Contracts are formal documents that bind parties together in a transactional relationship. 


To honor the integrity of such contract agreements, parties are required to hold their end of the bargain. This accord is either bound by law or signed under mutual understanding. Thus, any deviation or dishonor of the terms of the contract is liable to be penalized. This is why parties signing a contract agreement must be wise and they must do so with open eyes.




In a professional space, before contract agreements are generated, ample time and research must go into preparing these. This is to ensure that all associated clauses, terms, and conditions, the language used and the flow of the contract is unerring. After all, with only such meticulous efforts will contract agreements stand a chance of being successfully honored.


A well-drafted and thoroughly revised contract agreement also helps avoid any major embarrassment that can result from grammatical gimmicks, erratic sentence flows, or wrong word usages. Now, all you need is an expert-prepared contract agrement template, but where do you find one?


The Way Out Is With Our Contract Agreement Templates


At SlideTeam, our experts have designed content-ready and editable contract agreement templates that are on a par with the industry standards. Whether you want to sign proposals (investment contracts or business agreements), create service contract forms (such as a rent contract), or other business contracts (employee contracts, or create operating agreements), this collection of 10 best contract agreement templates will smoothen out the process of closing deals. Let’s check these out.


Template 1: Memorandum of Contract Proposal Agreement PowerPoint Template


Create a memorandum of understanding between partners with this dedicated PowerPoint Presentation. Lay down the terms and conditions that will bind the parties for a defined period. Mention areas of work and e specific roles and responsibilities of collaborators. Share clear rulings on funds transfer, project termination and dispute resolution as directed in this PPT Framework. When guidelines have been conveyed, conclude this agreement on a form that will record affirmations of the parties involved. Mold this PPT at will as it’s entirely editable. Download now. 


Memorandum of Agreement Contract Proposal


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Template 2: Distribution Contract Agreement Checklist


Create a checklist of matters to be discussed while collaborating with distributors. Showcase your expertise in description of products, types of distribution, channels of promotion, and territory of distribution. Ensure you also point out the terms of the agreement with your distributors and that both parties commit to honoring the local regulations and rules in force.. Once these are checkmarked, you can frame a contract that protects the rights of all parties involved. Go ahead and download it from the link below.


Distribution Contract Agreement Checklist


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Template 3: General Service Contract Agreement One-Page Presentation Report


Use this editable general service contract agreement template to create working relationships with your clients. Address areas like currency of payment, confidentiality, modification, and detail the terms and conditions under each category. Share rulings regarding products and services covered under this contract. Once your client has gone through the document, collect their affirmations via signatures asserting their agreement to your business’s terms and conditions. 


General Service Contract Agreement One Pager


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Template 4: Service Level Contract Agreement One-Page Presentation Report


Create a services usage agreement with this interactive one-page contract agreement PPT Template. Specify the number and types of services offered under this contract along with the total cost of availing these. Highlight the modes of payments and criteria for termination of services in the next part of this contract. Finally, collect acknowledgements of clients in the form of signatures as you sanctify the services contract. Download now.


Service Level Contract Agreement One Pager


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Template 5: Consulting Service Contract Agreement One-Page Presentation Report


Looking for a content-ready template to create a consulting service contract? Here’s a sample of what our experts have to offer. List agreement details and specify the contract validity. Mention services covered under this contract along with other clauses that apply. Finally, when the client agrees upon the Terms & Conditions, collect their signatures as means of sealing and opertionalizing of this agreement.


Consulting Service Contract Agreement One Pager


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Template 6: Employment Contract Agreement Checklist in Workplace


Create a checklist of the form filling process that new employees have completed or are yet to complete with this editable PPT Template. With this checklist template, you can track the status of the employee contract agreement signing process and get clarity on when to begin the onboarding. You can also keep a track on deadlines of submissions of these contracts and intimate employees accordingly. Download now.


Employment Contract Agreement Checklist in Workplace


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Template 7: Product Sales Agreement Contract Checklist


Maintain a status check-sheet of product sales agreements sent out to estimate the number of clients, and therefore, successful sales made. Use this slide to also track deadlines assigned to each client for submitting the agreement forms. You can add additional comments that can help your sales team close the deal or to assist the clients by addressing their queries. Go ahead and download the template from the link below.


Product Sales Agreement Contract Checklist


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Template 8: Cleaning Service Contract Agreement One Pager Presentation Report


If the line of business you offer pertains to cleaning, here’s a contract layout to conduct your operation with clients smoothly. Before offering services, bind the clients into a legal contract to secure your rights, as well as theirs. Address aspects related to your cleaning services ranging from duration, to types of chemicals and equipment that will be used. Once you gain their approval, only then procced to do business with them under the standard procedures. The link to download this PPT Template can be found below.


