Most people don’t think of anything pleasant when they hear the term “financial model.” On the contrary, it may cause some discomfort that cannot be ignored.


You might have heard, "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." But, what if you're not sure whether or not your company is broken or simply in trouble?


One minute, you're a profit-making machine, and the other minute you can’t even make ends meet. How can you distinguish between these two situations? The answer lies in the good-old financial model! 


What Is a Financial Model? 


A financial model enables you to keep track of your expenditure and income over time, allowing you to assess your firm’s monetary status.


A company's financial model is a summary of its performance, based on certain inputs, that predict the future monetary success. In other words, it allows a firm to examine the potential financial consequences of a choice quantitatively.


Why Is a Financial Model Important?


It is unlikely that the outputs of a financial model match the actual reality. After all, it is based on a limited set of assumptions derived from a wide range of possible inputs and parameters.


So many questions, and yet so much uncertainty. Still, why should business owners bother about creating a financial model when there’s so much guessing? And why is it so important to the investors? 


There are several reasons why firms should invest time and money in developing their model.


The most popular reasons include:


  • It gives direction to your company.
  • It dispenses important information about the company, its assets and liabilities in a way that appeals to the investors.


For these reasons, management should start with its financial model at the earliest and should look for predesigned and editable templates to fill in the unnecessary gaps. This is so because the templates can provide a framework to build the model and indicate the missing elements. 


Now that you know the importance of a financial model, we’ll begin to guide you on building a financial model in 7 simple steps by incorporating some fantastic yet comprehensive PPT templates. Fortunately, there are plenty of great financial model templates below that are predesigned by our team and can help you construct a compelling plan for your business to succeed.


Let’s begin!


Step-by-step Guide To a Financial Model


As the business world changes, understanding how to construct a financial model becomes increasingly vital. A financial model is an essential tool for making decisions. But what if you don’t have the time or expertise to build one from scratch?


Here’s a step-by-step guide to start and connect all the dots with PowerPoint templates! 


Step 1: Historical results and assumptions


The basis of any financial model is a company’s historical results. So begin by extracting three years of financial data and inputting it into an understandable format. Next, implement the historical period’s assumptions by calculating revenue growth rate, gross margin, variable expenses, fixed costs, inventory days, and AP days. From there, you can hard-code the assumptions for the forecast period.


You can start with your financial model by using any of the helpful templates given below to build a solid foundation for your model. These templates provide a clear picture of your company’s financial history and future assumptions. 


Template 1


Utilize this stunning template to understand your company's financial health better. This handy design will give you a breakdown of your assets, liabilities, equity, and predictions for the future. So whether you're looking to make some long-term plans or impress your stakeholders, this historical balance sheet and forecast template is ideal for you!


Historical balance sheet and forecast


Download this template


Template 2


Here is another catchy template that allows you to create accurate balance sheets and predict how your company's finances will change in the future. Grab this customizable design to prepare for an investor presentation and stay on the top!


Historical and forecasts financial model
Download this template


Template 3


You can also begin with this magnificent template, allowing you to monitor your firm's financial health over time. This template includes must-have information for any accounting model. So if you're a serious investor or expert in the field, this is an excellent alternative for creating the historical financial model balance sheet.


Historical financial analysis and forecast calculation
Download this template


Step 2: Create the income statement


The income statement is a financial report that documents the revenues and expenses of an organization.


But why is an income statement so important?


With an income statement, an investor (and the business owner) can examine the projected growth, margin improvement, and cost developments.


So once you have the historical data and forecast in place, you can generate an impactful income statement. It includes revenues, direct costs, gross profit, operating expenses, EBITDA, non-operating expenses, earnings before tax, tax, and net income. 


Here are well-structured templates to help you get started with the income statement. So get hold of these well-crafted templates and move on to the second step! You can choose any of these as per your needs.


Template 1


With this unique template, you can ace the second step of a financial model. This successful design will allow you to create an accurate and comprehensive income statement. Download it right now!


Company income statement with financial forecast period


Download this template


Template 2


Here's another simple-to-use interface that requires you to input your data and leave the rest to the template. As a result, you'll have a professional document ready in no time that you can utilize to make critical business decisions.


Financial projections income statement ppt slides demonstration


Download this template


Template 3


This feasible alternative will assist you in developing an accurate and informative document that will keep a realistic track of your money. So don't put it off any longer; start using your favorite income statement template today!


Financial projections income statement


Download this template


Step 3: Tailor a well-structured balance sheet


Once you’ve constructed the income statement and set some assumptions, translate them to the balance sheet. As a result, you can now begin inputting the company's assets, equity, liabilities, and other information in the balance sheet.


Utilize the templates below to make a balance sheet that will indicate your firm’s financial condition. These exclusive templates include the three primary components—current and non-current assets, current and non-current liabilities, and equity. So pick the most relevant to your business and get started right away!


Note: You can also utilize these balance sheet templates for supporting schedules, if you have any, to provide greater disclosure of assets. 


Template 1


The overall financial condition of your firm is determined by a balance sheet. Therefore, keeping track of assets and liabilities will be a breeze with this simple template. Click the download button to get it now!


Financial projections balance sheet
Download this template


Template 2


This easy-to-use balance sheet template is appropriate to save you time and effort. This balance sheet template has everything from an asset and liability tracker to a profit & loss statement calculator. Grab it immediately!



