In this competitive era, every second is crucial for the organizational development and employee performance is an important aspect determining the growth and success of an organization. This is why performance review is a must. Employees, however, are reluctant to undergo performance assessment. This is even as most HR managers realize its significance for Performance Management and Performance Appraisal Ratings.


The process of reviewing performance is not an easy one and the need for a fair and systematic method to conduct performance review of employees led to the origin of employee self-assessment. 


Refer to our templates on self-assessment for streamlining the process of performance management. Click here!


According to an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey: "We do not learn from experience ... we learn from reflecting on experience."


Reflecting on experience is all about self-assessment of the work already done. It helps build confidence, and increase efficiency to achieve a goal. 


What is Employee Self-Assessment?


It is a process that involves employees evaluating their job performance, considering their achievements, and identifying work challenges and areas of improvement. It enables employees to gain deeper insights into their involvement with the role, look at their strengths and weaknesses, and work to improve their capabilities. This would also enhance employee engagement, and boost motivation, thereby resulting in higher productivity and huge profits for the organization. 


For hands-on tips on systematic self-evaluation, take a look at our templates crafted with excellence. 


Need For Self-Assessment Template 


Self-evaluation is a critical process. HR managers often face complications in drafting an appropriate and professional self-assessment form. If you are a manager wondering how to craft the right self-assessment format, Slide Team is here to take away your worries. We offer world-class templates designed by experts, 100% editable and customizable, to ease the process of conducting Self-Assessment. 


Let us explore and examine these impactful templates!


Template 1 – Self Assessment for Job Promotion 

Use this PPT Template to indicate the beginning of the self-assessment process. The image illustrated here shows two men exchanging greetings which symbolizes a constructive and highly motivated start with a warm welcome. To evoke interest in your employees and encourage them to go ahead with the procedure of self-evaluation, this template on self-assessment for job promotion is a must-have. Well Begun is Half Done! So, make the right decision. 


Self Assessment for Job Promotion


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Template 2 – Employee Behaviour Scorecard with Self-Assessment 

For evaluating employee performance, we have a PPT Slide which can be used to rate the competencies of each worker. In this template, name and designation of employee is mentioned. Also, there is competencies section where you can see project management, presentation skills, etc. Each of these skills will be rated as self-assessment, the manager’s assessment, and peer feedback from initial period to the final to predict employee’s work behaviour. 


Employee Behavior Scorecard with Self Assessment


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Template 3 – Individual Self-Assessment for Why Should I Get a Job

This PPT Template can be used for self-assessment of an employee to showcase why they are fit to take up the job. For self-evaluation, leadership skills, strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, technical knowledge, time management and more can be considered as depicted in this slide. An individual must discuss capabilities and experience with reference to this set of professional proficiencies to persuade the manager about their work efficiency. 


Individual Self Assessment for Why Should I Get A Job


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Template 4 – Three-Column Layout Illustration to file

Self-Assessment Online 

Take advantage of this well-crafted PPT slide for online self-assessment. The three-column layout adds visual and professional appeal to the slide and the pitch. In this slide, you can mention and explain the highlights of your project experience, core responsibilities, and leadership skills etc. to speak volumes about your ability to be considered for a job. 


3 Column Layout Illustration to File Self Assessment Online


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Template 5 – Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Efficient Organizational Diagnosis

Deploy this Self-Assessement Questionnaire PPT Template for organizational diagnosis. The efficiency of an employee depends on their team members, managers and organizational support. Therefore, use this slide to make workers provide rating between 1-5 on questions, such as whether the organization promotes personal growth and development etc. This way you can get to know your employees' valuable feedback about the company. 


Self Assessment Questionnaire for Efficient Organizational Diagnosis


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Template 6 - Ask to Prepare Self-Assessment

This PPT Template is designed to offer a chance of self-assessment through performance appraisal ratings. On a segment of the slide, you can see criteria for self-evaluation which includes quality of work, productivity, knowledge of job, reliability and dependability, and attendance, and against each of these there are boxes where employees must rate themselves on attributes, such as outstanding, very good, good, below average and unsatisfactory.


Ask to Prepare Self-Assessment


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Template 7 – Employee Self-Assessment Form

In an organization, employees are hired for performing varied roles and functions. It is important to examine each of these for a complete self-evaluation process. Using this PPT slide, you can get employees to mark themselves in the varied core responsibilities they are involved with for example, Performance Management, and the ratings can be given in three categories - Extraordinary Contributor, Contributor, and Below Contributor. 


Employee Self Assessment Form


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Template 8 – Self Assessment

Measure personal characteristics of your employees to check their suitability for a job position. Using this PPT Template, you can analyse their punctuality, diligence and thoroughness, persuasiveness, assertiveness, self-esteem and confidence, determination, teamwork, flexibility and other traits. In this template, ratings range from +1 to +3 as pronounced, and -1 to -3 as weak.  


Self Assessment


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Template 9 - Self-Assessment Form for Employees

Coming towards the end of critical self-assessment, it is important to have a concluding page where personal details of the employees such as Name, Department, Job Role, Period for Self-Review, Date of Self-Review Submitted to Supervisor must be written. Use this template to allow employees to fill up these facts. Additionally, this slide also comprises a feedback areas section (for Job - Specific Knowledge, Specific Skills) and Comments. 


Self Assessment Format for Employees


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Template 10 – Employee Self-Assessment with Productivity and Work Quality

To streamline the process of self-assessment of employees, you can use this comprehensive template crafted by the professionals. Here, the personal information of an employee like name and department will be filled up. Apart from this, there is a section for performance evaluation of job knowledge, productivity, quality etc. which can be rated as excellent/good/fair/poor with proper comments. 


Employee Self Assessment with Productivity and Work Quality


Download this PPT 


Develop a Culture of Trust 


Self-Assesement is a win-win situation for the employees and the managers. Receiving feedback from the workers about the organization and asking them questions for self-evaluation gives them a sense of importance. This helps enhance their motivation and improves productivity. Also, when a manager gets a clear picture of what makes an employee tick a certain box, they can use their efforts to achieve the desired goal. 


PS Apart from evaluating an individual employee, it is also important to assess team. To get an idea about team assessment. Click here!