Cleaning Service Contract Agreement One Pager


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Template 9: Project Contract Agreement Form for Teams and Groups


To avoid major disputes, and to get your project team to work willfully, get them to sign this contract. This PPT Slide points out the major elements of a project contract. These range from mentioning the purpose to matching team members with their responsibilities. You can also establish the metrics for tracking progress in the project and these details can be clearly mentioned in this project contract agreement template. Only once you gain their nod, should you proceed with the project work and to do so, visit the template download link below.


Project contract agreement form for teams and groups


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Template 10: Manufacturing and Supply Contract Agreement Checklist


If you deal with the manufacturing and supply chain of any industry, download this checklist design to monitor contract design. In this template, we have identified the industry accepted clauses that must be cleared in a contract agreement. These include production, manufacture, shipping, risks associated, etc. Use this template to highlight the latest legal position on the meaning of confidentiality, and only when all clients have signed on the agreement that you should proceed with operationalizing the contract. This PPT Template is invaluable and therefore a must-have in your template library. Get it from the link below.


Manufacturing and Supply Contract Agreement Checklist


Download this template


Create meaningful contract agreements by using our checklists and form templates. These are completely editable and compatible across all presentation software.


PS: Know what users and customers in general have to say about your products and services by dispersing well-researched survey forms. Check out this guide featuring the ten best designs in this regard. 

FAQs on Contract Agreement 
What is the meaning of contract agreement?

A contract agreement is a legally binding document between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement or transaction. It serves as a formal record of the rights and obligations of each party involved in the contract. Contracts are used in business transactions, employment relationships, real estate deals, service agreements, and more.


Once a contract agreement is properly executed (signed and dated by all involved parties), it becomes enforceable. This means that if any party fails to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract, the other party may have legal recourse to seek damages or specific performance (compelling the defaulting party to fulfill their duties). Enforcing a contract usually involves taking the matter to court or arbitration.

What are the elements of a contract agreement?

The main elements of a contract agreement typically include:


  1. Offer: One party presents a proposal outlining the terms of the contract to the other party.
  2. Acceptance: The other party agrees to the terms of the offer without any modifications, creating a mutual agreement.
  3. Consideration: There is an exchange of something of value (e.g., money, goods, services) between the parties.
  4. Competence: This means they must be of legal age, mentally competent, and not under duress or undue influence.
  5. Legal Purpose: The contract must not involve any illegal activities or go against public policy.
  6. Mutuality: Both parties must have a clear understanding of the essential terms and conditions of the contract, and there should be a "meeting of the minds."
  7. Writing: Some contracts, depending on the nature of the agreement and local laws, need to be in writing to be enforceable.
What is an example of a contract or agreement?
  1. Employment Contract: A contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms of the employment relationship, such as salary, benefits, job responsibilities, working hours, and any non-disclosure or non-compete clauses.
  2. Rental Agreement / Lease Contract: An agreement between a landlord and a tenant that governs the terms of renting a property, including rent amount, duration of the lease, security deposit, and maintenance responsibilities.
  3. Purchase Agreement: A contract between a buyer and a seller for the purchase of goods or services, specifying the price, quantity, quality, and delivery terms.
  4. Partnership Agreement: A contract between partners who are starting a business together, outlining their respective roles, contributions, profit-sharing arrangements, and decision-making processes.
  5. Service Level Agreement (SLA): A contract between a service provider and a client that defines the level of service to be provided, such as response times, uptime guarantees, and penalties for failing to meet agreed-upon standards.
What are types of contracts?
  1. Express Contract: An express contract is a formal agreement in which the terms and conditions are explicitly stated, either orally or in writing. 
  2. Implied Contract: Implied contracts are formed when parties act in a way that implies mutual consent and understanding.
  3. Unilateral Contract: In a unilateral contract, one party makes a promise or offer to do something in exchange for a specific action or performance from the other party.
  4. Bilateral Contract: Both parties are legally obligated to fulfill their respective promises under the contract.
  5. Executed Contract: An executed contract is one in which both parties have fulfilled their obligations, and the contract is considered fully-performed.
  6. Executory Contract: An executory contract is one in which one or both parties have yet to fulfill their obligations.
  7. Unenforceable Contract: Although parties may have intended to create a valid contract, certain legal requirements are not met, making it unenforceable in a court of law.
  8. Void Contract: It lacks one or more essential elements, making it non-binding and unenforceable.
  9. Voidable Contract: A voidable contract is one that may be invalidated or voided by one of the parties due to misrepresentation, duress, or undue influence.
  10. Adhesion Contract: The terms are non-negotiable, and the weaker party must either accept the contract or forgo the transaction.
  11. Aleatory Contract: For example, insurance contracts are often aleatory, as the payout depends on the happening of a future event (e.g., an accident).
  12. Fixed-Term Contract: A fixed-term contract has a specified duration and terminates automatically at the end of that period without the need for notice.
  13. Open-Ended Contract: An open-ended contract does not have a predetermined end date and continues until one or both parties decide to terminate it after notice.Â