From stilettos to sneakers, the footwear industry has amazed customers with its emphasis on providing variety, durability and its influence on fashion trends. All of this is, of course, an attempt to delight customers and meet their expectations. This business, however, needs to actively strategize to offer the most relevant and profitable products, while maintaining customer satisfaction. 




Hence, if you want to set up a new shoe business, a pitch deck is indispensable. A shoe business pitch deck includes everything that sets you apart from competitors. Additionally, to get stakeholders on board, you will need to impress them with your business strategies that have to be based on analytics reports and forecasts. Your unique and sustaining shoe selling business ideas can also break the ice when meeting with reluctant investors. Lastly, the quality of your pitch deck decides if you can crack through the investor facade of indifference. 


With research and ideation as the core pillars of our work, SlideTeam is here to offer you our expert-prepared shoe business pitch deck to establish a winning first-impression on investors. The following section covers major PPT Slides that MUST BE part of your pitch deck. Otherwise, if you want a content-ready presentation, click here to download this comprehensive presentation that gives you all the ingredients for a successful, positive pitch.


Each of the templates is 100% editable and customizable. The content-ready nature provides you with the starting point of your presentation; while the editability feature means you can tailor the presentation to your unique audience preferences and tastes.


Let us take a tour of these world-class presentation templates to help you get the money you need with a download. 


Shoe Business Pitch Deck Templates


Template 1: Table of Contents for Your Shoe Business Pitch Deck


A pitch deck is incomplete without a logical listing of the topics covered. With this table of contents slide, you guide investors about major discussions that are a must-have in the proposal pitch. Use this informative slide to inform stakeholders in advance about how the meeting will progress. With proper titles, you can assure them of efficient use of time and resources. 


Table of Contents Slide


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Template 2: Highlight Problems Faced by Customers


Generate curiosity in your audience by highlighting the major problems that customers face in this important PPT Slide. Illuminate your audience about the problems that you came across in research to show them you care. You can key-in problems related to quality, customer expectations, etc that you have come across and report them first-hand with this PPT Design.


Templates to Identify Shoe Business Problems


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Template 3: Offer Solutions


As the next step in pitching your shoe selling business, offer solutions to the pain points of customers with this PPT Theme. Demonstrate with this slide how your shoe business and products will rise to be the better choice for customers, thereby benefiting sales. Use this comprehensive slide to showcase your upper hand in quality, price, and customer service that creates happy clients and happier business partners.


Solutions Offered by Your Company


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Template 4: Value Proposition Offered by Your Company


Discuss the main features of your brand that impress customers and stakeholders alike with this PPT Design. Your business Unique Selling Proposition (USP) could be accessibility, customization, or innovation and this slide is your chance to go to town with it. Impress your audience with your USP as showcased in this PPT Template that guarantees your place in the market for good over a long period of time. 


Value Proposition Offered by Your Business


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Template 5: Enlist Major Trends in Footwear and accessories Industry


 Demonstrate your familiarity with the latest trends in the footwear industry with this PPT Design. You can mention aspects like personalization, quality, special editions, or celebrity endorsements, etc, that tend to influence customers. Demonstrate your awareness of these factors and how you plan to mix and match them to promote and grow your show business.

Trends in Shoe Industry Template


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Template 6: Addressing Your Primary Target Market


Your research and planning will play a key role in winning clients. With this PPT Template, showcasing your primary target market, you can establish the fact that you have done your homework on the best opportunities that your business can seize. Reveal primary geographies, demographics, psychographics, and behaviors that you intend to target, all using this content-ready PPT Design.


Template to Address Primary Target Market


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Template 7: Competitive Analysis


Your readiness to onboard prospective investors hinges largely on the ideas and plans you have to counter competition. Showcase your due diligence and expertise in doing a good and thorough analysis of the competition with this slide. Rate all known and budding competitors based on price, performance, and fashion on the XY scale as depicted. Allot correct statuses to your competitors based on fact-checking. This will help you place your products on the perceptual map of customers as well. You can also perform a full-fledged Porter’s five force analysis to correctly categorize your competitors. Read this blog to know more about it. 


Competitive Analysis Template


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Template 8: Your Key Partners


Letting your prospective investors know about who else is partnering with your brand will open up more windows of opportunities. With this PPT Design, list all manufacturing partners, athletes, and celebrities contributing to your brand to establish and embellish your credibility among stakeholders. You can also mention sponsors, and other prominent supporters of your business in this slide to capture attention and have it translate into a cheque by the end of the presentation. 


Key Partner Identifying Template


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Template 9: Product Design and Development Timeline


Showcase product design and development timeline using this PPT Layout. Identify the three phases in this product development process namely designing, assembling, and testing as this PPT Template illustrates. Help your investors understand the time frame and process that lead to manufacturing high quality products.


Product Design and Development Timeline


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Template 10: Investment Models


Present your investment models for stakeholders to choose from. Specify the price of each model while mentioning its use. Assure your investors that their funds will be judiciously used to by correctly specifying its purpose whether for product development, marketing, or office growth. To create full-fledged pricing pages, you can also visit this blog on price comparison templates.


