Feedback is the breakfast of champions. This anecdotal wisdom is true for businesses that wish to avoid wasted effort, and ensure that they create their own market niche at rapid pace. Now, the question is how do you solicit or seek feedback from stakeholders, be it customers, internal team, employees, or vendors et al? The answer is, of course, a feedback form.


If your requirement is for feedback on performance, SlideTeam's templates on performance is the answer.  Click here to access these best-in-class presentations that deliver. 


If you want to create a feedback form that works, you have come to the right place! In this blog, we will show you how to design a feedback form that collects valuable information from your audience in the format you require to make decisions.


You might wonder how to ask questions or structure your form to encourage honest and meaningful answers. Don't worry; we've got you covered.


We will walk you through creating a feedback form template that suits your specific goals and needs. You will learn how to craft clear and relevant questions, organize your form logically and aesthetically. Whether you need help in brainstorming or building a form from scratch, this guide will help you create a feedback form that delivers results.


The 100% customizable nature of the templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready nature provides the structure and the starting point. Let's get started!


Template 1: Feedback Form for Team Building Event

Do you want to know how well your team-building event went? Don't worry; we have the perfect feedback form for this. Use this presentation template to measure the success rate of your team-building initiatives.


This form asks questions about team-building and invites you to respond by indicating your level of agreement using ticks that range from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree'. It allows your team members to share their opinions and feelings and makes it easy to follow-up with them and discuss issues that matter. Get this feedback form today!


Feedback Form for Team Building Event


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Template 2 Customer Billing System Process Feedback Form 

This PPT Template showcases customer feedback from an e-commerce company billing system to know how satisfied consumers are with their payment service. Customer Billing System, Strongly Disagree, and Strongly Agree are the subjects covered in this slide with six questions in the sample that you can, of course, customize. The form asks for ratings on a scale of 1-5, with 1 representing the lowest rating and 5 the highest. Take your chance to download it right away!


Customer Billing System Process Feedback Form


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Template 3 Performance Coaching Session Feedback Form

This package includes a PowerPoint template that helps gather employee feedback about the training and the sessions attended. It covers employee information, coach details, on how much the trainees liked the session, ways the employee got better, what the coach thinks, and some smart coach insights. The scale moves from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Just click to download it and impress your audience!


Performance Coaching Session Feedback Form


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Template 4 Feedback One-to-One Form Communication PPT Presentation Ideas Graphics Design

In this content-ready presentation, we will explore the concept of one-on-one communication feedback forms designed explicitly for interactions between team members and managers. This thorough template covers critical business components, including planning, strategy, marketing, and management, emphasizing future implications and potential growth. Grab it now!


Feedback - One to One Form (2/2)


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Template 5 Feedback Self-Evaluation Form Accomplishing PPT Presentation Portfolio

The self-evaluation form functions as a tool that helps you see how well you are doing and where you can improve. This questionnaire asks about your professional accomplishments, giving your self-evaluation a valuable new perspective. This form helps your evaluator follow your talk easily and remember essential parts.


Feedback - Self Evaluation Form


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Template 6 Customer Satisfaction Feedback Form With Ratings

Customers may express their opinions about the service they received using this content-ready PPT Template. It’s similar to a short questionnaire that allows customers to rate our performance. In these slides, customer Areas of Interest cover Customer Service Helpfulness, Customer Service Knowledge, Communication of Services Offered, Timeliness of Billing, and Cost of Services. Customers can rate these factors by checking the box next to one: very poor, poor, fair, sound, or exceptional. It's an easy and quick way for customers to voice their opinions, and open the doors for a business that is listening to improve and deliver better.


Customer Satisfaction Feedback Form with Ratings


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Template 7 Employee Induction Training Feedback Form With Ratings

This detailed Feedback Form helps new employees share thoughts about their training. This presentation template form solicits feedback from trainees to make things better, and the trainees inside the room as well. It also covers things related to their job, so that they understand that the management wants them to well. Use this feedback to make training even better and help new employees succeed, easily and quickly. Get it now and make a change!


Employee Induction Training Feedback Form with Ratings


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Template 8  Feedback Form For Employees Client Mentions PPT Presentation

This ready-to-use feedback form is designed to capture valuable insights from employees. It encompasses a range of questions focused on the employee’s recent learning experiences, progress toward their goals, and development plan. Moreover, the form encourages employees to candidly express any frustrations or challenges they're facing, while also asking for potential solutions. Employees can also highlight their interests in future roles or positions, providing a glimpse into their career aspirations. Additionally, the form guides employees in outlining their plan for the upcoming one-on-one meeting, ensuring a productive and focused discussion. Impress your audience with a download now!


Feedback form for Employees Client


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Template 9 Support Team Mapping Feedback Form

Here’s a unique form to improve our support team’s teamwork. It’s like a talking tool, where we answer questions from strongly disagree to strongly agree. If something does not fit, we say, ‘unable to rate’. The essential questions are team commitment, sharing, helping, and liking new ideas. Your answers show our strengths and areas to improve. For example, if many say strongly agree, a level of commitment is showcase.


Support Team Mapping Feedback Form


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Template 10 Feedback Form For Customer Survey With Rating

Introducing our Customer Survey Feedback Form, designed to capture your insights. This form lets you rate us from 1-5 (1 being lowest, 5 highest) on the technical and non-technical aspects. Technical covers meeting targets, standards, and tech use. Non-Technical explores query responses, timelines, and document accuracy. You can also share what you like and suggest improvements. Download now for impactful feedback!


Feedback Form for Customer Survey with Rating


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Template 11  Client Feedback Form For Training Program

We made this form just for you to take feedback for training programs. This is intended to gauge everything about the environment in which the training took place, so that needed corrective steps can be taken. The statement take the form of whether the actual hall of the training was  comfortable; was the course organized well, did the training help you do your job better, and if the course content was relevant to your work. You can rate these things from 1-5. Download this ready-made PPT Template now!


Client Feedback Form for Training Program


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Understanding the Need for Continuous Improvement


Feedback is critical for any organization to do well. It helps us understand what people need and how we can make things better. Our PowerPoint Presentation Templates make giving feedback easy and exciting. You can use this templates to share your thoughts in a clear and fun way. So, get our templates now.


PS If you want to know more about  business information templates like fact sheets, business plans, company profiles, please click here to access best-in-class templates.


FAQs on Feedback Form


What is feedback form in research?


A feedback form in research is like a questionnaire that asks people for their thoughts and opinions. It helps researchers or organizers understand what people liked and didn't like or how things could be better. It helps improve things like studies, events, products, or services based on what people say. The form can have multiple-choice questions or spaces for people to write their answers. It’s like getting advice from people to make things even better.


Why do we need feedback form?


A feedback form helps gather people’s thoughts about your company’s service. Its purpose is to understand customers’ feelings and discover areas that improve.


What are the benefits of giving feedback?


Regular feedback offers the following benefits:


1) Helps you improve your performance : Feedback identifies areas for improvement in your work and offers strategies for achieving your objectives.

2) Develops open dialogue:  Asking for feedback encourages candid discussions with coworkers and bosses, strengthening bonds and professional growth.

3) Improves chances of promotion:  Actively seeking feedback demonstrates commitment, increasing your promotion prospects.

4) Provides an opportunity to learn from others: Receiving feedback enables you to benefit from the expertise and experience of others.