In 2016, an American actor Amber Heard pledged to donate her divorce settlement to the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Yet, this did not translate to reality and came to light only after the non profit Organizations (NPOs) cited above submitted their annual reports, three years later, in 2019. The anecdote highlights the importance of annual reports that non profit organizations publish. 




These reports provide insights on how organizations keeps busy in working toward their mission. An annual financial report will in particular highlight cash flows, balance sheets, and other financial trends of the year. 

An NPO’s annual report, therefore, busts lies and offers a transparent insight for volunteers, stakeholders, and investors who are financially and emotionally invested in them.


A non profit report can either be shared online or delivered via traditional sources, distribution channel partners, or email newsletters. Since it’s a report of annual progress made, it must be served within 1-2 months after the end of fiscal year. During this time, relevant and accurate data must be garnered and put together in a presentable form. Charitable organizations recognize the importance of these presentations as to not only maintain the existing donors but to entice new ones donors as well. Furhermore, to mantain credibility, a non profit annual report must align with the theme, purpose, and objectives of the organization.


Now where do you find such editable non profit annual report templates that meet the requirements?


At SlideTeam, of course.


The largest repository of PowerPoint Templates that are 100% editable and compatible across all presentation software, we offer a diverse range of slides, themes, and pitch decks. Fom reports to day-to-day demonstrations, explore our presentation templates to exercise control and to add a wow factor to your meetings and public addresses In the section below, you will find thre of our most downloaded, editable and content-ready non profit annual report templates. Let's check them out one by one.


Template 1: Annual Report for Firm in Non Profit Industry PDF Doc


Invest in this content-ready monthly report editable PDF to share your organization's annual performance. Introduce this annual report of your organization’s mission statements and values. Use this to compare your aspirations with the achievements as shown in this PPT Report. Include statistics, pie charts, and infographics to show growth trends in revenue using this non profit annual report template. Conclude this annual report template with your contact details. Get it from the link below now! 


Annual Report For Firm In Non Profit Industry


Download this template


Template 2: Non Profit Community One-Page Annual Report Template


Use this creative PPT Layout to offer insights into your charitable organization’s annual performance. With this editable PPT Design, categorize your NPO’s goals to program outcomes, program recap, and money talk. Use intuitive graphics, diagrams and font variations as shown in this one-page anual report template to create an impact. Point out numbers that matter and will appeal to you stakeholders using this PPT Design. Without wasting another thought, present your annual report with this impressive editable PPT Template.


Non Profit Community One Page Annual Report


Download this template


Template 3: One-Page Non Profit Annual Report Template


Point out facts and figures from your non profit annual report in bold letters with this single-page template. Summarize key stats like community members served, warm meals provided, volunteers added, donations received, etc. Customize this PPT Slide according to the classification of your NPO and reveal details of how you operate, as you climb onto newer heights year after year.


Single pager for non profit annual report presentation


Download this template


Get these unique non profit annual report templates to reveal your organization's growth year after year in a manner that appeals to stakeholders both old and new.


PS: On the note of helping your community and contributing to its harmony, explore this blog on church newsletter templates to showcase updates of this important institution for better engagement. 


FAQs on Non Profit Annual Report Annual 

What is a non profit annual report?

A non profit annual report is a document that provides an overview of an organization's activities, achievements, and financial performance over the course of a fiscal year. The content of a nonprofit annual report can vary depending on the organization's size, mission, and reporting requirements. It includes the following elements:


  1. Letter from the President/CEO: An introductory message from the organization's leadership, highlighting key accomplishments and goals.
  2. Mission and Programs: A description of the nonprofit's mission statement, core values, and an overview of its programs and initiatives. This section explains how the organization is working toward achieving its goals.
  3. Impact Stories: Real-life stories and examples that illustrate the positive outcomes and impact of the non profit's work. These stories demonstrate how the organization's programs and services have made a difference in the lives of individuals or communities.
  4. Financial Overview: A summary of the organization's financial activities, including revenue sources, expenses, and any significant financial highlights. 
  5. Donor Recognition: Acknowledgment of individual and institutional donors who have supported the organization during the year along with any special recognition for major contributors.
  6. Governance and Board of Directors: Information about the nonprofit's governance structure, including a list of board members and their affiliations. This section may also highlight any changes in board composition or governance policies during the reporting period.
  7. Contact Information: Details on how stakeholders can get in touch with the organization for further information, volunteer opportunities, or to make donations.

How do you write an annual report for a non profit?

