In 2022, the automobile sector had been assigned a market value of 3.7 trillion dollars, registering a hefty thirty-four billion dollar hike from the previous year.


Cars have always been a lucrative source of business, an industry that is supposed to have created some of the richest individuals to have lived, from Henry Ford to Enzo Ferrari. If you're in the business of selling cars, you're in a field wrestling with constant technological change and reinvention, but one with immense business potential.


One must blend many skills and talents to succeed in a dealership's business and should be able to deliver quality while being an effective communicator. One needs to curate a positive image, reaching out to potential clients, investors, and partners to bridge lasting relationships. And lastly, one needs to be able to use data-driven stringency to manage their sales domain, creating operations channels to cut losses and optimize revenues.


On this note, let's begin learning “How to write a Car Dealership Business plan” 


Table of Contents


  1. Company Overview
  2. Industry Analysis
  3. Customer Analysis
  4. Competitor Analysis
  5. SWOT Analysis
  6. Marketing Plan
  7. operational plan
  8. Financial Plan
  9. Graphical Representation of Financial Highlights
  10. Management Structure


Best Car Dealership Business Plan Templates


One well-known and effective tool you can use to bring expertise into these areas is ready-to-use powerpoint presentations. Soundly curated powerpoint presentations could be your vehicle to business prowess in this area, giving you the tools to attract and retain customers, generate trust in your services, investigate and rework your sales workings, and establish the value and quality of your products in the market .


In this blog, we will be closely inspecting a well-researched car dealership business plan template. The presentation in discussion contains sixty-six slides. It has a wide array of tools and resources that you can use to establish better business structures and energize revenue streams for your business. Read on to dive deeper into this premium template by examining ten slides within it and the content sections covered in them.


If you're in the digital marketing space, we've got something tailor-made for you. Click here and read our blog covering Digital Marketing Agency Business Plan Templates.


1) Company Overview

Instills a strong first impression on stakeholders, clients, and partners using our elegantly designed company overview section. It has been tailored to suit the needs of a car dealership business and covers all of the vital needs of the experience, succinctly divided into some key subsections. 


Establish the core narrative behind your business, outline your corporate ethos, and create a framework for organizational cohesion with the vision and mission section. Create a roadmap for your internal corporate experience and present your goals with the company goals and objectives section. Build your financial credentials and establish trust with partners with the start-up summary and market gap and business statement sections while highlighting your product lineup in an elegant and impressive manner with the aid of the products offered section.


Company Overview


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2) Industry Analysis

Understanding the industry that one operates in and comprehensively knowing the market is crucial for any business that hopes to thrive. Our industry analysis section gives you the tools to achieve this through data-driven cogency and analytics. This presentation segment covers a range of crucial subheadings that you can weaponize to make more efficient business choices and get revenues flowing. Examples include a market analysis section aided by statistics and graph content, a market trends section, a geopolitical section, a section dedicated to growth drivers , and a section dedicated to major challenges.Use the content of these slides to upgrade and vitalize your own working systems, creating a more meticulous and powerful business apparatus.


Industry Analysis


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3) Customer Analysis

Customer analysis is one of the most pivotal elements of the entire business experience, and our presentation covers this area with thoroughness and competence, giving you the means to know your customer and leverage their support. Use the target market section to break down and scrutinize your market intensively. Delve into the intricate personality structures of your customers with the vibrantly designed buyers personas section and revamp your own approach to the business with the market sizing section. 


Customer Analysis


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4) Competitor Analysis

The competitor analysis segment has been separated into two major areas – ' major players ' and ' attributes comparison .' You can employ both to create a cohesive and sustained examination of your existing competitors, drawing out the weaknesses in your adversaries and reworking your own strategy to enable better efficacy.


Competitor Analysis


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5) SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis provides the most effective way for businesses to assess and recalibrate their inner mechanisms. The SWOT analysis section within our presentation is crisp and effective divided into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats . You can add content to each area and tailor the whole process to uncover the advantages and disadvantages within your existing business framework.


