If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.


– David Ogilvy, Businessman


It is the employees you hire that make the company whatever it is, be it a success or a failure. The recruitment requirements are numerous, yet specific. You want talented people but only those whose vision aligns with the company’s worldview. Then there are issues of geography, workplace culture, and more to tackle to ensure you have a round peg in a round hole. The number of suitable candidates gets reduced to a fraction of the available talent pool with each criterion, making the search for the right candidate longer and harder.

This is why, delegating money, time, and the right people to recruitment is quintessential to sustaining as well as growing your business. The HR department is responsible to find these suitable candidates and bring them on board, ensuring a continued upward trend in business success. An essential resource that helps the recruitment team streamline the hiring and onboarding process is a PowerPoint Presentation. It is how they will delegate the work and track progress.


With one option leading to you slaving away to create a presentation from scratch, the second and better route is to use SlideTeam’s Talent Management System PPT Templates. These PowerPoint Slides are content-ready, which provides structure, and are 100% editable, which provides flexibility. In this blog, we present a 52-slide presentation and explain its intricacies to help you make the recruitment process faster, easier, and more effective; not only for recruiters but for new hires as well!

Let’s take a look now.




1. Talent Management Overview


2. Talent Management System– Plan of Action


2.1. Implementing Integrated Talent Management System

2.2. Organizational Effectiveness

2.3. Workforce Staffing

2.4. Workforce Development

2.5. Workforce Management


3. Budget Assessment for Talent Management


4. Impact


5. Dashboard


1. Talent Management Overview


You have a good team, now tasked with hiring good employees for the future of your business. The recruitment team knows how the process works but it is critical to keep them up to speed. In this section of the PPT Deck, we present an overview of talent management.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck



We discuss the issues that organizations face in managing talent such as bad or flawed recruitment strategies or processes and ineffective leadership. The key challenges faced and statistics related to talent management are showcased visually. With the introductions out of the way, we move on to implement a talent management system in the business.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


2. Talent Management System– Plan of Action


The Part Two of this PPT Set is your step-by-step (with tools included) sequential primer to help you execute this system for your company and iron out the kinks in your hiring procedure.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


2.1 Implementing Integrated Talent Management System


We present a brief, single tabular slide that outlines the method to implement integrated talent management in your business. The table showcases areas of implementation and strategies as well as the impact and description of these strategies on metrics related to organizational effectiveness, workforce staffing, development, and management.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


Let us now discuss these areas and provide you with the template tools to complete tasks within them.


2.2 Organizational Effectiveness


This concept has two tabular slides dedicated to it, which showcase a team effectiveness assessment scorecard and engagement activities plan for employee retention. Note and deliver how the team is performing to discover areas that need improvement and activities that will help reduce employee attrition.




With this ready-made slide, you will be able to pinpoint the pain points in talent management that are a significant challenge for your company and fix them on an immediate basis.


2.3 Workforce Staffing


We share four slides with you, each with a table that presents a recruitment metric in talent management system implementation. These slides deal with job analysis for recruitment, analytics framework to support onboarding, optimizing hiring costs, and a checklist for

onboarding and orientation.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck




2.4 Workforce Development


Even after onboarding talented candidates, it is crucial that you develop their skills within the organization. These next few slides are the perfect resource to do that. These development tasks for the new employees include leadership development, a comprehensive career plan bridging their talent gaps, boosting employee learning, and increasing productivity.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


Each slide contains a table to record the employee development activity being undertaken and track its progress and outcome.


2.5 Workforce Management


Workforce management is critical to employee development. In this section, we learn of the processes and tools that businesses must use for enhancing employee performance. You will learn to motivate employees through performance management and reward, use analytics tools to enhance employee journeys, and understand key factors that impact motivation and job satisfaction in employees.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck



3. Budget Assessment for Talent Management


Constraints to development will always exist and the limits put in by money must always be taken care of. In Part III, we provide you with the slides to present a comparative analysis of talent management software such as BambooHR, Recruitee, ELMO, etc. You can also showcase the budget for this system and the key parameters that a business organization is looking for from these software packages.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


4. Impact

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to understand the outcomes of the initiatives taken within the organization. We present a unique slide to illustrate how your talent management system has impacted your business through graphs and key insights in a documented form.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck



5. Dashboard

Not all reports are made equal and no two people have the same time to read it, or in this case, watch a presentation. This is why we have created two dashboard templates that you can use to deliver your report on the talent management system, in brief, using visual

tools such as bar graphs, pie charts, and more.


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


Talent Management System for Effective Hiring Process complete deck


We bring this presentation to a close and allow the audience to soak up the information and interact with you, the speaker, for comments and questions. We hope this PPT Set has given you the insights to ensure that your hiring process brings you the best candidate for the position and the business.


FAQs on Talent Management


What is talent management?


Talent management refers to strategies, practices, and processes that organizations use to attract, identify, develop, and retain employees with the necessary skill and talent. It involves recruiting, onboarding, training and development, performance management, succession planning, and career development. The goal of talent management is to ensure that the organization has the right people in the right roles with the right skills to achieve its business objectives. It is an essential aspect of organizational success as it helps to increase employee engagement, motivation, productivity, and retention, and drives business growth and profitability.


What should be the primary purpose of the talent management process?


The primary purpose of the talent management process should be to align the skills and abilities of employees with the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. This involves identifying and developing employees who have the potential to contribute to the organization's success in the long term. The process should also aim to create a culture of continuous learning and development, where employees are supported in their career growth and progression. Additionally, talent management should foster a positive employee experience and engagement by recognizing and rewarding high performers and providing opportunities for personal and professional development. Ultimately, the goal of talent management is to ensure that the organization has the right people in the right roles with the right skills to achieve its mission and vision.


Is talent pool management for leaders effective?


Yes, talent pool management for leaders can be very effective. A strong talent pool of potential leaders can help organizations to be more agile and responsive to changes in the business environment, and to have a pipeline of skilled leaders who can take on key roles in the future. Effective talent pool management involves identifying high-potential employees, providing them with development opportunities, and ensuring that they are ready to step into leadership roles when needed. By doing so, organizations can reduce the risk of leadership gaps and succession planning issues, and create a culture of continuous learning and development. Overall, talent pool management for leaders can be a key driver of organizational success and growth.