Customers feel wanted when they are understood better. Once your brand comprehends the emotional side of your audience, BAM! You put your company on the right track to running effective marketing campaigns, developing valuable products, and executing actions that instantly form a connection with the consumers.


As per the Harvard Business Review, Empathy Map is one of the "three creativity challenges" for leaders of a global innovation company.


Thought leaders like Simon Sinek also suggested that people are most likely to buy from the brands they share a connection with. Therefore, to build an association with your customers, you should understand their needs and wants thoroughly. An empathy map is a prerequisite for getting into your user's mind.


Empathy Map Templates to Get Valuable Insights into Your Target Audience


Apart from helping you see things through customers eyes, empathy maps also help in exercising in various verticals such as:


  • Designing products, services, and customer touchpoints
  • Improving customer experiences
  • Planning communications
  • Creating marketing strategies and more


In addition, it helps you gather solutions to alleviate the problems of the customers. Moreover, it will avert you from making decisions that affect your audience negatively. Thus, incorporating an empathy map greatly influences your business strategy in a better way.


SlideTeam brings you a collection of ready-made empathy map templates for your brand to dive into a deeper understanding of your customers and determine the best way to connect with them.


Browse this amazingly designed empathy map PPT templates and enable yourself and your team to grow your knowledge and reduce conflicts with your customers. 


Let's get started!


Template 1: Empathy Map PPT Slide

It is a ready-made PPT template which marketers, designers, product managers and other professionals can use to understand things that drive customers' interest. The template is categorized into four sections to add data about the user’s opinions. You can use this flexible design to evaluate your audience's emotions and needs to design services that meet their requirements.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Template


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Template 2: Empathy Map PowerPoint Template

Interpret questions regarding your audiences’  feelings, desires, thoughts, etc, using this empathy map PPT template. Gather valuable insights from this PPT template about your customers and use them to empathize with their needs. It is a customizable slide to help you add your content easily as per your requirements.


Empathy Map PPT Slide


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Template 3: Empathy Map PPT Slide

Incorporate this professionally designed PowerPoint template, which comprises four quadrants to illustrate four essential customer traits. Use this dynamic PPT slide to observe and analyze your customers' thought processes, reactions, feelings towards specific questions, discussions, conversations, and more. Get a broader view of your audience's experience towards your product with this customizable PPT graphic.


Empathy Map PPT Layout


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Template 4: Empathy Map PowerPoint Graphic

Construct a detailed persona of your customers and understand their feelings towards your product with this ready-to-use PPT template. This vibrant PowerPoint slide will empower you to see through your business from a customer's perspective, which is of utmost importance. Use this customizable PowerPoint slide to explore opportunities to enhance your services.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Diagram


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Template 5: Empathy Map PowerPoint Template

Grab this ready-made PowerPoint slide to uncover the problems your customers feel and think are associated with your brand. This flexible PPT design showcases four quadrants that describe the emotional state of your audience towards your products. Learn how your customers feel, say, do, and think about the services you offer by downloading this template.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Slide


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Template 6: Empathy Map PPT Slide

Design your marketing strategies as per your customers' requirements using this editable PPT template. You can incorporate this PowerPoint slide to outline advertising tactics to connect with the audience based on their observation of goods and services that you offer. This flexible PPT template will also help you enhance customers' experiences based on their journey.


Empathy Map PPT Diagram


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Template 7: Empathy Map PowerPoint Template

Ask, observe and surmise your audience's emotions to craft a customer-centric approach. Understand the user needs and wants using this flexible PPT design. Pay attention to their emotional drivers and develop an accurate empathy map to scale your services. Design an impeccable user ordeal after getting a thorough understanding of your target audience with this PowerPoint template.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Layout


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Template 8: Empathy Map PPT Layout

Focus on the areas that motivate the audience to connect with you with this actionable PPT template. It is a professionally designed PowerPoint slide highlighting four significant categories of the empathy map that visualize the customers' demands and wishes. Incorporate this customizable PowerPoint slide to envision what your user said, did, felt, or thought about your brand to help you upgrade products as per your audience's requirements.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Diagram


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Template 9: Empathy Map PowerPoint Graphic

Observe your client's experience and develop excellent marketing tactics using this empathy map template. Visualize and outline everything that a user does, feels, or thinks when encountering your brand. Develop a comprehensive vision for designing effective marketing strategies that cater audience's needs using this customizable PPT slide.


Empathy Map PowerPoint Slide


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Template 10: Empathy Map PPT Template

Formulate the empathy map using this ready-made PPT template to understand your customers. Detect the motivators, actions, external and internal forces that trigger and excite them by incorporating this extensively designed PowerPoint slide. Communicate with your audience and observe their emotional state to create strategies that make you connect with them in a better way.


Empathy Map PPT Template


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Several companies think they know what their customers want. However, most of their assumptions are wrong as they do not consider their audience's emotional state. This prevents them from creating a positive bond with their consumers.


We at SlideTeam do not want you to make this rooky mistake. This is why we encourage you to exercise empathy map templates to prioritize your customers' needs. Incorporate these customizable PPT slides to articulate your user persona and build an emotional bond like never before!


P.S: Learn to make your customers your life-long brand advocates using our actionable PPT templates featured in this blog. 


Download the free Empathy Map Templates PDF.