Behavioral, Geographical, and Situational Market Segmentation Strategy


Content marketing is crucial for the effective establishment of your business. But how can you stand out in the cutthroat climate of today? Well, have you heard of this famous quote-


The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say, “this was written specifically for me” – Jamie Turner.


And Mr. Turner is correct in what he says. The ability to relate to customers is crucial. The time when product quality and price were the only factors that mattered is long gone.


Now you need to develop an aesthetic for your brand and goods that will appeal to consumers' hearts. How do you accomplish this? Well, this is where Market Segmentation Strategies come in.


Market Segmentation?


The Market segmentation approach is a method used in business that involves breaking up a large target market into more manageable, similar parts based on numerous traits or factors.


Businesses can more effectively address the unique demands and preferences of every group.



Market Segmentation Strategy to the Rescue!


Divide and rule! Customized marketing campaigns are possible with segmented marketing. Businesses can better understand the demands, interests, and behaviors of their customers.


Effective product creation, pricing techniques, and communication strategies are made possible by this understanding. Market segmentation enables companies to allocate their resources than a one-size-fits-all strategy.


This allows businesses to maximize their finances, time, and energy for optimum return on investment.


Your company can stand out from rivals and take an edge on the market by providing specific needs of certain market niches. Businesses can design personalized experiences and benefits that encourage loyalty over time.


How can Slide Team Help?


This PowerPoint presentation, which is 100% editable and well-researched, will lay out the steps clearly for you. It includes market segmentation development process, steps to identify market segments, strategies to create new customer demographics, and much more.


We have also included a Free PPT and FREE PDF to help you out!


SLIDE: Market Segmentation Strategic Development Process

Market Segmentation Strategic Development Process

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This slide describes the development process of creating small segments within a large market. The steps include:


  • Identify market: Find customers who are interested in products and services. For example, beauty products are more geared toward women than men. This allows you to target products in a certain market and increase income.


  • Segment your market: Analyze the need for a specific good or service. Establish segmentation criteria, including geographic, behavioral, situational, and demographic ones. This will assist you in creating a specific product that will sell.


  • Understand your market: Analyze where you are right now in the market. Conduct preliminary research surveys to help you identify your weak points and areas for improvement.


  • Create your customer segments: Create distinct profiles for each subset of your target market by segmenting your clients based on age, gender, interests, lifestyle, and other factors. This will enable you to develop products as required.


  • Test the strategy: Determine the practicality of different approaches within each consumer category and assess the effectiveness of your existing strategy.


You can segment your intended audience into smaller targets and improve your strategy by using these tactics.


SLIDE: Steps to Identify and Target Market Segments

Steps to Identify and Target Market Segments

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This slide showcases a strategic process to identify the target market. The steps include:


  • Analyze your offerings: Develop product specifications based on potential target customers. Women over 60, for instance, need products like anti-aging lotions, serums, etc.


  • Conduct market research: Carry out market research to identify current trends. You must locate market gaps and take advantage of them. To get a clearer view, you can conduct a competition analysis.


  • Create customer profiles: Make a map of the client's journey to assist you in developing accurate customer profiles. It will assist you in focusing on different demographic groups. Additionally, you want to examine your clients' buying trends.


  • Assess the competition: Perform a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) to identify any competitive advantage that will make you stand out.


  • Utilize target market analysis: Produce goods depending on the demands of the target market and create a pricing plan using market comparison information. Offer extra perks that will make your product seem more appealing.


By utilizing these tactics, you will be able to target and segment different clientele and gain a better understanding of the market.


SLIDE: Customer Segmentation Analysis Strategic Process

Customer Segmentation Analysis Strategic Process

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This slide presents the process of analyzing and creating customer segmentation based on various factors. It includes:


  • Defining segmentation objectives: Prior to beginning the client segmentation process, it is crucial to establish your company's goals and objectives. You can use this as guidance when creating different segmentation categories. It also helps you to focus and tailor your marketing campaigns.


  • Segment model development: This process determines segment variables that will be used to distinguish and organize your consumer segments. These traits include demographics, behavioral tendencies, spending habits, or other relevant criteria. Define segment profile characteristics to better understand and differentiate between each segment.


  • Segment profiling: Segment profiling involves carefully outlining each client section. This involves maintaining track of the traits, preferences, and characteristics of each category's clientele. By adjusting your marketing techniques according to each group, you can satisfy the varying desires and preferences of each one.


