Identifying and establishing the right strategies to market products and services are often considered rocket science. However, with an appropriate marketing PPT template, you can create a plan or strategy to place the right product at the right time.


Give your customers round-the-clock access to your products. Boost visibility, get your message to the audience effectively, increase your sales and accelerate your business growth using professionally designed and easy-to-use marketing PPT templates.


Create social media campaigns, brainstorm content marketing ideas, analyze digital marketing results, and more by incorporating marketing PPT templates reports in your presentation.


We bring you content-ready marketing PPT templates to help you monitor your marketing strategies and fuel the growth of your business.


Top 50 Marketing PPT Templates:


Marketing Mix PowerPoint Template 1)


 Mezcla de marketing


Click here to download Marketing Mix PowerPoint Template


Incorporate visually appealing marketing mix PPT templates for your company to promote its brand or product in the market. The above content-ready marketing PowerPoint deck comprises of templates such as market survey insights, market opportunity analysis, customer purchase stages, and more to help you create a plan or tactics to help you place the right product at the right time and at the right price.


Digital Marketing Opportunities PowerPoint Template 2)


 Oportunidades y desafíos del marketing digital


Download professionally designed Digital Marketing Strategies PPT Template


Create a thorough digital marketing plan for your products using professionally designed digital marketing PPT templates. Let your business connect with your current and prospective customers through digital channels such as social media, email, and other websites. The above ready-to-use marketing PPT templates are perfect for you to outline an exhaustive digital plan for your business and on a budget. This deck comprises of slides which will let you promote and sell your products by leveraging online marketing tactics.


Marketing Management PowerPoint Template 3)


 Gerencia de Mercadeo


Grab this professionally designed Marketing Management PowerPoint Slide


Identify market opportunities, create appropriate strategies and implement a marketing program for your products and services using ready-made marketing PPT templates. The above marketing management PowerPoint templates let you explore business opportunities profitably. Curb the gaps found in the execution of marketing plans, procedures, policies, etc. Evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing mix with the help of marketing management. This complete deck has all the essential slides for you to manage your marketing plans. Just add your content and be ready with every opportunity that knocks on your door.


Product Lifecycle in Marketing Management PowerPoint Template 4)


 Ciclo de vida del producto en la gestión de marketing


Click here to download Marketing Management PowerPoint Slide


Introduce your product in the market with a product lifecycle in marketing management. This complete presentation on the product lifecycle takes you to step by step from having your product enter the market to advertising your product. The presentation includes slides covering steps such as the product, stage of the product lifecycle, promotional activities, channels of distribution, online marketing, and more. Use the product lifecycle PowerPoint deck and remove the roadblocks you find whilst introducing the product in the market.


Product Marketing PowerPoint Template 5)


Mercadeo de producto


Download Product Marketing PPT Template


Plan the product marketing that reaches a wide range of audiences with content-ready product marketing PPT templates. Pitch the new product to the public and focus on the product type, consumer needs, customer type, geographic area, etc. Use the above ready-made product marketing complete deck that will give you various options online to market your product.


Market Prediction PowerPoint Template 6)


 Predicción del mercado


Click here to download easy-to-use Market Prediction PowerPoint Template


Assess the market and analyze your findings with a content-ready market prediction PowerPoint template. The complete market prediction PowerPoint presentation comprises of slides such as market opportunity analysis, key stats, market survey, and more to help you get the valuable insights of the market to promote and sell your product. It is a ready-made presentation that comprises slides to help you evaluate the economic environment in related to barriers to entry and regulations.


Digital Marketing Strategy Implementation and Practice PowerPoint Template 7)




Download Digital Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Slide


Implement a successful digital marketing strategy using content-ready digital marketing strategy PowerPoint templates. The above is a content-ready deck to help you grab more and more consumers. Reach a wider range of audiences with digital marketing to support digital transformation and company growth. Know your customers well enough and monitor their buying behavior closely with ready-made digital marketing strategy PowerPoint templates.


Advertising Media PowerPoint Template 8)




Download easy-to-use Advertising Media Marketing PPT complete deck


Provide a boost to your products and services using advertising media marketing PPT templates. The advertising media complete presentation helps you create an advertising plan for your product. This presentation covers topics that are essential for planning, strategizing and advertising the product. It is a ready-made deck. Insert your data to implement the right advertising strategy for the product.


