In 2021, the UN Food Program Organization (FPO) said that if billionaires like Elon Musk were to spend 2% of their wealth, it was enough to eradicate world hunger.


When the media played this up, even Musk was curious enough to know more on how he could help.




This is an example of how you get stakeholders to invest; by giving a positive incentive. As a general rule, there are six ways you can do this as given below:


  1. A powerful motive or vision.
  2. An efficient plan.
  3. A practical budget.
  4. A capable team.
  5. A compilation of past achievements or at least a firm resolution to make things happen! 
  6. A repayment model whether it is as publicity, or partnership in the organization's projects; remember, there are no free lunches in life.


Non-profit organizations (NPOs) that operate without financial aid are looking for investors and philanthropists to fund their activities. But considering that there are roughly 1.8 million NPOs in the US alone, how can you attract their interest towards your NPO? Whether it is the top business persons you are approaching or a board of directors, make sure your organization proposal stands out from the rest with our 10 best presentation templates. Explore now!


Template 1: Sponsorship Proposal for Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation


Declare the privileges of your sponsorship program with this non-profit organization proposal template. Deploy this comprehensive PPT Presentation to introduce your organization, its vision, and current objective of pursuit. Declare the benefits of levels of sponsoring with this template deck. Go ahead with downloading this PPT layout.


Sponsorship Proposal for Nonprofit Organization PowerPoint Presentation Slide


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Template 2: NGO Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


Is your organization dedicated towards uplifting the specially abled, especially with their health and education, then this PPT Design is for you. Propose your funding request for your current and upcoming programs with this PPT Compilation. Introduce your organization, its vision, along with a mention of your previous successful projects. Woo your investors with your aspirations of building a better society where equal opportunities exist for all. Then, propose the money you need to make your program a success. Download this PPT layout now.


NGO Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: NGO Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


Impress your benefactors with your vision and appeal to them on humanitarian grounds when it comes to helping the specially-abled. With this presentation template, you can guide your supporters through your journey as a NPO. Showcase your successes, and the adversities you overcame. Demonstrate your current undertaking and the amount you seek in light of that. Introduce your dynamic team to show the quality of people you have. Use all these components to win them over. Don’t wait, download now!


NGO Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 4: Non-profit Organization Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation


If your NPO is in dire need of funds, then use this professional set of slides to vouch for your credibility. Disclose your program details in an organized manner including budget, team build up, and project activities with this PPT presentation. Help your donors know your past projects and start winning them with your capabilities. Download this PPT Compilation to build good rapport with your donors and sponsors starting today!


Non Profit Organization Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 5: Missionary Services Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


If yours is a missionary organization with a zeal to support the less fortunate, then use this presentation template to win donations. Appeal to your most generous donors and pitch your proposal with this sophisticated PPT template. It comprises organized content to guide your sponsors into donating for your beneficiaries. Just fill in the necessary information and propose your planned budget to them with this comprehensive PPT presentation. Start winning funds to power your programs today, download this template now!


Missionary Services Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 6: Charity Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


Charities require funds or grants to grow and promote new programs. Reach out to potential sponsors with this non-profit organization proposal template. Elaborate on the role your organization plays in the society and how your current program is worth donating to. Specify the amount expected to kick-start your dynamic program and invite donors to be part of these. Infuse this content-ready presentation with facts and figures relevant to your organization and leap ahead of the other NPOs in line. Download now!


Charity Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 7: Pitch Deck to Raise Government Grant From Public Corporations Complete Deck


If your non-profit organization is seeking a government grant from any public corporation then we have a custom designed ready-made template. Showcase your organization's work to put your best foot forth, then proceed to propose your present requirement. Match your anticipated budget with the activities to claim your needed approval. Without waiting any more, download this PPT design now!


