The phenomenal book, Zero To One, that PayPal founder Peter Thiel has co-authored, asks a fundamental question that no one in civilized human history has managed to answer: Is success in business a result of talent and skill or just pure luck?


As you mull this over, it will help to remember that even the most successful businesses have failed at some point. Apple’s ascent to prominence in the technology industry is the most well-known example of turnaround success.


‘Apple went into a decade-long downward spiral after CEO Steve Jobs left the company in 1985 and lower-priced products from competitors, like Microsoft Windows, took over the personal computer market. For 12 years its innovation, popularity, and sales continued to plummet, almost reaching bankruptcy until Jobs rejoined the company in 1997. The company was able to turn itself around with a successful rebrand and new technology. Now, Apple is one of the most well-known and valuable companies in the world, raking in almost $300 billion in revenue each year’.


There are countless other success stories of businesses that have navigated the crisis with a strong turnaround plan and made it to shore.  If handled properly, reaching rock bottom might be the first stepping stone a business needs to start climbing its way back to the top.


What is Business Turnaround Strategy?


The tactical actions necessary to restore the viability and stability of a business undergoing financial distress is referred to as a business turnaround strategy.


It is imperative to have a turnaround strategy in place to try to foster business continuity, manage to stay afloat in extraordinary circumstances, and prepare for any collateral damage.


This blog provides a deep insight into Business Turnaround Plans and Strategies to help you to stay on top of distressing, even hopeless situations, and still make the correct decision. We, at SlideTeam, have combined deep knowledge with a tried-and-trusted method to get the right evaluation of any company’s situation.


The blog also offers a list of best-in-class Top 10 Business Turnaround Plan & Strategy Templates to give you a foresight of the current framework, help you ask difficult questions and take a realistic view of available options. These top-notch templates have been curated and compiled after extensive research of clients from all over the world through situations that could be uncannily similar to scenarios you might be facing.


With the help of these ready-to-use templates, you can implement a sustainable turnaround plan, accomplish specific objectives, and benefit from the transformation of your business with an understanding of the advantages and risks of a significant turnaround.


Check out our blog on Digital Transformation to help in bringing the digital evolution drive into your business and help it reach greater heights.


Rough seas ahead? The time has come to seize the initiative, regain equilibrium, and plot a course based on long-term goals with SlideTeam’s Business Turnaround Plan PPT Templates.


Template 1: Business Turnaround Plan PPT

Stabilize your cash, viability, and liquidity positions with strategic processes to transform your business. Use our PPT Template to determine turnaround strategies such as a change in management, and financial reconstruction. The PowerPoint Presentation helps you ask the right questions: Is there really a money crisis? How can things calm down? Is there a chance of refinancing or turnaround? What are the best options currently available to the business? This ready-to-use deck helps you probe the current concerns faced by your firm that lead to a corporate failure, analysis of ownership patterns of shareholders, and the firm’s debt-equity ratio. These premium sets of slides are an informative tool to conduct department-wise employee training to help them understand the company's turnaround plans and strategies.


Business Turnaround Plan


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Template 2: Business Turnaround Plan Template 

Get the resources you need to evaluate and ascertain your company's financial health and efficiency via this PowerPoint Presentation. Transformations and future growth can be difficult, but with the right plans, you can improve your company's efficiency, adaptability, and competitiveness. This fantastic design is perfect for expert discussions, team meetings, and stakeholder gatherings. This well-designed template is best suited for SWOT analysis and to create an excellent turnaround plan.


Business Turnaround Plan


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Template 3: Agenda of Business Turnaround Plan PPT Layout

Your business must concentrate on the key stakeholders and act in the creditors' best interests in order to implement effective turnaround recovery strategies. Use this Business Agenda PPT Template to outline the purpose and process of getting back on track. This slide will help you establish effective communication with stakeholders. Use the PowerPoint Presentation to brainstorm and strategize the new path to the company's success. This template will set the motion for the coming months and help you navigate the crisis. Download, modify, and present the framework for further efforts.


Agenda of Business Turnaround Plan


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Template 4: Different Stages of Business Turnaround Plan PPT

Use this PPT Template to understand how turnaround management works. This template is a vital tool to assess insolvency, liquidation, and strategic objectives. This professional slide includes five stages of the Business Turnaround Plan: Management Change, Evaluation, Emergency, Stabilization, and Return-to-Normal Growth. Employ the slide to learn a step-by-step proven process that will turn around your business, so you can survive the temporary short-term "crises", regain your profitability, boost confidence, and save your business.


Different Stages of Turnaround


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Template 5: Determining Turnaround Restructuring Path PPT Infographics

A turnaround aims to save a company and keeps it from going out of business. This pre-built PPT Template offers a thorough setup that enables businesses to analyze their financial position over time to decide when to implement turnaround strategies. A turnaround restructuring path is included in this infographic to appeal to viewers. Use the PowerPoint presentation to get a clear, succinct report on crisis management. Check on the ineffective business strategies with this download.


Determining Turnaround Restructuring Path


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Template 6: Four Phases of Business Turnaround and Financial Restructuring PPT

A turnaround is disruptive, like any significant transition, but it has advantages. A well-executed restructuring event can ultimately contribute to future growth and revitalize a company.  Use this PPT Template to increase sales and profitability while avoiding insolvency. It has sections on managing cash as well as ones that offer fast data analysis, opportunities, and rewards for managing cash. Employ the template to conduct hard-nosed review and revision of financial, operational, and managerial strategies.  Start working on a preemptive restructuring model with this download.