Online Marketing PowerPoint Template 9)




Grab this content-ready Online Marketing PPT presentation


Become successful in online marketing with content-ready online marketing PPT templates presentation. Keep a tab on the weekly, monthly, yearly performance of your business, assess the website performance, review the organic visits, and check the website traffic insights with online marketing PowerPoint presentation shown above. This deck covers topics that are essential for online marketing. It will keep you updated with the analysis and findings of customers' behavior online. Just insert your data, track the performance, and create a marketing plan accordingly.


Marketing Activity Report PowerPoint Template 10)


 Informe de actividad de marketing


Download professionally designed Marketing Activity Report PowerPoint Template


Review the performance of a marketing campaign or plan related to a product with a marketing activity report PowerPoint presentation. The marketing activity report comes in handy when you have to assess whether the campaign is a success or failure. The above marketing activity report presentation comprises of content-ready templates that will help you insert your data with ease. Whatever data you have, just incorporate them in the slides and analyze the performance. Based on the findings and research, you can devise a new marketing strategy or tweak your old strategy to appeal to the masses.


Sales & Marketing Summary Annual Report PowerPoint Template 11)


 Informe anual resumido de ventas y marketing


Click here to download content-ready Sales & Marketing PPT Template


Add your data in a content-ready sales and marketing summary report and keep a tab on the sales performance. With a pre-built sales and marketing report, it becomes easy to track the profits and losses in the business. Develop marketing strategies based on sales analysis. Create, design, and implement marketing plans for each product using sales and marketing summary annual report.


Digital Marketing Techniques PowerPoint Template 12)


 Técnicas de marketing digital


Download Digital Marketing Techniques PowerPoint Deck


Want to advertise and promote your product through digital marketing? Let us help you create efficient and useful digital marketing strategies with the help of digital marketing techniques. The content-ready digital marketing techniques comprises of slides that will let you emphasize online marketing concepts such as pull marketing, push marketing, campaign marketing, display advertising, etc. The complete presentation comprises of templates that are beneficial to use to reach the audiences in a wide horizon. It is a step-by-step guide to create a digital marketing strategy to have you achieve your company goals with the help of carefully scrutinizing selected online marketing channels.


Internet Marketing PowerPoint Template 13)


 Mercadeo por Internet


Click here to download Internet Marketing PowerPoint Template


Promote business and its products and services using the internet and drive traffic, leads, and sales for your company. The above professionally designed templates showcase various ways of using internet marketing to promote your product. These are behavior targeting, local advertising, affiliate marketing, search engine marketing, and contextual targeting. You can use the above template to put to use these ways to advertise your product on a digital platform.


Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template 14)


 Estrategia de mercadeo


Download Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template


Create a buyer persona and observe the buyer journey using ready-made marketing strategy PowerPoint templates. Not just this, the above presentation contains a slide on marketing channels and a strategic approach showing many channels that can be used for marketing the product. You can customize the slide and add your own content as per your needs.


Multi-Channel Marketing PowerPoint Template 15)


 Marketing multicanal


Grab this professionally designed Multi-Channel Marketing PowerPoint Template


Showcase your presence everywhere with multi-channel marketing. Interact with your customers using a mix of indirect and direct communication channels such as websites, email, mobile, stores, etc and help enable customers to buy your product using the channel of their choice. Multi-channel marketing lets you be where your customers are.


Channel Marketing PowerPoint Template 16)




Click here to download professionally designed Channel Marketing PowerPoint Template


Provide your customers round the clock access to your products and services. With content-ready channel marketing PowerPoint templates, create marketing strategies using various marketing channels to advertise your product. The above presentation is ready-to-use and comprises of slides which can be readily used to reach the customers online and offline.


Strategic Market Positioning PowerPoint Template 17)


 Posicionamiento estratégico en el mercado


Download Strategic Market Positioning PowerPoint Template


Position your brand in the market so that the consumers perceive it in a certain way with the help of easy-to-use strategic market positioning. Create a positioning strategy and outline a brand positioning worksheet to ease the process of establishing the brand identity in the market. Influence the customers’ perception regarding your product or brand with effective brand positioning.


Brand Marketing PowerPoint Template 18)


 Marketing de marca


Download Brand Marketing PPT Template


Whether to create awareness about your brand or build a brand campaign from scratch. The above ready-made brand marketing PowerPoint templates comprises of slides that will help you outline a plan on building brand awareness about your product. Use a roadmap to go step-by-step in order to create interest and buzz among the customers. The presentation also covers brand awareness metrics to help you keep a tab on any improvements or changes if required.


