Emergency! You never know when one will come your way, but if you know and you have the opportunity to bug out, you should definitely do that! 


A fire erupted in a 35-story skyscraper in New York City in 2019. Fortunately, no one got hurt due to a well-planned and rehearsed evacuation plan that ensured a swift and safe evacuation of all occupants, leaving no one behind. 


It is never easy to deal with an emergency, and neither is evacuating a facility during one. In an urge to quickly escape, many of us can panic or lose the ability to think logically in a crisis, causing injuries and property damage. So, how can you stop getting paranoid over the smallest of urgencies? Draft an evacuation plan template today!


The impact of a changing business environment cannot be managed, but your emergency management plan can. Tide over those emergencies with our Top 10 Emergency Management Plan Templates!


How can you make one, you ask?


At SlideTeam, we understand that taking the right measures in those moments of chaos can make all the difference. This is why we provide you with the best of our evacuation plan templates so that you can be ready for anything and everything! 


Each one of our templates lays out all the essentials you need in an evacuation plan: evacuation measures, protocols, designated exits, escape routes, meeting points, crisis management strategies, and much more to ensure a swift and safe emergency evacuation.


Oh, we nearly forgot to mention that each of our templates is 100 % customizable, editable, and ready to use. This allows you to tailor them according to your workplace layout and potential hazards/ emergencies.


Let’s have a look at these templates!


No fire extinguisher can put off a panic attack! Get our Top 10 Emergency Response Plan Templates to equip and train your team to handle any unexpected incidents smoothly!


Template 1: Evacuation Plan PPT Template Bundles DTE

Try this template to believe in the power of clear evacuation signage in an emergency or a disaster! It encompasses crucial aspects of a well-planned evacuation plan, such as the steps, escape routes, response team plan, training plan, medical emergency plan, measures, protocols, and crisis management strategies. There’s more! The evacuation plan checklist in the bundle helps everyone understand their roles in case of an emergency, avoiding confusion in stressful situations. The designated responsibility and status sections in the checklist will allow you to view who is responsible for completing a specific task under an evacuation plan and allow you to mark the completion status of each task. Grab it now!


Evacuation Plan


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Template 2: Developing an Effective Fire Evacuation Strategy Training PPT

Lay out this clear fire evacuation plan to prioritize your employees' well-being. The eight steps listed in this slide are fire evacuation strategy, alarm systems, evacuation routes and strategies, appropriate signage, firefighting equipment, fire wardens and trained personnel, alarm testing and fire drills, and business continuity measures. Use this template to share emergency procedures and communication protocols, and alert emergency services. Its designated guidelines for handling medical situations and scheduling equipment testing drills let you effectively train your workforce, ensuring readiness. The template also sheds light on the importance of a well-maintained and frequently serviced operational fire alarm system in the workplace and using emergency alerts to notify everyone. Get it now!


Fire Evaluation Stratergy

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Template 3: Execution of Evacuation Plan by Fire Marshals

Are you ready to take action when that alarm blares? Think again, as this evacuation plan outlines steps and guidelines for fire marshals to follow during evacuations. Steps like conducting area checks and reporting to the emergency coordinator to seek further instructions from the fire officer minimize chaos and confusion during emergencies. The template also highlights two types of fire evacuation systems– roll call and fire marshal that facilitate coordination and communication among fire marshals and other staff members during evacuations. Get access to it now!


Execution of Evacuation Plan by Fire Marshals


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Template 4: Evacuation Procedure in Case of Fire at Hotel Training PPT

Keep panic away with this all-in-one hotel training PPT. It discusses the necessary procedures to be followed by the hotel’s staff members and guests in case of fire emergencies. It equips the staff with the knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of guests and themselves, ensuring a smooth evacuation. The slide covers six crucial steps to be followed. These are:


  • Removing people from the dangerous site and closing doors behind them.
  • Immediately leaving that particular area 
  • Activating the fire alarm station
  • Calling 9-1-1 to report the fire at the hotel
  • Fighting the fire (minor one) only together
  • Evacuating from the nearest exit and assisting others in reaching a safe exit


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Template 5: Evacuation Procedure if Fire Alarm is Activated Training PPT

This template acts as a fire saviour roadmap for everyone, including the steps from recognizing the alarm to evacuating the building safely. The guide helps both trainers and hotel employees understand their roles, eliminating confusion and making them react mindfully. Let's have a look at the elements:


  • Evacuating from the nearest safe exit and assisting people requiring assistance
  • Calling the emergency number to report the fire
  • Shutting the doors behind you
  • Proceeding to the designated assembly area of the building post-evacuation
  • Not re-entering the building at any cost until the fire department has given the "All-Clear" signal


Download this detailed template right away!




