We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them – Albert Einstein. 


Every organization, big and small, has to deal with problems occasionally. Such problems can test the leadership and team leaders' ability to tackle them. If the organization fails to deal with problems and find solutions, it can impact the business’s growth. 


That’s where the problem-solving approach comes into play. A problem-solving approach is nothing but a process of analyzing and defining the problem, finding the best way around it, and fixing it. If done effectively, this approach can help organizations tackle any kind of problem they have to face. 


But how exactly can you do it? Well, you can do it by utilizing problem-solving report templates. These templates can help you find the root causes of your problem, analyze them, and identify proposed countermeasures. The most important thing about these templates is that they ensure organizations do not go back to age-old and outdated practices to identify problem status and its solutions. 


At Slide Team, our experts have crafted highly customizable, content-ready, and 100% editable templates to aid in problem-solving. Using these templates, organizations can find solutions to their problems. 


So, let's take a look at these templates and understand how they can benefit you. 


Template 1: Sample A3 Problem Solving Report Collection of Quality Control Templates 

This template is a comprehensive solution that can help organizations find solutions to problems related to project management. The best part? This template is clean, crystal clear, and easy to understand. It divides the entire problem-solving approach into multiple sections. The first section focuses on the identification of the problem. Then, it goes on to identify root causes, the current situation, and the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. The layout is divided into 4 categories: Materials, Processes/Methods, People, and Machines. Each category has multiple layers of "Why?" questions. This can offer a better understanding of the problem and effective solutions. Download it now and fix any problems that your organization is dealing with. 


Sample A3 Problem Solving Report


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Template 2: A3 Problem-Solving Example PPT Presentation

This clutter-free template can help teams understand a structured problem-solving process. The layout is super clean, which makes it easy for everyone to understand the issue. The template starts with the "Background" to understand the root causes behind the problem. Then comes the "Current Condition" section that pinpoints the exact situation. Then, the templates focus on "Goals/Targets." Then, the "Analysis" stage helps identify the root causes of the problem. The template then offers the solution in the "Proposed Countermeasure" section. A concrete "Plan" is then laid out for implementing these solutions. Finally, the "Follow-up" step ensures that the solutions are effective and the problem is resolved. Overall, this template can help teams analyze and fix any problem in their organization. 


A3 Problem Solving Example


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Template 3: A3 Problem-Solving PPT Design Templates

This template uses a logical layout to analyze and fix problems within any organization. The entire template is segmented into multiple sections. These sections include "Description of Current State," "Background & Supporting Data," and "Root Cause Analysis." Finally, it also has sections an "Action Plan" and "Check & Follow Up." The muted color palette with effective use of vibrant colors—red, teal, and green—helps highlight critical phases: Plan, Do, Check, Act. Such a layout ensures the template looks visually appealing and can simplify the entire problem-solving process. Overall, this dynamic template is an effective tool for project management and team collaboration for fixing any problem.


A3 Problem Solving


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Template 4: A3 Problem-Solving Approach PPT Design Templates

This template takes a slightly different approach to fixing any problem. It utilizes the PDCS (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for it. The cycle layout ensures the presentation looks clean, and viewers can understand the core content easily. All 4 phases of the cycle are highlighted using different color codes. This ensures the viewers can easily differentiate between these phases. The arrows indicate the flow of the process, jumping from one phase to the next. The design looks extremely eye-pleasing, dives deeper into the root causes of the problem, takes into account the current condition, and offers proposed countermeasures. Download it now and fix any problems that might arise within your organization. 


A3 Problem Solving Approach


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Wrapping Up


No organization is immune to problems. Every now and then, a new problem can arise. Only the organizations and teams that can tackle these problems survive in tough competition. That’s where these problem-solving approach templates can become your best buddies! They could help you understand the root causes of the problem and come up with effective solutions. 


I hope you find the list of templates useful for your organization. Using them, you can showcase how you are willing to tackle a problem to your teams and stakeholders. Meanwhile, you can also take a look at our Top-10 maintenance Report templates that can help with your operational maintenance.Â