Four Phases of Business Turnaround Plan and Execution for Financial Restructuring


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Template 7: Implementing Turnaround Plan Timeline PPT

Use this pre-made PPT Template to emphasize the strategic processes, the requirement for adequate financing, and timing. It is essential to reassure stakeholders that the turnaround is on track in order to defend their prior investments and maintain their ongoing support for the company. This slide provides details on a turnaround plan's implementation, including its strategies, governance, etc. Employ the PowerPoint Presentation to present a visual timeline for revitalizing your business. Use it as a discussion and navigation tool when putting the turnaround plan into action.


Implementing Turnaround Plan Timeline


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Template 8: Business Turnaround Structuring Plan for Performance Analysis Template

A business's financial health declines as a result of mismanagement or ineffective business strategies. To gain a competitive edge, use this PowerPoint Presentation to comprehend your company's situation. This template includes well-researched turnaround restructuring plan content that can be modified to fit the needs of your business. The PPT includes six stages, including rehabilitation plan, related party coordination, turnaround plan execution, and turnaround plan monitoring, as well as three essential turnaround strategy components. Follow these logical, step-by-step proven turnaround strategy steps to improve performance and increase your chance of surviving a crisis.


Business Turnaround Structuring Plan for Performance Analysis


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Template 9: Business Turnaround Plan for Pandemic and Crisis Management PPT

Many companies were on the verge of liquidation with the onset of the pandemic. It became difficult to maintain viability and financial health. Therefore, it is crucial that companies act quickly to address problems and are proactive in assessing their risk and vulnerability from both an operational and financial standpoint. Use this well-structured PPT Template to chalk out a pandemic or crisis management plan for business continuity. It includes five stages along with key focus areas, health impact, scenario planning, cut costs, stakeholder management, financial and liquidity impact. Become well-equipped to support the management and assist in the financial restructuring with this download.


Business Turnaround Plan for Pandemic and Crisis Management


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Template 10: Strategic Business Turnaround Plan with Value Enhance Capabilities PPT Slide

The two most common methods for determining insolvency are cash flow and balance sheet tests. Use this PPT Template to assess the company's financial health and create a restructuring strategy for future growth. This slide offers advice on how to enhance wireless, cut operating costs, increase manufacturing productivity, and put a new ERP (Enterprise resource planning) system in place. Use the template to expand your company's capabilities.



Strategic Business Turnaround Plan with Clear Value Enhance Capabilities

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Everything needs fixing


Turnarounds signify a return to stability and profitability following an extended period of financial hardship, poor business decisions, or poor management. A company may take strategic measures to maintain the viability of its businesses and avoid potential insolvency or liquidation. It is not necessary to wait until things get too bad before beginning a turnaround strategy. In fact, starting the process sooner rather than later is preferable. Use SlideTeam’s PPT Templates to create effective management strategies that will aid your business to recover and resume its upward performance trends.


PS: Check out our blog on Business Strategies for the Post-Covid Era to begin your post-pandemic recovery journey and enter into the next normal - a normal that looks nothing like the ordinary!






How to conduct a business turnaround?


A business turnaround occurs when it pivots around financially after a slump in performance. Turnarounds signify a return to stability and profitability following an extended period of financial hardship, poor business decisions, or poor management. If your business is struggling, then your number one goal is to get to a point where your business is stabilized. As soon as you get to this stage, you can begin considering opportunities for growth. A strategy is established to swiftly triage and stabilize the business.


The steps to business turnaround:


A). An initial rapid assessment of the current status of a business is crucial in considering the time that is available and the key factors that would enable a turnaround strategy to be developed and implemented. This will entail creating accurate cash and trading projections and taking into account how well the current funding structure works.


B). Create a turnaround strategy that addresses the problems the company is currently experiencing and supports enhancements to operational performance and financial stability.


C). Implement the turnaround along with running the business’s day-to-day.


What are the main types of turnaround strategies?


A turnaround strategy involves restructuring or turning the company's current strategy on its head.


A). Restructuring and Leadership Change

Changing the company's current leadership structure is the first step in restructuring and improving the company's overall health. This will necessitate the implementation of temporary structures or adjustments to the current organizational structure and hierarchy of the company.


B). Cost Reduction

The majority of businesses use a cost-cutting or cost-efficiency strategy to control spending, lower expenses, and boost margins. Cost cutting directly affects profitability and aids the business in getting back on track. The company's cash flow will be stabilized and gradually improved as a result of the cost cutting strategy.


C). Redeployment of Assets

After implementing their cost-cutting turnaround strategy, businesses redistribute their assets. They can sell off assets that have reached the end of their useful lifecycle and are now regularly incurring repair and maintenance costs at a loss. They can make investments in brand-new assets to either replace or enhance the existing ones. By doing this, it may be possible to increase daily productivity.


Check out Enterprise Asset Management PPT Template to track and manage your business tools.


D). Change in the Focus Area and Repositioning

Altering the company's focus area or market and leaving some unprofitable areas is another turnaround strategy. It needs to recognize its best qualities and concentrate on those areas.  This would give the business a competitive edge. In order to get the most out of these endeavors, it should set aside more money for marketing its flagship products and targeted markets.


What are the tips for a business turnaround?


Building a turnaround strategy needs skills and expertise.

Here are some pointers to help you carry out a successful turnaround:


A). Communicate in an effective and open manner with the leadership team, stakeholders, creditors, and employees. Developing goals and implementing strategy can be easier when everyone understands the situation and their role in its solution.


B). Businesses can stay relevant in developing industries by abandoning or moving away from projects that aren't bringing in money. A successful business turnaround requires adaptability, lightning-fast reflexes, and in-depth, unbiased analysis. It's acceptable to stop and start again.


C). During turnarounds, businesses are vulnerable, so it's critical to spot and stop any negative trends before they become a problem. Leadership teams for early intervention must be flexible and open about processes or developments that need improvement.