Pitch deck to raise government grant from public corporations complete deck


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Template 8: Event Funding Proposal PowerPoint Presentation 


If you are looking to host an event and need funding for that, interest your sponsors with our event funding proposal presentation. Enlist the benefits for your organization and those of the sponsors to render your proposal pretty convincing for them. Share the event details and the expected budget in this PPT Compilation. List your team, other sponsors affiliated with the project, and also share performances of your previous event organizing activities. Download this PPT Presentation now!


Event Funding Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 9: One-Page Funding Proposal for NGO Presentation Report Infographic 


Here is a one pager template to convince clients to fund your NPO project. Highlight the key parameters of your project namely purpose, expected benefits, and fund requirement. You can also go into more detail by discussing the project team and activities that are innate to your program. Delve into all these details with this PPT layout. Download now!


One Page Funding Proposal for NGO Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document


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Template 10: One-Page non-profit Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Presentation Report Infographic


This is a one-page PPT template to enlist your proposal for winning a corporate sponsorship for an upcoming event. List out your top assets in terms of past achievements, and how your event is different from your competitors. Showcase the vendors and exhibitors, along with other sponsors who will be fueling your program. Let your sponsors know yours is the activity worth engaging with. Download this classic template now!


One Page Non Profit Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document


Download this template 


Put your best foot forward with these 10 best professional non-profit organization proposal templates. 


PS: Is it that easy to lead an organization to growth success? Know how to be a transformational leader and preach this idea to your peers with our content-ready templates. Check out this blog to know more.



What classifies an organization to become a non-profit Organization (NPO)?

As the name suggests, an NPO doesn’t aim at profits to benefit its owners. Rather, any profit earned is re-invested in its goals. This principle of selflessness grants most of them tax exemptions.Different categories of organizations fall under non-profit such as political organizations, schools, business associations, churches, social clubs, and consumer cooperatives. The success of any NPO is a subject of the trust it gathers from the investors and general public who donate for its cause. Donors, founders, volunteers and the public community are its active members.

What are categories of non-profit organizations that can use our proposal templates?

Some of the categories of non-profit organizations are:

  • Charitable Organizations: They deal with relieving hunger, providing education, representing animal welfare groups, and financing low-income households.
  • Social Advocacy Groups: They promote social and political activities and organize fundraising and crowdfunding activities. 
  • Foundations: They fund other NGOs and programs for social causes.
  • Leagues, Welfare Organizations, and Associations: They tend to the needs of the less privileged as well as their own members.
  • Trade and Professional Associations: They are formed by traders or professionals for themselves by assisting in their members’ educational and personal pursuits.
  • Social and Recreational Groups: These NPOs are designed for the members to look after their social well-being.

What are the 6 Main Funding Sources for non-profit organizations? 

Non-profit organizations can secure fundings via following means:

  1. Individual Donations: These are the one-time or recurring donations that statistically comprise 71% of the donations made to charities and NPOs.
  2. Grants: These are the fundings that NPOs can apply so as to claim them. Grants can be offered by institutions or private or semi-private organizations.
  3. Corporate Sponsorship: Applying to corporate sponsorship to amp their philanthropic statuses is another way for non-profit organizations to secure funds.
  4. Membership Fees:  The 501(c)(7) Social Club and the 501(c)(6) Business Association are examples of rulings that allow NPOs to offer chargeable services to its members or affiliators. These also cover activities and events for which the members are charged a certain amount of fee for their participation. 
  5. Selling Goods and Services: Sometimes NPOs manufacture merchandise that have the dual purpose of advertising and selling them. This generates another mode of revenue for the NPOs.
  6. In-kind Donations: Sometimes NPOs supporting the underprivileged accept donations in kind like clothes, food, and other articles. This also saves them the expenses of buying those things hence can prove cost-effective to them.

What is the ruling for tax exemption for NPOs in the US?

Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization that operates without incurring any profit to its owners or stakeholders is liable to be tax exempted. These organizations must also be free from any political influence nor should they influence any government wing. Churches and gross receipts up to a certain limit are automatically treated as tax exempted under the same section.


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