SWOT Analysis


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6) Marketing Plan

The marketing plan segment can be helpful and insightful when seeking to upend and challenge your pre-existing marketing frameworks. Critically analyze your dealership's marketing methodology, restructuring the process to cast a wider reach into the market. The sub-sections incorporated into this region of the presentation are sales and distribution strategy, promotional strategy, pricing strategy, and sales funnel. The subheadings come with the added benefit of tables and graphs that you can employ to display efficiency and competence when presenting these ideas to your team members and clients. 


Marketing Plan


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7) Operational Plan

The operational plan slides have been divided broadly into business models and milestones . Powerful graphics and sound aesthetics accompany the slides, which allow you to lay out your existing business architecture through tables and visually-driven presentations, expanding on the key features of your business operations with clarity and cohesion. Map out a precise engagement of your existing operations, and craft an exhaustive compilation of your key activities and milestones rich with detail with the aid of these slides.


operational plan


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8) Financial Plan

Create a clear and effective roadmap for your company, guided by sound financial insights . This presentation includes a detailed and precise financial plan section that you can fully harness for a more reliable and long-lasting business footprint. It includes the following subsections: financial assumptions, revenue model and sales forecast, breakeven analysis, projected profit and loss account, projected cash flow statement, projected balance sheet, scenario analysis, and a DFC valuation. Plot out a clear trajectory for your dealership and give it the vigor it needs on the financial front by taking advantage of these slides. 


Financial Plan


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9) Graphical Representation of Financial Highlights

This section can be a potent asset for a dealership seeking to emphasize its financial health and growth potential to an audience. The slides allow you to display your business results across a set timeline, with the additional benefit of graphs and charts that outline key financial indicators of your company, such as total revenues, gross profits, earnings after tax, and earnings before interest and more. The slides in this section also use contrasting color schemes, giving you the tools to make the information easy to follow and digestible. With the aid of the 'graphical representation' segment, you can communicate your firm's financial performance to a host of vital stakeholders, further emphasizing the business's achievements, drawbacks, and challenges.


Graphical Representation of Financials


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10) Management structure

This segment of the presentation helps to illustrate the organizational structure of your dealership business cogently. It has been modeled with a flowchart that depicts the different positions within the business and also draws out other vital aspects of the organization, such as the reporting structure, hierarchy, and staff details. This segment is a valuable tool for dealerships seeking to map out their own internal business apparatus in a visually enticing and elegant manner. Use it to accurately spell out your business infrastructure's roles and responsibilities and strengthen relationships both inside and outside. Probe your business hierarchy and establish the strengths and weaknesses of your existing structure, creating room for improvement and upgrade.


Management Summary


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If you're impressed by what you've just seen, then understand this was just a sneak peek into this exhaustively made template. The sixty-six-page presentation has a wealth of data and content embedded within the slides, and you can fully harness the power of the graphs, tables, charts, and powerful illustrations present here to craft a more meticulous business work. Download it now and encourage your dealership project, reaching more customers, bringing more revenue into the organization, and leaving a wider footprint on the market.


Are you planning to set up a bakery business? We've got something to help pave the way for you. Click here and check out other blogs covering some must-have banker business plan templates.


FAQs on Car Dealership Business


How profitable is a car dealership business?


The profitability of a car dealership business is linked to a range of factors, ranging from the conditions of the market, the overhead costs, the location of the dealership, etc. Despite all of this, car dealerships are known to have considerably low profit margins. With a net profit margin of around two percent, for every hundred dollars of sales a car dealership manages to complete, they retain two dollars worth of profit. 


How do I start a dealership business?


Below are the steps to initiating a car dealership business:


Step 1 – Do market research and understand the intrinsic requirements for the business, as well as the legal requirements. 

Step 2 – Identify a location, preferably one with a higher volume of traffic and access to a broader pool of customers. 

Step 3 – Incorporate the business, acquire all of the legal permits and licenses, and invest in business insurance if needed. 

Step 4 – Establish the infrastructure and all the required amenities for the business. 

Step 5 – Conduct marketing and promotion of the dealership. 

Step 6 – Invest in a qualified group of employees and administrative staff, and be sure to include customer service systems.


What is the business description of a car dealership?


The business description of a car dealership would have to provide customers with an overview of the business, its target demographic, and its basic operational information. Some other vital pieces of information, such as a description, would typically have to include a range from the types of cars the dealership sells, the services offered as part of the business, the dealership's location, the operating hours, the contact information, and more.