Internet Marketing Concepts & Strategies PowerPoint Template 19)


Conceptos y estrategias de marketing en Internet


Grab this content-ready Internet Marketing Strategies PowerPoint Template


Use the professionally designed and content-ready internet marketing PowerPoint presentation to advertise your products, sell goods, communicate your brand message or conduct thorough research for your brand. Internet marketing strategies can also be incorporated to analyze customers’ needs and wants. Thus, we bring you a complete presentation on internet marketing strategies to help you utilize the online channels effectively for your brand.


Company Marketing Analysis Report PowerPoint Template 20)


 Informe de análisis de marketing de la empresa


Download Company Marketing Analysis Report PPT Deck


Put your marketing analysis results in professionally designed PowerPoint templates and review the analysis report to strategize your further steps. Compile your data related to the company’s profile, products, services, profitability, market size, etc. using a company marketing analysis report presentation. The above complete presentation is customizable and changes to the presentation can be done easily.


Market Strategy PowerPoint Template 21)


Estrategia de mercado


Download Market Strategy PPT Template


Incorporate the above-market strategy PowerPoint presentation template to reach a wider range of audiences and convert those prospective customers into loyal customers. The marketing strategy PPT slide consists of marketing strategy steps to help you choose the best fit for your product. It provides you with many options to choose from for your product’s advertisements and promotions.


Five Cycle Marketing Strategy Steps PowerPoint Template 22)




Download 5 Cycle Marketing PPT Template


Use the easy-to-use 5 cycle marketing process PowerPoint presentation to help you outline the marketing strategies and steps for your company’s products and services. Devise a marketing plan and influence a wider range of audiences toward your product. Promote and sells products and services using pre-designed marketing process PPT templates.


Email Marketing System PowerPoint Template 23)


 Sistema de Email Marketing ROI Marketing Digital…


Click here to download Email Marketing PowerPoint Template


Create better email marketing plans and campaigns using email marketing PowerPoint template. Showcase various steps or strategize your steps for an effective email marketing strategy. The above template is completely customizable. You can add your own content and use it as per your convenience. You can target the number of audiences using email marketing PPT template.


Marketing Campaign Stages owerPoint Template 24)


Etapas Campaña de Marketing Marketing de Contenidos…


Download Content Marketing PowerPoint Template


Showcase various stages of content marketing using a professionally designed content marketing PowerPoint template. List down the steps included in content marketing to create and distribute the relevant and valuable content to attract the customers and ultimately enable them to make the purchase in order to drive sales for the company.


Sales & Marketing PowerPoint Template 25)


Ventas Marketing Mercado Ventas Nuevas Tendencias Marketing Cliente…


Grab this professionally designed Sales Marketing PowerPoint Template


Incorporate the above template on sales marketing to jot down the activities or steps that lead to the selling of goods and services. The template comprises a diagram showing a circular shape. Text boxes are given in the slide for you write down the essential points, steps or facts. The template is completely customizable and hence the content can be edited easily.


B2B Marketing Integration PowerPoint Template 26)


 Buena intención de mercadeo en red Marketing B2B


Download B2B Marketing PowerPoint Template


Engage your clients and stakeholders in B2B marketing with B2B marketing PowerPoint template shown above. Explain B2B marketing, its intent, and strategies for B2B marketing with the help of this PowerPoint template. Create a perfect B2B marketing strategy to promote your business and improve profits.


Market Landscape PowerPoint Template 27)


 Panorama del mercado Mercado penetrado Mercado objetivo…


Click here to download Market Landscape PowerPoint Template


Identify key players in the field and beat your competition using an amazingly designed market landscape PowerPoint template. Find out your target market, potential market, available market and penetrated the market to strategize accordingly and maximize your impact in the market.


Market Trends PowerPoint Template 28)


 Tendencias del mercado tamaño del mercado y tasa de crecimiento del mercado


Download Market Trends Data Chart PPT Template


Analyze market trends and keep a tab on industry growth using market trends PowerPoint template. The above template comprises a graph comparing the market size of eight years. The slide is editable. Add the data in the slide and review the growth rate to plan accordingly.


Market Research PowerPoint Template 29)


 Líder de Investigación de Mercados…


Download Market Research PowerPoint Template


Put information about target markets and customers in the form of market research with the help of a market research PowerPoint template. Create a business strategy based on the findings of market research to help your company grow. The template comprises a circular diagram and has text space given for you to write down the steps, points or facts. The template is editable and hence makes it easier to use.