  • Segment strategies: Evaluate which consumer groups are most valuable to your business, and place emphasis on developing relationships with them. To engage and serve the markets with the highest potential for growth, you should allocate resources and develop targeted tactics.


These strategies will help you to efficiently segment your consumer base and boost your profits.


SLIDE: Competitive Analysis and Market Size Assessment

Competitive Analysis and Market Size Assessment

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This slide displays an assessment of the total market size to understand current market trends better. It includes:


  • Total available market (TAM): It displays the entire potential of a company's products or services to generate income worldwide. It encompasses the potential demand for a certain offering across the entire market.


  • Serviceable available market (SAM): The Serviceable Available Market is the amount of Total Available Market that a company can serve and exploit. It indicates the potential market share that a company could achieve based on its assets, skill set, and emphasis on a certain market.


  • Your target market: For you to determine the size of your target market, the TAM and SAM must be analysed. By considering the Total Available Market and the Serviceable Available Market, you can determine the specific market segment that enhances the products and services offered by your company.


  • Your market share: It represents the size of the serviceable market that your company plans to grab. Your USP, competitive advantage, and marketing strategies all have an impact. By examining these variables, you can calculate the market share percentage that your company is most likely to gain.


You can understand your company's market share and how to boost it by understanding the actual market value of your goods and services.


SLIDE: Strategic Process to Create New Customer Demographics

Strategic Process to Create New Customer Demographics

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This Slide highlights five steps to target new customer demographic, illustrating key headings, which includes:


  • Research: Data gathering is one of the most crucial aspects of research. Conduct polls, interviews, and surveys to gather customer information. Examine this client data to find trends.


  • Customer persona: Create a customer persona to personify the qualities and interests of new customer demographics. Businesses can use this to develop various plans that are in line with the interests of their customers.


  • Segmentation: Create consumer groups based on characteristics like age and gender and develop unique campaigns for each segment to increase the number of customers.


  • Market benefits: Draw customers' attention by focusing on their problems. Promote your products’ qualities and benefits to reach customers indirectly.


  • New strategies: Utilize automation technologies to target a new audience, such as customized email marketing or online display advertising. To draw in young customers, collaborate with influencers.


Taking these steps will assist your company's marketing efforts and raise the likelihood that they will succeed in attracting new clients.


SLIDE: Customer Behavioral Market Segmentation Framework

Customer Behavioral Market Segmentation Framework

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This slide showcases a behavioral market segmentation strategy that focuses on categorizing customers based on their purchasing habits. The aspects include:


  • Purchase behavior: Analyze your consumers' purchase trends and habits. Utilize these trends to guide your marketing strategy in order to maximize consumer involvement. e.g., spending more time on weekends exploring products on the website.


  • Occasion/timing: Determine the precise moment or event when clients are most likely to buy and take advantage of it. For instance, throughout the holidays, shoppers could be more likely to purchase travel-sized kits, toilet paper, or hand sanitizer. Sales are increased when marketing strategies are modified to fit certain occasions and offer pertinent products or promotions.


  • Customer journey stage: Analyze the opinions and experiences of the customers at each level of the sales process. You will be able to learn more about the preferences, behaviors, and problems of your customers by doing this. Develop unique marketing plans and messaging to meet customer demands and promote conversion.


  • Engagement: Pay attention to "How engaged are your customers? Find the active existing consumers by analyzing their interactions. By doing this, you'll be able to strengthen your bonds with current clients and attract new ones at the same time.


  • Satisfaction: Sort satisfied consumers into categories based on the feedback you receive. To increase consumer loyalty, provide individualized experiences. Utilize client behavioral data to select the best course of action.


These will allow you to identify customers according to their purchasing patterns. With this, you can target your marketing campaigns, improve customer experiences, and encourage customers to return.


SLIDE: Geographical Market and Consumer Segmentation Parameters

Geographical Market and Consumer Segmentation Parameters

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This slide presents a geographical market segmentation strategy that focuses on categorizing customers based on various factors.


  • Location: Depending on a certain consumer base, stock up on various products at various locations throughout the world. For instance, when it comes to cosmetics, items are distributed according to skin tone and pigmentation in each country.


  • Time zone: Online stores serve customers from several time zones. Moreover, when conducting foreign marketing, such as sending emails, this is helpful. You can guarantee timely consumer communication by doing this.


