How many times have you been inspired by the show “Shark Tank” to kickstart your business? How often you feel worked up after pitching to a client? How often do you feel it in your bones that you were born to be a top-notch entrepreneur?


We know that you go through these thoughts and emotions every day! And it is every day too, that you pull yourself together, put on your well-fitted suit, pen down some notes, and take a few breaths before meeting the investors!!!


So, why are not you able to reach your goals and are having to undergo the same routine. If you were born to be an entrepreneur, why are investors not seeing it and not saying a YES?


Is your shaky confidence, undercooked business idea, or the color of your suit to blame? Not at all.


The answer, of course, is the PITCH! It is the pitch that is lacking in your planning. You need a pitch that should make your investor believe in you. A well-structured investor pitch that helps you showcase the potential in your business proposal and offer a clear view to the investors of what success will look like for them. (IT is THEY who are important, not ‘I’ in any pitch.


Want to make your start-up a success? Read this exclusive guide replete with actionable pitch deck PPT templates to strike a right chord with the investors.


Business Pitch PPT Templates for Budding Entrepreneurs


If you want to give a shape to your business idea and transform into a functioning business, curate a business pitch that impresses the investors. A well-structured business pitch should be able to give your speech a perfect start. It also lays out a roadmap to help you take your investors through the core values of your business, and its mission vision, mission, problem, solution, financial projections, etc. No matter, how much you practice your speech, it is the visuals in your PPT Presentation that will keep the audience hooked.


Scale up your video game business by attracting potential clients and investors using SlideTeam’s ready-made video game pitch deck templates.


Thus, deploy SlideTeam’s actionable and custom-made business pitch PPT Templates to present your idea in the most comprehensive and appealing manner. Discuss your services, products, plans, exit strategy, and more to show that you are prepared and confident to take your business to the next level. These PPT slides are easy to use. You can download and add your content to the slides without any hassles. Just click the text boxes and shapes and customize.


Browse the collection of business pitch PPT presentation templates and get a quick and confident YES from the investor.


Your bones were right, you are a born entrepreneur, who uses the right tools to create an impact.


Let’s begin.

Template 1: Business Pitch PowerPoint Template

Want to convince a business angel to invest capital in your business? This is a professional and ready to use PowerPoint Deck to help you present your idea and its value to the investors. Use this content-ready PowerPoint Templates to showcase consumers’ problems and your solution. Highlight your business’s goals, growth strategy, and more to prove that your idea is a viable option and has a potential to scale. Deploy this actionable PowerPoint template to secure funding from investors. Download now!


Business Pitch PPT Template


Download this template

Template 2: Business Proposal Pitch PPT Slide

This is a well-structured PowerPoint Template to conceptualize your business idea in a more appealing and professional format. Incorporate this flexible PPT Slide to highlight the pain-points of customers with examples. You can use this PowerPoint Diagram to emphasize the solutions you are bringing to help the audience. Highlight your business’s value proposition, financial projections, market gap opportunity, and more to impact your investors. This is a top-notch PPT Slide to help you convince your investors to get that cheque book out. Download now!


Investor Business Proposal PPT Template


Grab this slide


Template 3: Pitch Deck for Entrepreneur PowerPoint Template

Are you a budding entrepreneur looking to pitch your idea to the investors? Grab this content-ready PPT Template to craft a unique and engaging business proposal for your clients. This PowerPoint Deck covers essentials points of a business pitch that makes it an excellent choice for exhibiting an idea to the stakeholders. You can use this PowerPoint Template to give a product demo to highlight its credibility and usage. Grab this PPT Deck to raise capital for your business in no time. Download now!


Pitch Deck for Entrepreneurs PPT Deck


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Template 4: Business Pitch Deck for Food Start-up PPT Template

This is a professional and ready to use PowerPoint deck for entrepreneurs who are in the F&B business. Use this PowerPoint Template and prepare an engaging pitch to showcase potential in the food industry. Whether you are setting your foot in the restaurant business or planning to scale up your existing business, deploy this PowerPoint Deck to demonstrate your ideas for bringing innovation and creativity in the business. Present your analysis on your competition and market with this PPT Deck to show that you are ready to take the plunge. Download now!


Business Food Pitch Deck PPT Template


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Template 5: Pitch Deck to Raise Funds PowerPoint Slide

Here is another PowerPoint Template for you to pitch your idea to the investor and raise funds for your start-up. Deploy this PPT slide and delve deeper into the financial status of your business to show your investors if your business is lucrative or not. Give company overview, key statistics, milestones, etc. to impress the audience. This is a complete PowerPoint Presentation Deck to help you make an impressive pitch to the business angels. Use this PowerPoint Deck to get your business angels onboard. Download now!


