In the computational and increasingly AI-driven world of today, deployment strategies are designed to introduce new features in software system. The aim is better adaptation to changing business needs and increase customer satisfaction. As we know, it is easy to buy the right software but, it’s real test is realized the moment we deploy it. This is the critical difference between having software and managing the deployment process of software. 


Learn about Deployment


Deployment is the final step in the development process of software it includes testing, installing software, configuring, setting up data, and collecting data to prepare it for its duties in any business environment. Making a product accessible for usage in a way that ensures optimal optimization, security, and compatibility is the essence of software deployment. The software deployment process must be tuned to software solutions’ uses and performance levels. Software deployment is crucial for software programs to be delivered, installed, and used correctly and effectively.


Why SlideTeam for the deployment process?


Sometimes, explaining why something is not going as planned or what hindrances you are facing can be challenging to identify. In the meanwhile, you are bombarded with questions and updates about the project. To increase predictability and boost developer satisfaction and expedite project development, planning about software deployment planning is critical. No matter how complicated the project is, it would help if you had a functional project plan, and to unlock functional plans, we have designed elaborative and creative deployment process templates, designed to define and structure the procedures for deployment. The results we will achieve are enhanced task delivery, identification of essential software, and setting up reasonable deadlines. That’s where SlideTeam comes into picture with PPT Templates that turn the deployment process into a breeze. Even better, each of these templates is 100% customizable and editable. You get a structure and a starting point, as well as the capability to tailor it to unique audience requirement.


Wondering how you reduce the risks associated with your deployment process? Click here to learn more about the function of release management during the deployment process.


Let’s get started with the deployment templates that will make your ease your business-life. 


Template 1 – Deployment Overview

Grab our latest build on the deployment template with this PPT Template that envisages the outcome of your project effectively. Design your target deployments targeted group while outlining the software release. Improve your search and deployment approach by preparing a rollback strategy, in case there are any crucial issues with the deployment. Use this template to outline how to secure real-time updates on work progress and proactively point possible problems that arise. By following these steps, you can avoid many typical deployment problems that mar the progress.


Deployment Overview


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Template 2 – Agenda PPT Template slide 

Provide a comprehensive guide on software deployment strategies to your team with the help of this exclusive slide. Gather appropriate data requirements, design software development, and research adequately to identify the unknown or risky aspects of the project. Build a distinctively designed strategy to yield profits with efficient Deployment processes.




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Template 3 – Challenges of Modern Application

Use this PPT Templates to define and understand upcoming or unforeseen obstacles with modern application processes. This template allows you to explain problems with modern technology and how to solve each of these. Employ this template to measure the value of your existing application, while unveiling a comparative analysis of the modern and traditional application deployment methods. This template allows you to find the right combination of assets to ensure technology solves the modern barriers, using this deployment strategy entire deck to identify application growth and success. Add this to your cart now!


Challenges of Modern Applications


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Template 4 – Deployment Strategies – Rolling Deployments 

To successfully launch software, we require an adequate plan and deployment strategies to influence the downtime and lower the company’s operational cost in enabling the process; we have crafted our deployment strategy template that mainly emphasizes the deployment method. A way to go about it that this templates highlights is that you gradually replace bits and pieces of an application one at a time, until all the instances have been pushed out. So, what are you waiting for? Come and add yours now!


Deployment Strategy - Rolling Deployments


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Template 5 – Rolling Deployment Pattern PPT Template

To provide smooth software updates and ensure all deployment is appropriate, we need to stick to particular deployment techniques or, say, a pattern that provides an extensive reach to the audience while increasing the uptime during the deployment process. Unlock this powerful deployment pattern template that outlines and creates your rolling deployment processes, while performing and keeping an eye on the verified upgraded system software. Use this template to communicate openly with stakeholders and end-users during deployment while keeping track of the system's performance.


