Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.”— Bill Belichick, American Football head coach with a six-time win record in Super Bowls.


Honesty, confidence, integrity, friendliness, are some characteristics that humans acquire over time, as these take years to develop and crystallize. Therefore, the next time you witness a human quality that is endearing, know that the person has perfected it over time and it’s now in their nature to act like it. Of course, to associate a trait to a human being must never be done just after a single encounter, but mostly people tend to have an unfaltering behavior, unless you’re dealing with a human-chameleon, which in their case becomes the character trait they are known for. 




Invest in learning more about yourself today by applying the wheel of life idea to know your true ambition and if your path needs a re-direction. Employ this guide replete with templates to help you in this evaluation. 


As children mature to occupy workplaces and lead their adult lives, their character traits become the defining force of their life. Their relationships with friends, family, and colleagues is determined by their traits; the healthy ones will surround them with positivity, while the toxic ones will have them ostracized. Even for their promotions and laurels that greet them, their characteristics will be pivotal.


Importance of Character Traits at a Workplace


Therefore, transformational leaders who inspire people to perform as per their true potential and want to nurture an atmosphere of positivity and healthy competition are needed to identify the true characteristics of their employees. Even interview sessions will sometimes provide them enough information to label an employee as per their defining characteristics. This profiling helps leaders assign the ideal responsibility to the most-capable individual. SlideTeam has the perfect set of character traits templates to profile employees. The aim is to ensure businesses can direct their capabilities in the direction of company’s growth.


For instance, an extrovert and compassionate person will be great at handling client relations. Creative employees will have their position in special projects and campaigns, ambitious employees will help you close deals, and so on. Thus, you’ll be able to strategically place your employees at the appropriate point of contact in the business structure and reap maximum benefits with our character traits templates. Without any ado, grab what our experts deem useful for you!


These 100% customizable templates provide you with the desired flexibility to edit presentations. Additionally, the content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.


Template 1: Ethical Character Traits of Office Employees


Download this ethical character traits template to evaluate employees based on their ability to take orders and follow rules. Establish the criteria for employees to fall under the category of followers, guides, negotiators or wigglers to assign them matching roles. Note that all four categories are an asset to the company, if these employees are strategically positioned in the business structure. Utilize your employees to the best of their abilities by having this PPT Tool pave the way. Download now.


Ethical character traits of Office Employees


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Template 2: Personality Traits Profiling Chart Measuring Facets or Sub Traits


Use this PPT Chart to categorize employees based on their character traits and sub-traits. For instance, determine on a scale of 1-8, whether employees are affected by feelings or pure conscientiousness? ? Are they expedient or dominant, forthright or emotionally stable, practical or imaginative, reserved, serious or sensitive, trusting or suspicious. List all possible traits and sub-traits to evaluate your employees’ personalities and to assign them the correct position to grow. Download now.


Personality Traits Profiling Chart Measuring Facets or Sub Traits


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Template 3: Personality Traits PowerPoint Slide


Use this PPT Icon to customize a character trait assessment of your employees. List all of their displayed attributes such as thoughtfulness, responsible attitude, sense of humor, hardworking, etc to profile them. Evaluating employees to understand their inclinations and emotional stance will also indicate the company’s culture toward upholding employee wellness and well being. Get this PPT Layout now to assess your primary assets and to value them well. 


Personality Traits PowerPoint Slide


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Template 4: Personality Traits or Factor Model for Employee Traits


Use this personality assessment template to identify the many traits that your employees demonstrate. Ths puzzle head diagram indicates the personality traits that make up your employees and that each trait is connected to the other. Create a thoughtful assessment of your employees to nurture them and to channel their skills for maximum productivity as well as their skill enhancement. Download now.


Personality Traits or Factor Model for Employee Traits


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Match Characters With Their Best Roles

Take time to read your staff today so responsibilities get fulfilled by the employees best fit for them. Our character traits templates play a huge role in aligning your staff as per their abilities. Round them up now for reassignment!


PS: If your organization fears change, then train your employees for it by investing in these professional and content-ready change management training templates to help ease this transition process. Learn from industry leaders how they implemented changes without obstruction.