Financial projections balance sheet presentation outline


Download this template


Template 3


Here's another PPT template to help you take your financial model to the next level. Look no further than this balance sheet template if you want to keep track of your finances. This simple tool will let you create a balance sheet that is accurate yet attractive. 


Financial projections balance sheet presentation visuals


Download this template


Step 4: Create the Cash Flow Statement


"Profits Are an Opinion, Cash Is a Fact." This quote by Alfred Rappaport demonstrates how vital the cash flow statement is. Investors want to know what a firm does with its money and whether it can pay its bills or not. As a result, free cash flows are their favorite metrics to judge how well a business can run its finance operations.


You can now construct the cash flow statement with the reconciliation approach utilizing the income statement and balance sheet.


So, download these cash flow statement templates for the financial model and create a statement that establishes credibility.


Template 1


Utilize this cash flow statement template to help you keep your finances in check. This simple design will allow you to track your income and costs, seeing how much money comes in and goes out. With this helpful template, you can stay on top of your finances and avoid unpleasant surprises later.


Consolidated cash flow statement raise funding from financial market


Download this template


Template 2


Here's another way to keep track of your cash flow. With this comprehensive template, you can create a cash flow statement in no time. So why wait? Get started today and see the benefits!


Consolidated cash flow statement


Download this template


Template 3


You can also pick this option when you want to explain the cash flow model of your company. Keeping track of assets and liabilities will be a cakewalk with this PowerPoint design. Download it now!


Consolidated cash flow statement financial market pitch deck


Download this template


Step 5: Do the DCF Analysis


You can move to the discounted cash flow analysis after creating all the three statements. Estimate free cash flow and convert it to today’s value using opportunity cost or perhaps return rate to determine the company’s worth.


To help you ace this process, we present the financial model template for DCF analysis. Employ these stunning PPT templates to present the valuation of your company.


Template 1


This DCF analysis template is an excellent tool for assessing a company's financial health. With this template, you can calculate your company's present and future values quickly. So now is the time to get it!


Discounted cash flow analysis
Download this template


Template 2


If you're looking to secure your funds or keep an eye on your business's bottom line, this feasible template is what you can pick. Download it now to create and conduct DCF analysis like a pro! 


Discounted cash flow infographic


Download this template


Template 3


Here's another useful PowerPoint template to help you determine your company’s worth. Enter the data into the template for it to take care of the rest. Get it now!


Discounted cash flow analysis real estate management


Download this template


Step 6: Apply sensitivity analysis and scenarios


After completing the DCF analysis and valuation, it’s time to apply sensitivity analysis and scenarios. This analysis aims to figure out how much the company’s value would be affected if certain base assumptions are changed. Again, this is an excellent tool for assessing the risk of a proposed investment or company planning.


Have a look at these predesigned templates for sensitivity analysis and scenarios that you must include to complete the financial model. Download now!


Template 1


This PowerPoint template allows you to do a thorough sensitivity analysis and scenario planning. First, input your figures, then see how they change under various circumstances. It's also an excellent tool for risk management and preparation. So download now!


Sensitivity analysis price


Download this template


Template 2


Here's another sensitivity analysis template to help you figure out the working of your financial model. With this easy-to-use template, you can quickly see how changes in your assumptions can affect your bottom line. Grab it now!


Financial model with balance sheet and sensitivity analysis


Download this template


Template 3


This alternative is perfect for finding out the what-ifs of your business plan. It will tick all the right boxes and help you deliver a cohesive and well-formulated finance model. So download now! 


Sensitivity analysis
Download this template


Step 7: Create charts and graphs


Once you are done creating a financial model, it's essential to communicate it to the team in a crystal clear manner for informed decision-making. And what could be more impressive than charts and graphs to display the outcomes of your model? 


Use these financial modeling templates, including charts and graphs. Download them now and impress the viewers with an organized summary of your financial model!


Template 1


This charts and graphs template is ideal for communicating your financial model without overwhelming your audience. With this user-friendly design, you can generate beautiful visuals that make comprehending information a breeze.


financial model with revenue and cash


Download this template


Template 2


Here's another excellent choice for financial modeling. With this simple template, you can easily convey your complex data and concepts to investors, clients, and coworkers.


Business financial trend analysis
Download this template


Template 3


This eye-catching PowerPoint template will help you create an impactful and convincing presentation whether you're looking to present a sales forecast or display your growth potential.


financial model and analyzing projections


Download this template


These are the crucial steps for building a  financial model. However, when the model is complete, the next important thing is to start stress-testing the extreme cases. It is done to ensure that the model works as expected. It is also critical to use auditing tools to verify the accuracy of your financial model.


In the end


Since the financial model is a tool for informed decision-making and projection, it is used at several phases of a company’s lifecycle. These include seeking funds, acquiring budgetary control methods, or understanding drivers that will influence your company’s  overall performance.


Now that you’ve learned how to create a financial model, download these well-structured templates to build the most effective design and represent your company’s data accurately for informed decision-making. 


P.S: If you are about to start a new program and need help with its cost estimate and control, here is a handy guide replete with stunning project budget templates. Do explore and let us know your thoughts!


Download the free Financial Model PDF.