Business Investor Pitch PPT Template


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Template 6: Cryptocurrency Pitch Deck PPT Template

Join the bandwagon of latest trends in the industry and start the crypto business by creating a comprehensive and appealing business pitch for your clients. Deploy this ready-made PowerPoint deck and outline an elevator pitch to start a crypto business. Use this PowerPoint deck and showcase market potential. Segment your customers and highlight their problems with this PowerPoint Template. Present a product demo and business model to discuss market opportunities of this business. Download now!


Cryptocurrency Business Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template


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Template 7: Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Preparing for your meeting with investors? Ensure you are equipped with all relevant information on market growth, comparative analysis, growth strategy, and more to engage the audience. That is why, it is essential that you deploy this PowerPoint Deck that covers essential areas related to the business pitch in a more extensive manner. Create an impressive pitch for your business idea with this actionable PowerPoint Template. Grab this ready-made PPT slide and preset your business plan to get a yes from the investors. Download now!


Pitchbook PPT Slide


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Template 8: Business Investor Pitch Deck PPT Slide

Document your business plan, product offerings, company overview, and investor pitch in a single document and save yourself some hustle. This is a ready-made PPT Template to help you create an investor pitch to showcase your business ideas and its potential to stakeholders. You can add all vital details of your pitch in this one-page document and deliver a pitch that demonstrates your market strategy, milestones, financial summary, and more. Download now!


One-page Investor Pitch Deck PPT Template


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Template 9: One-page Business Pitch Example PPT Template

Here is another one-page PPT Template to raise funds for your business. Incorporate this content-ready PowerPoint Slide and use it to take your investors through your game plan. Showcase what solutions you are offering to alleviate consumers problems. Highlight the benefits your business offer, its unique value proposition, and more with this PPT Template. You can also discuss market opportunity, growth strategy, sales, etc. to highlight your business plan. Present numbers and valuation to secure funds from investors using this PowerPoint Template. Download now!


One-page Business Pitch Example Slide



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Template 10: One-page Business Investment Pitch PowerPoint Template

Last but not the least in our collection, is a one-page business investment pitch PPT Template to present your business idea to investors. You can add as much information as you want to the template to make your pitch actionable. Highlight finances of your business and growth strategy to expand the market. Use this PowerPoint Template to discuss numbers in the form of charts and graphs for better comprehension. Download now!


One-page Business Investment Pitch PPT Template


Grab this template


Pitching to investors can be challenging if you don’t have a roadmap. It is critical that you prepare your pitch using actionable visuals and graphics to make your point. Therefore, deploy SlideTeam’s content-ready and customizable PowerPoint Templates to project your understanding on market, customers, finances, and more. These PowerPoint Templates comprise all  important slides on the business pitch to make your meetings with the investors fruitful and memorable. You can download these PPT Slides from the above collection or here.


PS: Use these 11 Must-Have investors pitch start-up slides for entrepreneurs seeking funds.


FAQs on Business Pitch

How to write an effective business pitch?


An effective business pitch plays a vital role in getting you the funds and operationalizing your business. Thus, it is essential that you outline your business pitch with complete scrutiny and precision. To begin with, know your product, idea, story in and out. Understand what value your product adds to the lives of the customers. Moving on, establish a clear need of your product. Showcase how your services will help solve customers’ problems. In addition, highlight your target audience, competition, market expansion strategy, and business model. You should also showcase your financial projections to the investors so that they know what they are investing in.


What are the types of business pitch?


Business pitches vary depending on your funding and business requirement:


  • Investment pitch: An investment pitch allows you to showcase your idea to potential business angels.
  • Media pitch: A media pitch is when you pitch a story to a journalist or news outlet for the expansion of your business.
  • Sales pitch: A sales pitch is when present your products to potential clients.


What are the essential elements of a successful business pitch?


Making a sales pitch effective and engaging is a must for entrepreneurs seeking funds from investors. Therefore, outlining a pitch connects instantly with their client is a must for entrepreneurs soliciting investment. Apart from incorporating appealing graphics and visuals to the presentation, keep these tips in mind to create and deliver a successful business pitch:


  • Reach out to your audience with a personal message
  • Offer a compelling product/solution
  • Show your value with social proof
  • Follow up on first-impressions and initial networking efforts.