SEO refers to search engine optimization, a digital marketing strategy that helps you increase the search engine rankings of your website. It helps increase your visibility and make your presence felt. 


An SEO proposal is the very foundation of the entire industry/ client relationship. It is essentially a sales pitch that shows your prospects how you will help in improving their website’s rankings. It is your chance to prove and convince your prospective client that why is your agency the best fit for them. A good proposal will not only interest the prospective client to hire your agency but will also help establish the scope of the project at hand. It will keep them hooked, excited, and also outline the limits and the success metrics of the project.


By curating a good SEO proposal the client will exactly know what to expect from you and when to expect. This is why you need an SEO proposal in your life!


But the question is how to make an impactful SEO proposal that gets a YES every time from the client? Don’t worry we have got you covered!


With the following downloadable template, you don’t have to start from scratch when you have to pitch yourself to the client who comes knocking at your door. All you have to do is use this SEO proposal format, fill in your information and you will get a customized proposal template that outlines everything you want.


Download SEO Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides


1. Cover Letter aka Introduction



Cover Letter aka Introduction


SEO is a highly competitive industry. It is all about the survival of the fittest and without a doubt you should be the fittest to survive. Therefore the first and foremost step that you should take in an SEO proposal is to introduce your agency to seal the deal. There are many companies offering services similar to yours. So, you should introduce yourself to stand out from the pack and grab the client’s attention. Following are the aspects that your cover letter should include-


  • Who Are You: Remember that an SEO proposal is by and large a sales pitch so provide a brief introduction about your company explaining everything that you can do for them and their business but in “brief”.


  • Scope of the proposal- Your cover letter should also mention the scope such as what you will deliver as well as all the important details that are necessary to mention beforehand. 


The intro should be crisp and to the point just enough to give the potential client a sneak-peek of your company. 


2. Scope 


Scope of the SEO Services


SEO proposal is all about explaining to the client what is he in for. Therefore listing the scope of the work that they are about to purchase is of utmost importance. Most of the clients are only aware of the term SEO and have little or no clue as to how their business can benefit from it. Hence, make sure to explain the scope of SEO services which is vital for setting expectations as well as meeting them. 


Here we have mentioned the scope that SEO services have such as Auditing the website, auditing accessibility, ranking, crawling, off-page ranking factors etc. 


3. Plan of Action


SEO Plan of Action


This is the real meat of the SEO proposal. This is what will define your success if at all you reach that stage. Now is the time to sell yourself by showing the client how you will strategically improve their falling SEO which might be the weakest part of their organization. Tell them how you will turn their biggest weakness into their biggest strength with the following points-


  • Keyword Research: This point is all about explaining the process of keyword discovery as well as convergence that you will be undertaking. This will help in finding the best opportunities for the client that he can take advantage of to connect with his target audiences and appear on the top of the search engine. 
  • Competitor Research: You can show how you will conduct an extensive competitor keyword research to see how your client’s competitors are performing and what your client needs to stop them.
  • Content Strategy: You can explain the broader approach that will take to revamp the client’s web content or content in general and make it more SEO friendly. 
  • Link Building Campaign- This point is all about explaining different steps and techniques to build links for your client. Therefore mention points like backlink and citation analysis. 
  • Technical Optimization: In this point, you can easily explain all the tools that you will employ to benchmark the performance stats of the website of your client. You can also explain in brief as to how these technical aspects are helpful in increasing SEO rankings. 


4. Project Timeline


SEO Project Timeline

SEO takes time and many clients don’t realise that. They want the results there and then. Some of the clients also expect a lot of work done-front up immediately without any time lag. In this case, include a Timeline in your proposal so that the client can keep tabs on the progress as well as know whey he can expect the positive outcomes of the SEO campaign. Break each and every proposed solution into precise, definitive as well as measurable milestones. 


This timeline will help reduce the client’s anxiety that he may suffer from in case of any delay in the results as he will have a clear idea of the time the campaign will yield positive results.


By the means of this Timeline, you are showing the client their bright and shiny-future provided they hire you!


5. Pricing Estimates 


Pricing Estimates of SEO Services


Once you have proposed your services, it is now time to talk about money. Because they aren’t just paying you, they are making an investment that will get them bigger and better returns in the near future. 


Therefore, giving a clear idea of the price that will be borne by them is a very crucial step. But it totally depends on you how you want to show your pricing. You can either choose to give your client several options of packages to choose from of you can stick with one package. As per my views adding different packages can only lead to confusion so I prefer giving only one package that has the amount of each activity and then the total cost to reduce the psychological weight on my proposal.


Mastering the art of creating a killer SEO proposal may seem tricky at first but by focusing on addressing the client’s pain points and clearly communicating your ideas that will help them can surely gain their trust. Also, by adhering to all these points and downloading the ready-to-use SEO Proposal template you will surely land more clients than you have ever desired. 


Download SEO Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides


So, what are you waiting for, get started with creating winning SEO proposals that your clients can’t refuse!