to potential clients about the organization's ability to deliver goods on time. The template is divided into multiple sections, each dedicated to the ground fleet, air fleet, and shipping container fleet. The ground fleet section lists various trailer types. These include curtain sider trailers, heavy haul trailers, flatbed trailers, multi-car trailers, step frame trailers, and refrigerator trailers. Similarly, the air fleet section features cargo planes, and shipping container fleets share information about cargo ships. Download Now!


Our transport fleet


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Template 9: Ownership Structure

This template is critical as it shares the company's ownership dynamics with the views. It helps stakeholders understand who has what level of influence in the organization. This template features a pie chart that splits the company's ownership among company promoters, retail investors, and foreign institutional investors. As the color-coding is unique, it's easy to differentiate between each shareholder. The clutter-free and clean layout gives a very professional vibe. The blue and white color scheme helps maintain a professional tone and appeal. The most interesting part? The information this template shares is critical for investors, analysts, and potential partners.


Ownership structure


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Template 10: Our Major Clients

Showcasing significant clients is a compelling method for shipping firms to land new clients. It helps them showcase the ability and the trust they command in the market. This template can be beneficial in this case. The template has distinct sections for private clients, the US government, e-commerce companies, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, and import & export companies. Each category is labeled and lists specific client names. All of these icons are connected in a circular flow. This emphasizes the company's wide range and ability. Downlaod Now!


Our major clients


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Wrapping Up


Company description templates can prove helpful for shipping firms. They could act as a primary and impactful point of contact between organizations and potential clients. And that's where our templates can help.


These templates are systematically crafted only for a shipping firm, making them more impactful and persuasive. So, no matter where you represent your transport firm, these templates can prove helpful. Download the template that suits your needs and make an impressive presentation!Â