Template to Pitch Investment and Utilization of Funds


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Template 11: Contact Us


A pitch deck is incomplete without the verified contact details of the brands. As shown in this Contact Us slide, specify your company location, office hours and contact details among other things. Cross-check these details before sharing your pitch decks so that prospective clients are able to contact you and label you as reliable. You can also explore other slides to share your official contact details by clicking here.


Template to Share Contact Details


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Download these PPT Templates in order as presented or find its complete look by clicking here.


PS: A brand strategy is pivotal in building a resilient brand and you can kick-start yours by exploring this playbook guide featuring core templates along with the mother presentation. 

FAQs on Shoe Business
What is a show business pitch deck?

A shoe business pitch deck is a presentation tool used to showcase a footwear-related business idea or venture. It is designed to captivate potential investors, partners, or stakeholders in the shoe industry and convey the value proposition, market potential, and financial aspects of the business.

What should be included in a shoe pitch deck?
  1. Company Overview: Provide a brief introduction to your shoe business, including the company name, mission statement, and key highlights about your brand, vision, and values.
  2. Problem Statement: Identify a specific problem or gap in the market that your shoe business aims to address. 
  3. Solution: Explain the innovative features, designs, materials, or technologies that set your shoes apart from competitors and provide a compelling reason for customers to choose your brand.
  4. Target Market: Define your target market segment(s) for your shoes. Describe the demographics, psychographics, and buying behavior of your target customers.
  5. Competitive Analysis: Assess the competitive landscape of the shoe industry, identifying key competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Product Line: Showcase your shoe product line or collections. Include high-quality images or renderings of your shoes, highlighting their unique features, styles, and craftsmanship.
  7. Branding and Marketing: Describe your branding strategy and marketing initiatives to promote your shoe business. Explain your marketing channels, such as e-commerce, retail partnerships, social media, influencer collaborations, or advertising campaigns.
  8. Manufacturing and Supply Chain: Provide an overview of your shoe manufacturing process, including details about sourcing materials, production capabilities, quality control measures, and any strategic partnerships or relationships with manufacturers or suppliers
  9. Sales and Distribution: Explain your sales strategy and distribution channels. Discuss your pricing strategy, sales projections, and customer acquisition tactics.
  10. Financial Projections: Include financial forecasts, such as sales projections, production costs, pricing strategy, revenue streams, and expected profitability. 
  11. Team: Introduce  members of your shoe business team, highlighting their expertise, experience, and relevant achievements.
  12. Investment Needs: Clearly outline your funding requirements and investment opportunities. Specify the amount of capital needed, the purpose of the investment, and any equity or ownership structures you are offering. 
  13. Conclusion and Call to Action: Summarize the key points of your shoe pitch deck and conclude with a clear call to action, such as requesting investment, partnership discussions, or further meetings to explore opportunities.
How do you write a show business pitch deck?
  1. Introduce Your Project: Begin by thoroughly explaining your show business project. Clarify its concept, story, characters, and unique selling points. Identify the core elements that make your project compelling and marketable.
  2. Define Your Target Audience: Understand their demographics, interests, and preferences. This knowledge will shape your pitch and help investors see the potential market for your project.
  3. Outline the Structure: Create a clear and organized structure for your pitch deck. Typically, a pitch deck includes sections such as Title/Project Overview, Logline, Synopsis/Summary, Target Audience, Market Analysis, Competitive Advantage, Revenue Generation, Financial Projections,etc. 
  4. Craft an Engaging Opening: Grab the reader's attention with a compelling opening. Follow it with a logline, a concise and captivating one-sentence summary that entices the reader to continue.
  5. Develop the Synopsis/Summary: Write a concise but engaging summary of your business. Highlight the main story, characters, themes, and unique aspects that make your project stand out.
  6. Conduct Market Research: Research the industry and market trends related to your show. Identify successful shows or projects that are similar in genre or theme. Analyze audience demand and competition. 
  7. Emphasize the Competitive Advantage: Clearly articulate what sets your show apart from others in the market. Explain how your project fills a gap or meets a specific need in the market.
  8. Showcase the Production Details: Explain the production timeline, shooting locations, and any notable achievements or partnerships related to the project. Demonstrate the feasibility and professionalism of your production.
  9. Incorporate Visual Elements: Use visual elements strategically to enhance your pitch deck. Include concept art, storyboards, or sample scenes to give a glimpse of the visual style and aesthetic of your show.
  10. Explain Revenue Generation: Describe the potential revenue streams associated with your show. Discuss distribution strategies, potential advertising partnerships, merchandise opportunities, or other avenues for monetization.
  11. Present Financial Projections: Include financial projections that outline the production budget, expected returns, and revenue forecasts. Investors will want to see the financial viability and potential profitability of your project.
  12. Tailor the Language and Tone: Write the pitch deck using clear, concise, and persuasive language. Avoid jargon and technical terms that may confuse or alienate the reader. 
  13. Edit and Refine: Review your pitch deck multiple times, ensuring clarity, coherence, and a logical flow. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors and refine your pitch based on their input.
  14. Create a Compelling Conclusion: End your pitch deck with a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points and emphasizes the call to action. Clearly state what you are seeking from the reader, whether it's a meeting, partnership, or investment.