When seen through the lens of its influence and use, the Metaverse now has, on average, over 400 million unique monthly users worldwide. Furthermore, over half (51%) of these global users are just 13 or younger. Every eight of 10 Metaverse virtual world users are under 18. That’s right. Your kids are exploring Virtual Reality (VR), and they are loving it.


These statements, however, aren’t meant as warnings intended to create a sensation of insecurity. The reality is that VR or the Metaverse is not a fad, and there is no point in avoiding it to ‘save the kids.’ It never works.


Regarding finances, as of 2021, the Metaverse technology and its varied applications were valued at $58.5 billion. It is predicted to increase to an impressive $1.5 trillion by 2030 (based on a CAGR of 43.7% between 2021-2030). Bear in mind this is the size that most countries haven’t been able to reach yet.


Training Courses on The Metaverse and All That They Represent


Young people are the microcosm that reflects the bigger picture for this industry. It will be detrimental to your company to wait too long to get acquainted with the emerging technology. What will and does work is to accept the changes happening around and be involved. Besides popular applications like gaming, the Metaverse could very well be where your kids learn or you go on dates, and that day is hurtling toward us at a faster clip than you may have imagined.


With this goal in mind, SlideTeam has created a content-ready comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation for Training Courses on Metaverse. A trainer can find the PPT Deck with a click here. This PPT Template Bundle offers the following benefits to the personal and professional lives of each member of the human species.


The Benefits of These Training Courses on The Metaverse


  1. Enhanced Understanding of Emerging Technologies: The metaverse represents the convergence of virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet. Once you train your employees about the metaverse, they will better understand these cutting-edge technologies and their potential applications. This knowledge can help your team stay ahead of the curve, fostering innovation and creativity in developing products or services that use metaverse capabilities.
  2. New Business Opportunities: As the metaverse grows, it presents numerous business opportunities across industries. By teaching your employees about the metaverse, you empower them to identify potential applications and solutions that align with your company's goals. This understanding can lead to exploring new markets, partnerships, and fresh revenue streams.
  3. Increased collaboration and productivity: The metaverse has the potential to transform the way people collaborate and work together remotely. By educating your employees about this concept, you will find they adapt better to virtual work environments and engage in seamless cross-team collaboration. Virtual meetings, shared workspaces, and immersive brainstorming sessions can foster creativity and productivity, especially for remote or globally dispersed teams.


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Session I: Understanding the Concept of Metaverse


Most of your audience is probably somewhat familiar with VR (virtual reality) technology. However, they will be limited to hearing of the Metaverse as a  product of Facebook/Meta. In this first session, we introduce the Metaverse to trainees using our earmarked slides on what it is, examples of it, its relation to the Internet, and more.


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We present the concept of the Metaverse AS, a new form of the Internet, and the many exciting opportunities it presents to businesses.

This PPT Presentation is a visual guide to Metaverse, and with this theme in mind, we present the four stages of metaverse. Finally, the introduction to Metaverse is completed, with a section on privacy and security concerns around the technology.


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Session II: Market for Metaverse & Future of Metaverse


In this part, we go deep into the potential for marketing inbuilt into the concept. We start simply with a slide on what metaverse means for businesses and present some key statistics on the matter to get the ball rolling. A slide is also dedicated to the market size of virtual worlds such as The Sandbox, Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, and Somnium Space.


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We finish this short session by discussing the key growth drivers fueling the metaverse. These factors include the rising focus on converging digital and physical worlds, rising interest in virtual investments, etc.


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Session III: Layers of Metaverse


With the nature and business applications of the metaverse laid down and clear, we begin to dissect it to provide a better understanding. We classify it into seven layers: Experience, Discovery, Creator Economy, Spatial Computing, Decentralization, Human Interface, and Infrastructure.


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We showcase each layer through the lens of use cases such as fitness, real estate, clubhouse, etc., platforms such as Unity, and graphs and charts describing the history and growth of the metaverse.


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Session IV: Metaverse Technologies


This is an exciting one! We present the technological applications of the metaverse and showcase just how COOL it is. These include AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR Mixed Reality), XR (Extended Reality), Blockchain, Haptic Suits, Neurotech, and AR Lenses.


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Each technology has a detailed slide with facts and figures and links to videos on YouTube for the trainees to see the technology in action. Access our PowerPoint Deck to help your audience get a hands-on training experience!


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Session V: Metaverse as Disruptor of Industries


Metaverse will bring profound and significant changes to industries and disrupt the status quo. This is known. In this session, we look at some of these industries and realize the nature and level of disruption the metaverse will cause. Some of these industries set for a phenomenal change are Social Media, Gaming, Fashion, Architecture, Workspaces, and more.


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This section is not just about studying the possible changes; it is an accumulation of the present changes. This will help your trainees and your business stay abreast of the evolution of metaverse technology.


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This training module is a wake-up call to those who might still feel cynical toward the metaverse or may (wrongly) believe it does not concern them or their business operations. Get this PPT Deck immediately to get everyone on board for a quantum leap forward and a massive change in perspective.


Session VI: Investing in Metaverse


This part of the training module helps you with the most intimidating task for any change, the pitch. Use these PPT Slides to showcase the many investment opportunities in the metaverse. These include gaming platforms like AXS, SAND, MANA, etc. More avenues include cryptocurrency and stocks.


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Such opportunities include NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Metaverse Land, Tokens, and Infrastructure. The slides provide enough content to discuss these paths in detail and easily convince management officials and potential investors.


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Session VII: Challenges to Metaverse


The road to implementation is paved with good intentions and materialistic hurdles. In this section, we discuss some of these challenges to the metaverse to bring a more practical dynamism to this inevitable technological change.


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These challenges include problems based on the hardware specifications, concerns about privacy and data security, identity & reputation, space & time, etc. Each manifestation of these challenges is detailed as part of the training module. These are: Reliance on VR hardware, verification of your identity, questions regarding stored data, possible addictive nature of AR, etc.


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With practical considerations done, we present some case studies on metaverse in the final session to provide that hands-on experience we promised.


Session VIII: Case Studies


Case studies are based on the experience of companies such as Facebook, EPIC Games, Tencent, Decentralized, Sandbox, and Roblox. Each company gets a slide dedicated to its case study with details of the finishing presented in a visual manner.


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We present the key takeaways for each session at their end and also open the stage to further questions and discussions to ensure trainees are engaged and tuned in.


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Grab this PPT Deck to ensure your business and its people are moving forward in step with the technological advances of our times.


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FAQs on the Metaverse


What does metaverse mean?


The term "metaverse" refers to a virtual reality or collective virtual shared space where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users in real-time. It is often depicted as a fully immersive, interconnected virtual world.


What is the metaverse used for?


The metaverse has applications across industries. It is used for entertainment, gaming, socializing, education, commerce, and work. It offers new opportunities for communication, collaboration, and exploration in the digital realm.


Is the metaverse a reality?


The metaverse is still in its early stages of development, and the concept of a fully-realized metaverse, as depicted in science fiction, is not yet a reality. However, emerging virtual reality platforms and interconnected online spaces are taking steps toward creating elements of a metaverse-like experience.


Who made the metaverse?


A single entity or individual does not create the metaverse. It is a collective effort involving companies, developers, and innovators in the virtual, augmented, and technology industries. Major players such as Facebook (now Meta), Epic Games, Microsoft, and many others are working on building and shaping the metaverse in their respective capacities.