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Template 6: Workplace Emergency Evacuation Planning Checklist

Here’s a checklist for you to always stay one step ahead of uncertainties. It covers the four crucial phases required for a safe and smooth evacuation in case things go south. Assessing vulnerability, identifying safe areas, mapping out exit routes, or maintaining the plan — it has it all! Use this template to develop evacuation procedures and define the process of shutting down operations. Sections like ‘action required’ and ‘status’ of the template help establish a clear chain of command by communicating topics like conducting meetings to discuss procedures, assigning tasks, etc., and also letting you track the completion status of each task. Phase 4 of the template highlights the importance of consistently reviewing and updating the evacuation plan, as well as employee training as needed. Grab it now!




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Template 7: Response Plan Evacuation Workplace Document Response Planning Management

This all-inclusive guide paves you through all the phases of response plan development, shedding light on topics like emergency preparedness, response plan matrix, emergency response, and evacuation plans (fire, security breaches, cyber threats). The template also discusses the matrices, action steps for each incident, and key considerations for curating a well-rounded workplace and incident response plan. There's more! It also lets you go through the list of actions (procedures, roles, responsibilities, instructions, etc.) required to do risk analysis and tackle an incident. Use this template to review the objectives of response plans and analyze the procedure to identify measures of a hazard or an emergency incident. Get it now!




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Template 8: Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan for Organization

A chaotic, smoky, and stressful fire is the worst time to figure out the route to a fire escape, right? Not anymore! This template helps you safeguard lives and minimize fire harm by providing a robust framework to curate an emergency evacuation plan for your specific building, floor, department, or zone. It equips your organization with tools like emergency assembly points, evacuation routes, emergency contact information, evacuation signals, and evacuation responsibilities, helping you respond swiftly to fire incidents. Use this template to outline the roles and responsibilities of the Evacuation Coordinator and Floor Wardens, who play a significant role in guiding occupants to safety. It also lets you dispense emergency contact information to emergency services, the security office, the emergency coordinator, and the First Aid station. Grab it now!




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Template 9: Organization Emergency Evacuation Budget Plan

Who knew emergency response and incident planning could be budget-friendly? Explore it all with this detailed budget plan that lays out all the costs associated with an emergency evacuation. This plan ensures effective resource allocation for a financially sound and well-prepared approach to emergency preparedness, safety, and response capabilities. Use this template to elaborate, track, and manage the expenses, descriptions, estimated costs, actual costs, and variances. It has it all– From mass notification systems to route planning, temporary shelters, and emergency kits and training to track every penny. Get access to it now!




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Template 10: Fire Evacuation Plan: Evacuation Routes & Strategies

This template beeps louder than a fire drill, alerting you on the whole escape-to-victory plan! This road map entails all the evacuation routes and strategies in case of a workplace fire. Use this template to illustrate the lifesaving information and place it all around your organization. It lists the following rules:


  • A workplace's fire evacuation protocols must comprise a detailed strategy for how and when individuals should leave the building and what they should do afterwards.
  • A workplace must establish a suitable assembly location and identify all possible and safe exit routes.
  • A map of the evacuation route and your evacuation plan should be prominently displayed throughout your workplace, including signs like 'exit', 'fire exit', and 'keep clear'.


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Evacuation Planning is not a phenomenon for the future; it’s for us today! 


Today, organizations are already trying to navigate the complex nexus between staffing crises, climate change, global advancement, and rising uncertainty. To top it off, the lack of enforced building codes and well-structured evacuation plans punishes organizations' workers and employees, leaving them clueless and unprepared for emergencies that might hit their way. 


We hope our templates fired you up to take action and get prepared. So, don’t wait for that fire alarm to beep; download one of these templates to save the day and breathe because now you know it all! 


Face and combat those emergencies with confidence. Communicate and coordinate everything with our Top 7 Emergency Plan Checklist Templates!