Market Segmentation PowerPoint Template 30)


 Segmentación del mercado Marketing objetivo…


Download Market Segmentation PowerPoint Template


Divide the market into potential customers into groups based on characteristics using a market segmentation PowerPoint template. Personalize your marketing campaigns targeting specific groups of people sharing similar traits. Market segmentation helps you emphasize specific audiences in a cost-effective manner.


Marketing Campaign Budget Plan PowerPoint Template 31)


 Plan presupuestario de campaña de marketing que muestra el desglose del presupuesto de marketing Investigación de mercado


Download Market Campaign Budget Plan PowerPoint Template


Want to create a budget plan for marketing campaigns? We bring you a ready-made marketing campaign budget plan to take the burden off you. The above template is in a tabular form and covers essential points for the budget. You can create a budget plan for up to six months. The budget template covers salaries, benefits, bonuses, expenses, and more. Add your data and create your own budget plan.


Maret Analysis PowerPoint Template 32)


 Herramienta de análisis de mercado de marketing en Internet Estrategia de marketing…


Download Internet Marketing PowerPoint Slide


Reach your target market regardless of the size of your business with the help of internet marketing. Use the above template to showcase various usage of internet marketing and its benefits. Incorporate the PowerPoint template on digital marketing to list down the strategies based on internet marketing and its benefits for the business.


Mobile Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template 33)


 Marketing móvil Estrategia de marketing Servicio de marketing…


Click here to download Mobile Marketing PowerPoint Slide


Get close to your customers and reach on their smartphones, tabs, phones, devices, etc. with a mobile marketing PowerPoint template. Send your customers promotional texts, advertise your products and give them benefits using mobile marketing strategy. The above template lets you strategize your steps regarding mobile marketing and helps you reach your audience in an efficient manner.


Marketing Systems PowerPoint Template 34)


Marketing de seguros de salud Sistemas de marketing B2b…


Download types of Marketing PPT Template


Showcase various types of marketing such as health, insurance, B2B marketing with the above template. List different marketing types, their strategies and benefits to educate your audience, clients, and stakeholders. With various options available, you can choose the best fit for your company.


Online B2B Marketing PowerPoint Template 35)


 Marketing B2B online Marketing Ventas Publicidad….


Click here to download Online B2B Marketing PPT Template


Showcase the various benefits of using B2B marketing with the help of a professionally designed online B2B marketing PowerPoint template. Let your stakeholders know how B2B marketing helps businesses grow and promote the products effectively. The template is customizable. It has enough space to write the texts. Add and edit the content as per your needs.


Proactive Marketing Performance PowerPoint Template 36)


 Marketing proactivo Rendimiento de marketing...


Download Marketing PPT Template


Use the template shown above to set out the objectives for measuring marketing performance. Companies set the criteria on which the marketing the performance is discussed and monitored. The template is neat and easy-to-use. It comprises of a circular diagram and gives you space to jot down certain objectives and goals for you to measure.


Marketing Global Scale PowerPoint Template 37)


 Marketing Escala Global Marketing Target Indiferenciado…


Click here to download Marketing PPT Slide


Make your audience aware of different stages of marketing with marketing PowerPoint template. Showcase several principles and concepts of marketing using marketing PPT slide. The above slide comprises gears which means that every step or stage of the marketing plan works in coordination with another. It has icons as well to increase the visual appeal of the diagram. It is a perfect template to put forward the information as it can easily engage the audience with its eye-catching graphic.


Marketing Strategy StepsPowerPoint Template 38)


Estrategia de marketing Segmentos de mercado Asignación de marketing...


Download Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Slide


Educate your audience about the importance of marketing and its various stages with the help of a marketing strategy PowerPoint template. The template shown above is apt to aware people of the benefits of marketing and its usage in the current scenario. You can list down the points in the space given shown in the template. Icons are also provided to accentuate the graphic design. The template is easily customizable. You can replace the icon of your choice to suit your requirements.


Return Marketing Investment PowerPoint Template 39)


Retorno de la inversión en marketing ROI promedio Marketing…


Download Return Marketing Investment PowerPoint Slide


Measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign in relation to the specific marketing objective using a return marketing investment PowerPoint template. Incorporate the above PowerPoint slide to calculate the total market return. Monitor the ability of marketing campaigns to generate new revenue growth.


Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template 40)


Estrategia de marketing Plan de marketing Segmentación del mercado Análisis competitivo


Grab this professionally designed Marketing Strategy PPT Template


Discuss and list essential marketing strategies to advertise your products and services effectively. Reach a wider range of audience and establish the image of your brand in a professional manner. Turn your potential customers into loyal customers. Jot down the marketing strategies steps to establish and market your product in the market.


Innovative Online Marketing Campaigns PowerPoint Template 41)


Marketing online innovador Gestionando el marketing...


Download Innovative Online Marketing PowerPoint Template


Brainstorm innovative online marketing tactics to influence customers to your brand using an online marketing PowerPoint template. Create a list of different ways of reaching the audience online using the above template. The above template is creatively designed and can be used to jot down the points, steps, or tactics. The template makes it easier for the audience to understand the concept easily as it is professionally designed and instantly grabs the audience’s attention.


Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template 42)


 Marketing en redes sociales Marketing web Gestión de carreras


Click here to download Social Media Marketing PPT Template


Grow your business with social media marketing PowerPoint template. Build social media marketing strategies for your business to reach and attract more customers. Advertise your products on social media platforms and let the audience feel your presence everywhere. Generate more revenues with social media marketing PPT slide.


Online Local Marketing Store PowerPoint Template 43)


Marketing local en línea Marketing de tiendas Empresas locales


Download Online Offline Marketing PPT Template


Promote your products and services online and offline with a marketing PowerPoint template. Showcase different options through which you can advertise and promote your products.


Search Engine Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template 44)


Estrategia de marketing en motores de búsqueda Marketing web…


Click here to download Search Engine Marketing PowerPoint Template


Increase your website’s visibility in search engine results and reach your audience using this search engine marketing PowerPoint template. Since the number of consumers researching and shopping online is increasing each day, it becomes inevitable to increase the company’s reach as well. Thus, search engine marketing plays a crucial role in increasing the visibility of a website to reach more consumers.


Peer Marketing Internet Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template 45)


Marketing entre pares Estrategia de marketing en Internet basado en productos...


Download Peer Marketing PPT Template


Build a peer-to-peer marketing strategy. Use the above template to list the points of peer-to-peer marketing strategy. The above template is customizable. Easily add and edit your content. It comprises professional icons as well to enhance the visual appeal of the graphic.


Marketing Information Systems PowerPoint Template 46)


 Marketing Sistemas de Información Marketing SEO


Download Marketing Information PowerPoint Template


Write down the points that need to be carried out in advertising and marketing your product using the marketing information PowerPoint template shown above. List steps or stages related to the marketing plan with the help of a professionally designed marketing system PPT slide.


Indirect Marketing Distributed Marketing PowerPoint Template 47)


 Marketing Indirecto Marketing Distribuido Multicanal…


Download Indirect Marketing PowerPoint Template


Show different types of marketing applied in the market using the marketing PPT template shown above. Jot down various types of marketing and choose the one that is a perfect fit for your product.


Marketing Advertising CampaignsPowerPoint Template 48)


 Marketing Publicidad Campañas de marketing…


Grab this professionally designed Market Advertising PowerPoint Template


Plan various marketing campaigns with the marketing advertising PowerPoint template shown above. The template comprises of a circular diagram with eight points. Write down the essential steps involved in the execution of a marketing campaign in the template and let your audience understand it better.


SMS Marketing Campaigns PowerPoint Template 49)


Campañas de SMS Marketing Estrategia de SMS Marketing…


Download SMS Marketing Campaigns PPT Template


Promote SMS marketing and its benefits with a professionally designed PowerPoint template. Discuss the importance, benefits, and usage of SMS marketing with your audience.


Ecommerce Marketing GoalsPowerPoint Template 50)


 Diferentes objetivos de marketing de comercio electrónico...


Download e-commerce Marketing Goals PowerPoint Template


We bring you e-commerce marketing PowerPoint templates to help you increase your online sales. Create e-commerce marketing strategies for your business that are efficient to use to drive more leads and sales.

Related read: 10 Mistakes That Cost Marketing Managers Their Customer Base (And Top PowerPoint Templates That Can Help Fix Them)

These 50-ready-made marketing PPT templates will save you a lot of time and help you review your marketing strategies efficiently.


Download and get access to the top 50 ready-to-use marketing PPT templates for your presentation.