Marketing is best way to tap the customers. However, we have gone from traditional word-of-mouth marketing to digital marketing, but the ultimate checklist remains the same. For example, unnerving the demographics, marketing audit, product audit, etc. These factors are still looked into and contribute to making brand identity.


All these marketing strategies are backed by a checklist that determines its success. So, if you want your brand to take off and reach miles ahead where there is no pause button, these curated slides by SlideTeam can further your journey. They are editable and are determined to make your business work the way you want.


Template 1- Marketing Checklist Including External and Internal Audit

Do you have intense ambitions to succeed? What will differentiate you from others is how you look at the brand and carry it forward. The external and internal audit could be the tool to gauge. These audits will let you look into the competitors’ strategy, evaluate your key strengths and weaknesses, and let you create an actionable strategy that sync well with the target audience.


Marketing Checklist including External and Internal Audit


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Template 2- MVP Launch Plan Financing and Marketing Checklist

Finding the right price for the product is a thoughtful strategy; hence, a detailed checklist is made to create a pricing structure and is then evaluated if the same is implemented in the right fashion. The template keeps an eye on the same by creating a matrix where the different pointers, like pricing structure, risk, and cost revenue forecast, estimate budget for marketing, and test the brand's value proposition are studied. Download this template to give your product a perfect launch.


MVP launch plan financing and marketing checklist


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Template 3- LinkedIn Marketing Checklist for Strategy Formulation

The old marketing channels have already signaled a goodbye. And new ones have already emerged to take its place. LinkedIn is effective in getting target business impressions, but transforming your market game is not that easy. You must create digital marketing goals, bring forward the advanced profiles that capture your brand holding power, and connect with the audience. This template covers it all. Download this template to witness higher engagement and conversion rates.


LinkedIn marketing checklist for strategy formulation


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Template 4- On-page SEO Marketing Checklist For Website Optimization Business Client Capture Guide

SEO is a powerful tactic to find customers and leverage their strengths. The template will give you insights on what to keep an eye on to create a healthy website that fosters relationships and generates success. It includes pointers like examining your website, conducting SEO assessments, URL audits, ensuring that the keywords are mentioned in the URL for effective optimization, internal and external links, meta descriptions, etc. Download this template to enhance the website's visibility.


On-Page SEO marketing checklist for website optimization


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Template 5- Content Marketing Checklist for Social Media Strategy

Nowadays, when you search for a brand, you just don't Google it; you look at it on Instagram, Facebook, etc. That's what shows the prowess of social media. Hence, creating and evaluating social media handles is necessary to make a market presence. The template provides you strategies for who your target customers and influencers are and how you can transform them to full-fledged customers. All, in all, this template measures your social media success by creating a comprehensive checklist.


Content Marketing Checklist for Social Media Strategy


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Template 6- E-Marketing Checklist to Improve Website Ranking

Website ranking requires persistent efforts, constant vigilance, and report creation. This template looks into various checklist points that will solidify your position and let you rank high. It contains various pointers that every manager has to factor in, like previous published content, how long you have been using social media marketing, the number of visitors your website gets in a month, do you personalize automated email marketing, does every page have a call to action; all these points cumulatively will direct you towards high ranking. Download this template to position your brand!


E-marketing Checklist to Improve Website Ranking


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Template 7-Supply Chain and Marketing Checklist

Supply Chain is the backbone of the company. Any minor hindrance can cause irreparable loss. Hence, this template is an onlooker guide or a checklist that boosts your logistics strategy. It includes self-introspection questions, like do you have a validated supply chain strategy? Does your employee clearly understand the objectives and functions? And do you have KPAs to assess marketing achievement by logistics objectives? Also, this double-edged template lets you gain insight into your customer's thought process. Download this template to make your business’s functions seamless!


Supply Chain and Logistics Marketing Checklist


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Template 8- Online and Offline Marketing Checklist with Status

Whether you want to expand your business or launch your exclusive brand, actionable marketing strategies offer higher growth opportunities. Here’s a checklist that will help you to pen down points that will scale up your operations – such as, budget allocation for offline and online marketing strategy, best channels to communicate with the audience, strategies designed to attain and retain stakeholders, speakers involved in marketing campaigns, etc. Download this template to beat your competitors!


Online and Offline Marketing Checklist with Status


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Template 9- Building Communication Effective Brand Marketing Checklist 

Launching a new brand and the thrill of handling it might make you lose the grip. Hence, you must abide by the checklist that helps you devise the right strategy. The template lets you look into your target audience, communication channels, value proposition, campaigns, etc.  Download the template to let your brand presence feel.


Checklist for creating right brand message


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Template 10- Sports Team Social Media Marketing Checklist

Are you a budding entrepreneur who owns a sports team that lacks popularity, or do you want to raise funds for your venture? Social media marketing will bring robust growth. This template is an opportunity to make you look into the different facets of the game and set yourself as a brand. For example, with it, you can plan different social media events pre and post happening, add highlights, create calendars, etc.


The template is divided into three matrices: pre-game, during-game, and pre-game. In pre-game, there are pointers like creating content for social media posts, translating content in multiple languages, and adding sponsor elements, during the game- tweet live, upload live game posts, engage the audience, etc., and in the last pre-game, you can spotlight the game highlights.


Download this template to derive success as a social media manager.


Sports team social media marketing checklist


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You can thrive and surpass business fluctuations only if you have a solid marketing strategy that pushes your business. These templates are the accompaniment that can let you connect the business dots, let you reach the market audience and solidify your position in the market. They also help you avoid  significant mistakes and achieve extraordinary returns. With it you can measure and tap your customers, find out your weaknesses, evaluate your strengths, do audits and create a benchmark for success.