Even if you are running your business adequately, earning a lot of profits, still you cannot have an idea of which crisis you’re going to deal with next. You must be prepared with a crisis management plan for an emergency. It is imperative to make one such plan because otherwise, many people under stress end up making such decisions for their firm that are not wise and ultimately lead to worsening the situation.


Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic can be an alarming situation for most workplaces. Unlike the others, those organizations that were already prepared and had such a management plan are still surviving and growing amidst this pandemic.


Such a plan keep the employees focused on the top priorities of the organization and helps them combat fear and uncertainty. Not only this, by having a well-planned set of strategies and tactics you would be able to keep a check on the threats and minimize their likelihood. So, to frame one such plan we must know what exactly is Crisis Management Plan.


What is Crisis Management Plan?


When sudden and unexpected events disturb the normal functioning of your organization and employees, you must have an idea to deal with it. Such set of techniques and strategies using which you create a plan to minimize the harm and restore operation is generally called the crisis management plan.


Planning arms the companies to mitigate the negative effects of any crisis including the damage to any asset or property. Additionally, it protects the most valuable personnel resource of your organization and preserves productivity, to safeguard the company’s reputation.


Seniors of your organization must make sure that such a management plan exists in your organization and it can be made a cakewalk taking the assistance of the below-shown crisis management PowerPoint templates.


To be in the game, even in such tough situations, you must have such tools utilizing which you can better analyze and understand the situation. This deck includes all such templates that will help you train your employees to overcome the situation and stand bold in adversity.


Let’s have a look at these customizable PowerPoint templates.


Template 1


Introduce the topic in front of your audience using this crisis management PowerPoint template. Talk about the various crisis that your business can come across and the ways to deal with them. The given PPT slide is perfect to elucidate the impact of the crisis on the overall performance of the organization.


Crisis Management Plan Solution Deck

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Template 2 


Highlight various kinds of crisis that an organization can face taking the assistance of this readily-available crisis management PowerPoint slide. Giving a prior knowledge of different types of crises that can occur in your organization can help you frame tactics to deal with them. Throw some light on the personnel, organizational, financial, technological, and natural crisis and acquaint your staff with strategies to deal with them.


What Kind of Crisis Our Firm Can Face?

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Template 3 


This slide gives an overview of crisis response organizational structure depicting the 3 tiers namely, corporate level, regional level, facility level. The crisis management team shown using this template will prepare the organization to effectively respond to emergencies, if any.


Three Tier Crisis Response Organization Structure

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Template 4


The main purpose of crisis management is to reduce the loss that can occur to the organization in abnormal situations. The management team needs to have such creative skills that can help them take key decisions in such situations. To do so, the team members are trained by experts in different scenarios. You can utilize this informative template to prepare the training schedule of your employees. This would help them come up with the decisions that can be used to overcome the situation. It gives you space to jot down the type, descriptions, benefits, and cost associated with the training.


Crisis Management Team Training Schedule

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Template 5 


This slide gives information about the various kinds of personnel crises that can occur in an organization. This usually happens when the employees of the organization get involved in unethical or illegal activities. These situations can lead to a massive loss for an individual as well as an organization. Illegal misconduct, violating a company’s values, and sexual assaults are some of the personnel crises that happen in a business organization.


Various Kinds of Personnel Crisis

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Template 6


The employee crisis prevention PowerPoint template will assist the employees in avoiding crisis before it actually hits. This template will help you ensure that the employees in your organization behaving loyally and lawfully. Also, that they are refraining from any kind of misconduct. It gives you space to jot down the services that will be provided along with the mode and frequency of communication. The crisis management team can utilize this slide to guide or acquaint the employees with the prevention techniques.


Employee Crisis Prevention

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Template 7


Throw some light on the various types of organizational crisis that can affect the functioning of the business utilizing this creative PPT slide. Such kinds of crises are faced when the firm has significantly done something wrong with the customers. This happens when the company uses customers as a means of benefitting the firm rather than giving benefits to customers. These types of crises are organizational crises and you can make your viewers aware of the same using this template.


Types of Organizational Crisis

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Template 8 


The given crisis communication plan PowerPoint slide plays a vital role in preparing plans to safeguard itself from emergencies. A perfect plan not only helps in saving the firms reputation but also arms in saving a lot of lives. By incorporating this slide crisis management team can keep a track of the audience whether its internal or external. Also, you can strategize things better if you are aware of the questions that your audience asks.


Crisis Communication Plan

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Template 9


Every organization uses technology, which is why it becomes imperative to be aware of the technological crisis that can occur. This slide lets you highlight various kinds of technological crises that can occur in an organization. These crises generally occur when technology becomes complex and something goes wrong in the system. Some of the technological crises are software failures, industrial accidents, oil spills, etc. Communicating these among the team members using this template can help you devise strategies and plans to avoid such situations.


Different Types of Technological Crisis

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Template 10 


This risk assessment matrix PowerPoint template is helpful in evaluating risk by considering its probability to happen. The given customizable PowerPoint template will aid you in identifying and analyzing the hazards that can happen in your organization. Also, you can prepare yourself well in advance to tackle them.


Risk Assessment Matrix

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Template 11


Prepare a robust action plan for managing risks that are likely to occur in your organization utilizing this professionally-designed risk management action plan PowerPoint template. A plan formulated using this slide will help you ensure that the right actions are carried out at the right time. It showcases the levels, actions to be taken, and their impact on the organization. Acquaint your viewers to initially identifying risks, and analyzing how risk will affect a project. Also, you can talk about the plans that should be made in order to overcome them.


Risk Management Action Plan

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Template 12


Talk about the various kinds of natural crises that can impact the working of your organization. Some of these are earthquakes, tornado, hurricanes, tsunamis, that you can display using this natural crisis PowerPoint template. Formulate tactics and emergency operation plans, in case any such situation arises. Ask your employees to back up the important data and how important it is to meet with an insurance advisor.


Several Kinds of Natural Crisis

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Template 13


This slide is perfect to showcase the financial crisis that might arise in your organization. Various kinds of crises that can impact the functioning of your organization are insolvency crisis, currency crisis, bankruptcy, etc. Such crisis emerges when a business loses value in its assets and is unable to pay off the debts.


Different Kind of Financial Crisis

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Template 14 


Get your hands on this beautifully-designed PowerPoint template to manage the financial crisis, in case it occurs in your organization. This financial crisis can occur at any time because of internal factors or external factors. It includes poor cash flow management or weakening of the economy. You must introduce some ways in front of your audience with the help of which they can face the situation and come out of it.


How to Handle Financial Crisis

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Template 15 


Incorporate this crisis management dashboard template to showcase how to manage crisesd in an organization. It displays the management plan while keeping recovery as the priority. In order to manage the crisis efficiently, it is imperative to react as quickly as possible. This PPT slide includes risks, assumptions, issues, dependencies, actions, and repair metrics that will help you measure your performance. It will give you an idea of how far you have been able to prevent or lessen the effect of damage caused by the crisis.


Crisis Management Dashboard

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Download these amazing crisis management plan PowerPoint templates and save your organization from future uncertainties.