Ever stopped and considered how much money is generated in your country each year? Or how your country's economy fairs in comparison to that of others? These are some of the questions that big minds in the economic space tackle when they assess GDP, a value measuring the economic activity of any given nation.


A country’s GDP presents the collective value of all the goods and services put out by the nation over a specified period of time. There are a multitude of ways in which people make sense of the discussion around GDP and economic resilience to streamline the overall information flow.


GDP Templates can be used to track the state of economies over time. They help to condense the crucial information down into a more appealing and palatable format for audiences.


In this article, we’re going to be analyzing some must have GDP chart Templates. These content-ready and custom-made Templates are pre-designed and loaded with content, while also being easy to use and customize. Deploy these actionable PowerPoint Templates to plan and track progress.


Let’s begin!


Template 1 - Impact on GDP Due to Coronavirus PPT Slide

This ready to use PPT Template displays the impact of Coronavirus on GDP growth rate of different countries. The colorful designed chart in the Template captures the state of four leading economies, China, USA, Eurozone and ‘world’, contrasting their economies with a three-year duration beginning in 2019 and ending in 2021. The Slide also carries other essential data showcased within a smaller graph, such as ‘2020 GDP growth’, ‘GDP fall in 2019 Q4 – 2020 Q2’ and ‘pre-crisis time.’


Impact on GDP Due to Coronavirus Spread


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Template 2 – Goal-setting Timeline Slide for Expenditure Approach GDP Slide

This ready to use Slide functions as a visual roadmap for setting long-term goals within the context of GDP growth and economic expenditure. The Template depicts a winding road with yearly transitions forming the checkpoints along the path. It is a creative visual to cultivate wider goals within the framework of the GDP expenditure.


Goal Setting Timeline Slide for Expenditure Approach GDP


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Template 3 - Economic Analysis Graph showing GDP Growth Template

Here is a content-ready PowerPoint Template that breaks down essential economic data into a simplified and intuitive format for easier engagement with audiences. The graph presented in the Slide documents the quarterly GDP growth and contrasts it with the ‘percentage annual rate’. The sharp visuals and clear formatting elevate the Slide to a more visually distinct state, making it easier for the clients and stakeholders to understand.


Economic Analysis Graph Showing GDP Growth


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Template 4 - 2-year GDP Comparison Graph of Various Countries Template

This pre-designed PPT Template stages a clearly drawn-out comparison of various countries GDP against a two-year time period, with blue and green color-coded graph bars used. The countries highlighted in the specific slide are Australia, United States, France, Italy, Japan and Canada. Use this Slide to outline a clear, data-backed comparison, with real time GDPs of countries being utilized to frame the narrative. Download now!


2 Year GDP Comparison Graph of Various Countries


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Template 5 - GDP Growth Rate Declining Trend Chart Template

Fluctuations in national GDPs get noticed and bring out strong reactions in nations around the globe. Use crisp and neat visuals backed by statistics to make a sound and clear statement on such an issue, all with the aid of this specific Template. The graph maps out the trail of real time GDP growth across a spread of multiple quarters, giving users a strong graphic backdrop for the economic trends engulfing a country at any point in time.


GDP Growth Rate Declining Trend Chart


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Template 6 - Declining Chart Highlighting Pandemic Impact On GDP

This top-notch PPT Template makes an accurate and strong statement on shrinking GDP levels as a result of the pandemic and can be used for a case study comparing the economic resilience of nations around the world. A few countries listed on the Slide are India, Spain, United Kingdom, France and Italy. The percentage to which the economies of the respective countries shrunk is emphasized using graph bars for comparison.


Declining chart highlighting pandemic impact on GDP


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Template 7 - Quarterly Growth and Decline Graph for GDP Template

Here is another ready-made Template with a nicely tailored graph to plot the quarterly growth in GDP in terms of percentage. A quarterly financial timeline is employed as a frame of reference for the rise and falls of the GDP within this Slide, giving users a clear and digestible picture of the evolving market trends within the country in discussion. You can distil the contents of the graph down into a takeaway note for the audience.