Rolling Deployment Pattern


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Template 6 – Rolling Deployment Use Cause 

Showcase deployment process that lead to the transformation of a traditional application to a modern one. Demonstrate the whole procedure and its effectiveness to your stakeholders and end-users to make it attractive to present the process in the four phases, from deploying it to the A/B tier or coupling it with other resources.


Rolling Deployment Use Case


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Template 7 –  Deployment Strategy – Blue – Green, Red – Black or A/B Deployment Pattern

It’s critical to select a deployment method that best fits the needs and objectives of your project because each one has specific benefits and use cases. Shift your reach audience between two identical environments while running it live on two applications with the help of the blue/green strategy. This presentation template allows you to expand your reach and optimize your growth potential.


Blue-Green, Red-Black or A /B Deployment Pattern


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Template 8 – Deployment Strategy – Canary Deployment 

Deploy this advanced version of the blue/green strategy, a canary deployment strategy to escalate traffic. Release out the route of live productive traffic to versions of the application without any downtime, test out the risk, and deploy the baseline version while you deploy the canary. Download this template to monitor and enhance your deployment strategies for better results.


Deployment Strategy - Canary Deployment


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Template 9 – Canary Deployment Pattern

Take advantage of the canary deployment pattern strategy to identify and prepare a target group for the release while monitoring and analysing the performance and user feedback. When no errors are found, control the new version's rollout. Get the template right away to significantly impact software releases and deployment to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction.


Canary Deployment Pattern


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Template 10 – Routing Techniques PPT Template

Use this effective method of routing technique to segregate and highlight your key areas of software deployment procedures. With this ppt layout, you can highlight and emphasize the planning, development, course-building, testing, production, and Deployment. Kick starts your journey by downloading it now.


Routing Techniques


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Simplify your Deployment Process with SlideTeam


SlideTeam's objective is to design and create a software deployment template for professionals to test their tiny section of the software to confirm that it behaves in far more efficient manner and satisfies the end-user. Push the update to the environment in use by users and plan out the process of deployment. The aim is to enhance the predictability and escalate the business. The deployment procedure is crucial for a corporation as it allows corporation to find and fix errors faster, before these start having negative business consequences.


PS: Are you looking to develop your deployment process but unsure of where to begin? To run your software activities without errors, Click here.


FAQS on Deployment Best Practices


What are the three main steps in the deployment process? 


  • Preparation: Here, developer must gather all the code that needs to be deployed. At this stage, the code that must be deployed and any necessary configuration files, libraries, or resources can be packaged as a single resource.
  • Testing –Done to ensure that no discrepancies and flaws are seen against previous software, no new software can be deployed before performing the testing method. 
  • Deployment: At this stage, a fresh code has been integrated into the actual working environment. There should be little to no chance of problems because the procedure is carried out precisely as it is in the test environment. To be safe, it's a good idea to check for problems on the live server.


What are the types of Deployment?


  • Full Deployment - a type in which the software is released simultaneously.
  • Rolling Deployment - Rolling Deployment periodically delivers updates to a subset of servers or user groups while maintaining the prior version for the remaining part of the system.
  • Blue/green Deployment – it involves running two identical environments simultaneously. 
  • Canary Deployment - involves distributing a new software version to a select group of users or devices, also known as the "canary group."


How do you practice deployment process?


  • Create a deployment checklist: To make a checklist, include each action needed to deploy code to your multiple environments. This list will ensure that nothing is overlooked and provides a great place to look for areas where your deployment process needs improvement. 
  • Streamline process – Humans get physically and mentally drained while performing routine based on such situations, and mistakes are bound to occur. To prevent such mistakes, we must adhere to the best practice of streamlining the process to reduce the mistake by automation. Automation can be accomplished with basic or complicated equipment. 
  • Configuration details and continuous integration: Continuous integration is unnecessary for deployment but will provide better, more dependable code. If you are connecting to databases or other resources, save the configuration data—such as the details of your database connection—apart from the application.
  • Testing – Regularly test your deployment procedure when you are prepared to push a new feature to production and verify your rollback procedures.