Want your project to be successful? Go for project scoping. Point blank. 


Just as a map is crucial while venturing an uncharted territory, project scoping is crucial to get a direction and the project’s know-how. 


Project scoping is a part of project planning that outlines the project and helps keep all the activities under check. According to Harvard Business Review, one out of six projects has about 70% of schedule overrun and a cost exceeding 200% on an average. As time, money, and quality are decisive factors for project success, we cannot just let them go to waste.


Let us get into the details of project scoping and how it is vital for efficient management.

What is Project Scoping?

Let us understand project scoping with a simple day-to-day example. When we go shopping, we list all the items required, decide which shops to go to, the estimated cost of each item, etc. We do this little task before stepping out of the house to save time and not miss any essential thing on the list. This is when project scoping (setting the boundaries) comes into play in a project. 


Project managers have several activities and tasks to address. No matter how seasoned a project manager is, keeping up with time, budget, and client expectations can be stressful. One of the major issues with which the manager has to deal is scope creep or the uncontrolled growth or continuous changes that occur after the project begins, which is entirely avoidable with a well-thought-out project scoping. 


Project scoping is a set of processes for determining and documenting the deliverables, tasks, goals, and features for efficient project execution. Irrespective of the size and complexity, it is drafted before the project commencement to keep the team members and stakeholders on the same page.

Steps to Write a Flawless Project Scoping Document

Following are the time-tested tips for drafting a worthwhile project scoping document and smooth execution. 


  1. State the project requirements clearly.
  2. Describe the SMART project objectives in terms of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timeframe goals.
  3. Define the responsibilities of key stakeholders.
  4. Divide the project activities into smaller workable components.
  5. Mention all the possible limitations, constraints, and assumptions.
  6. Inspect, review, and validate the project scoping document to ensure everything is on track.


To build your project in a structured framework, SlideTeam designers have created these top 10 project scoping PowerPoint presentation slides for efficient management. You can take advantage of these comprehensively-researched templates to make your project management career soar within a few clicks. 


Let us dive into the templates below!


Top 10 Project Scoping PowerPoint Presentation Slides To Download 

Template 1

Project ScopingDownload Project Scoping Template


Give the project brief and describe the key features using our intuitively-designed project scoping complete deck. Describe the project scope management process and how it is beneficial in an elaborate manner by incorporating this attention-grabbing project scoping template.

Template 2

Scope Of WorkDownload Scope Of Work Template


The project manager can highlight the project management lifecycle and its phases by employing this content-ready project scoping complete deck. Comprising 32 creatively-designed slides, this project scoping template can present the relevant project requirements effectively. You can also showcase the entire project management team hierarchy by utilizing this pre-designed slide.

Template 3

Project Scope OverviewDownload Project Scope Overview Template


Describe the roles and responsibilities of each team member to ensure that project deliverables are achieved on time using this pre-built complete deck. You can discuss the project scope components such as product acceptance criteria, project exclusions, assumptions, and dependencies by downloading this ready-made project scoping template. 

Template 4

Project Scope FrameworkDownload Project Scope Framework Template


Highlight the project management lifecycle and its four phases by introducing this well-researched project scoping template. As this complete deck is entirely editable, you can change the content as per business requirements. Project managers can also discuss the risk identification factors effectively using this project scoping slide.

Template 5

Project Scope ManagementDownload Project Scope Management Template


List the factors considered for efficient project management by downloading this ready-made project scoping template. The icons used in this template instantly grab the viewers’ attention and can be used for brainstorming sessions.

Template 6

Project Scope Statement

Download Project Scope Statement Template


Discuss the approach you adopt as a project manager by employing this amazingly-designed project scoping template. You can give critical features of each step of project planning and its management with this stunning project scoping template.

Template 7

Project Scope And Deliverables

Download Project Scope And Deliverables Template


Download this content-ready project scoping template and put your best foot forward for a business meeting. Impress your stakeholders by clearly defining the scope and deliverables of the project. As this template is entirely editable, you can modify the content as per the requirements with just a few clicks.

Template 8

Project Scope Development

Download Project Scope Development Template


Highlight the critical features of project planning in a lucid manner with this pre-built project scoping template. Download this pre-designed project scoping slide and clearly define the various determinants. The tabular format presented in this template makes it easy for the viewer to grasp the key points.

Template 9

Project Scope ManagementDownload Project Scope Management Template


List the various factors of project planning using this professionally-designed project scoping template. The icons used here make this editable template visually appealing and, hence, can enhance the presentation instantly. Project managers can easily take advantage of this slide and present their managing skills.

Template 10

Project ScopeDownload Project Scope Template


State the different critical points of a well-drafted project scoping document in an interesting manner by introducing this amazingly-designed project scoping template. The color palette used here gives this template a contemporary look and feel, which makes it visually appealing. 


Showcase your project management skills by downloading these top 10 project scoping PowerPoint presentation slides for efficient management. Using these content-ready templates not only saves a lot of time but also gives a professional presentation. So what are you waiting for? Download now!