Quarterly Growth and Decline Graph for GDP


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Template 8 - Graph Depicting GDP Growth of Country Template

Here is a content ready PPT Template that you can use when observing, measuring and critically evaluating the GDP growth of a specific country. This Slide sets itself apart from the others in the list with its striking, energetic visuals that employs clear fonts and appealing colors. The graph in the Slide exhibits the fluctuations in the GDP growth across half year spaces, between the months March and September of each respective year. The Slide also incorporates two major metrics on opposing ends of the graph, with ‘q/q change’ and ‘y/y change’ being harmoniously blended into the content of the PPT.


Graph Depicting GDP Growth of Country


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Template 9 - Economic Analysis Showing Area Wise GDP Share Template

This top-notch Template examines the broader dynamics of GDP within different variables across a population, helping to facilitate a closer inspection of economic mobility, wealth distribution and progress within a nation. Some of the subheadings featured on the Slide include urban area, employment, estimated GDP, share of employment, share of GDP, and cumulative share of GDP. Gain access to a thorough and incisive look into the state of economic well-being with the aid of this PPT Slide.


Economic Analysis Showing Area Wise GDP Share


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Template 10 - Economic Analysis Showing GDP and Population Growth

This Slide scrutinizes the relationship between GDP growth and population rates, using a graph to state its argument. The subheadings displayed across the Slide are country, national GDP growth, population growth, inflation and real GDP growth per capita. Download this Slide and customize it with ease, applying it to any specific region for a more wholesome and effective analysis of its internal economic environment.


Economic Analysis showing GDP and Population Growth


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GDP Templates are employed to assess the growth or decline of an economy over time, and to compare the state of different economies. Analyzing the different underlying inpatients of GDP is also made easier and more efficient with the help of SlideTeam’s PPT Templates, thereby helping to cultivate a more informed discussion around economic policy. Gain access to a range of easy-to-customize Templates and provide your audiences with an insightful information and compelling presentation in the process.






What is a simple definition of GDP?


Gross domestic product (GDP) is a method of approximating the size of nation’s economy. It is tabulated by cumulatively lumping the value of all the goods/services that make a country’s economy over a period of time. GDP is a useful metric to monitor the progress of an economy over time, and to compare and contrast the health of different nation’s economies.


How do you calculate GDP chart?


A GDP chart is a graphical representation of the GDP of a country or a region over time. To calculate a GDP chart, you need to have data on these four primary values of the economy:


  • Total National Income – the culminative value of all profits, wages, interest, and rents within that economy
  • Sales Taxes – the consumer taxes levied on the sales of goods and services by that respective government
  • Depreciation – the cost applied to any specific asset within this market across the span of its life
  • Net Foreign Factor Income – The income generated by domestic residents from foreign investments subtracting that generated by foreign residents through domestic investments.


Once you have these values, you need to add all of these values up to calculate the GDP. Upon deriving the GDP data for each year, you can create a chart where time occupies the horizontal axis and GDP occupies the vertical axis.


What are the 3 types of GDP?


  • Nominal GDP: This measures a country’s broader economic output without the impact of taking inflation being considered. It is approximated by taking the current prices of goods and services within the economy and having them multiplied by their quantities.
  • Real GDP: This is the most accurate and adjustable indicator of a country’s economic state, and it helps to cast a fair representation of the nation’s standard of living. It is calculated by taking the nominal GDP and applying the adjustments caused by inflation to it with the help of a price index.
  • Potential GDP: This is a theoretical value that exhibits the optimal economic output a country could produce in a tangible scenario where all of its resources are fully utilized. It is estimated by projecting a broad trend of the nation’s GDP growth, considering some vital factors such as labor, capital, technology, and productivity.