Writing an annual report for a non profit organization involves careful planning, research, and effective communication. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write an annual report:


  1. Determine the Purpose and Audience: Is it to inform donors, attract new funders, update stakeholders, or showcase achievements? Identify the target audience and tailor the report to their interests and needs.
  2. Gather Information: Collect relevant data, financial statements, program reports, and other sources of information. Review key documents, such as the strategic plan, annual budget, and previous reports. Conduct interviews with staff, volunteers, and beneficiaries to gather first-hand accounts and impact stories.
  3. Structure and Outline: Develop a clear structure for the report. Consider including sections such as an executive summary, mission statement, program highlights, financial overview, governance, impact stories, and future plans. Create an outline to organize your content logically.
  4. Craft a Compelling Narrative: Tell a story that engages readers and highlights the organization's impact using success stories, personal anecdotes, and examples that demonstrate the organization's mission in action. 
  5. Explain Financial Information: Include key financial statements, such as the balance sheet and income statement. Use charts, graphs, and visuals to present financial data clearly. Provide explanations and context to help readers understand the organization's financial health and sustainability.
  6. Use Visuals: Include high-quality photos, infographics, and charts that support the narrative and illustrate the impact of the organization's work. 
  7. Focus on Impact: Emphasize the outcomes and impact of the organization's programs and services. Highlight success stories, testimonials, and measurable results. Use quantitative data, such as the number of beneficiaries served or the percentage of goals achieved, to demonstrate the organization's effectiveness.
  8. Include Donor Recognition: Show appreciation for donors and supporters by including a donor recognition section. 
  9. Review and Edit: Proofread the report thoroughly to ensure accuracy, consistency, and clarity. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and formatting. 
  10. Design and Presentation: Pay attention to the layout, typography, and visual design. Use consistent branding elements, such as colors, logos, and fonts, to align with the organization's identity. Consider both print and digital versions for distribution.
  11. Distribute and Promote: Determine how and where the annual report will be distributed. Share it on the organization's website, through email newsletters, and on social media platforms. Consider hosting a launch event or sending personalized copies to key stakeholders.

What are the four basic financial statements for a nonprofit?

The four basic financial statements for a nonprofit organization are:


  1. Income Statement (Statement of Activities): It shows the organization's sources of income (such as donations, grants, program fees) and the expenses incurred to carry out its programs and activities. The income statement helps assess the organization's financial performance and whether it generated a surplus or deficit during the reporting period.
  2. Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position): It lists the organization's assets (such as cash, investments, property), liabilities (such as loans, accounts payable), and net assets (the difference between assets and liabilities). The balance sheet helps evaluate the organization's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.
  3. Statement of Cash Flows: It classifies cash flows into three categories: Operating activities (day-to-day operations), investing activities (buying or selling assets or investments), and financing activities (borrowing or repaying debts, receiving or returning capital). The statement of cash flows provides insights into how the organization manages its cash resources and the sources and uses of cash.
  4. Statement of Functional Expenses: It breaks down the organization's total expenses into specific categories, such as program services, management and general expenses, fundraising costs, and sometimes, the allocation of expenses by program. This statement helps stakeholders understand how the organization allocates its resources and the proportion of expenses related to each functional area.

What's the difference between profit and nonprofit?

The key difference between for-profit and nonprofit organizations lies in their fundamental objectives and the way they distribute their earnings:


  1. Objectives: For-profit organizations are primarily focused on generating profits and financial returns for their owners or shareholders. Their main goal is to maximize shareholder value. On the other hand, nonprofit organizations are mission-driven and exist to serve a specific cause or purpose. Their primary objective is to fulfill their mission and provide a public or community benefit rather than generating profits for individuals.
  2. Earnings Distribution: In for-profit organizations, any surplus or profit generated after deducting expenses and taxes is distributed to shareholders or reinvested in the company for growth and expansion. Owners and shareholders are entitled to a share of the profits based on their ownership stakes. In contrast, nonprofit organizations do not distribute their earnings to individuals. Instead, any surplus or excess revenue is reinvested in the organization to support its programs, services, and further its mission. Nonprofits may accumulate funds as reserves for future sustainability and to weather financial challenges.
  3. Tax Status and Legal Structure: For-profit organizations are structured as either sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations, depending on the business type and ownership structure. They are subject to corporate income taxes and may also distribute dividends to shareholders, which are taxed as well. Nonprofit organizations, on the other hand, are structured as tax-exempt entities under specific legal forms such as charitable organizations, foundations, or associations. They are generally exempt from paying federal income taxes, as long as they meet certain criteria and adhere to the regulations governing their tax-exempt status.
  4. Governance and Oversight: For-profit organizations are typically governed by a board of directors or a group of owners/shareholders who make strategic decisions to maximize profits and drive the business forward. Nonprofit organizations also have a board of directors, but their focus is on ensuring the organization's mission is fulfilled and that it operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Nonprofits often have additional levels of oversight and transparency requirements.