  • Climate and season: Sorts things into categories based on various weather conditions that are prevalent in the customer's region. For instance, the weather is typically harsh and dry in Canada. Manufacturers of cosmetics can offer winter skincare items to satisfy consumer demand.


  • Cultural preferences: Women have historically used cosmetics to manage their physical appearance in accordance with their culture. Consider these cultural preferences while production. For instance, producers can sell their skin care products in Korea, where skincare is highly valued.


  • Language: To market your goods in a particular area, employ local languages. This will assist you in creating customized advertising that will better connect with and resonate with local consumers.


  • Urbanicity: Market your products in segments based on the demands and tastes of your customers. Furthermore, different product segmentation should be established for urban, suburban, and rural settings. You will be able to target the needs of your clientele thanks to this continuously.


By using these variables in your marketing plans, businesses can successfully target and cater to the needs and preferences of customers in diverse geographical places.


SLIDE: Four Main Segments of Target Marketing Strategy

Four Main Segments of Target Marketing Strategy

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This slide shows different types of target marketing strategies aimed at increasing sales and brand awareness among a specific group of consumers. The types include:


  • Undifferentiated/mass marketing undifferentiated: This type caters entire market without segmenting it. It focuses on the fundamental and regular needs of the customer, like oral care goods.


  • Differentiated marketing: This type provides clients with individualized items based on their preferences. Customers can purchase products in crowded markets that are personalized to meet their demands, such as giving customization.


  • Concentrated/ niche marketing: This type offers products tailored to smaller groups of people with some specific characteristics. This includes products such as men personal care products or products for women with naturally red hair.


  • Micromarketing: This type offers products which are directly tailored to the needs and preferences of a particular group. This can include products such as Dove shampoo for people with colored hairs.


Knowing these techniques can help businesses raise customer satisfaction and promote their growth by enabling them to modify their marketing initiatives to reach their target demographic successfully.


SLIDE: Product Positioning Strategy in Market Segmentation

Product Positioning Strategy in Market Segmentation

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This slide describes a product positioning strategy which includes the process of determining where new products stand in the minds of consumers. It includes:


  • Quality positioning: Place a strong emphasis on product and service quality to stand out from the competition. Assuring customers about product durability is essential and will help in building brand confidence. Due to their high-end, high-quality items, Sephora and MAC, for instance, appeal to a bigger audience.


  • Value or price positioning: Establish pricing that is customer-focused and includes both budget-friendly and upscale options. Additionally, pricing can be determined based on the product's luxury or quality. For instance, MAC cosmetics concentrates on both value and luxury goods.


  • Competitor-based positioning: Set prices in a competitive market while putting more of an emphasis on increasing customer volume than profitability. Create a unique selling point (USP) that will set your product apart from others on the market.


By putting these tactics into practice, your company can gain a competitive edge and carve out a unique niche for your goods in the market.


SLIDE: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy

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This slide showcases market segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy, which includes the process of determining where new products stand in the minds of consumers.


  • Market segmentation: Analyze several segmentation factors, including demographics and behavior. Based on their requirements, identify each market segment's key characteristics. You can target different market segments thanks to this.


  • Market targeting: Analyze each segment's perspective and commercial allure. This will allow you to choose the market niche for which you can create products to make the most revenue overall.


  • Product positioning: Identify specific product positioning for market niches. You will gain a better understanding of how clients would perceive your goods as a result. Develop a unique marketing mix that includes various price, promotion, and distribution techniques.


By properly segmenting the market, choosing the right segments to target, and positioning products accordingly, businesses can boost their chances of success by accommodating the particular needs and preferences of diverse clientele groups.






Businesses utilize market segmentation tactics to understand and attract specific customer segments. Customers are grouped according to their buying habits, preferences, and actions in behavioral segmentation.


The goal of geographic segmentation is to divide the market into several segments according to geographic characteristics. Situational segmentation considers events or conditions that influence customers' purchase choices. It considers things like current events, how a product will be used, and urgent demands.


These segmentation techniques give companies the ability to successfully target and interact with customer segments, which ultimately boosts sales, brand recognition, and client satisfaction.


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Q1: What is the purpose of market segmentation?

A1: Market segmentation's goal is to break up a bigger market into smaller, easier-to-manage sectors based on predetermined standards. Therefore, as a result, businesses are better able to comprehend their clients, customize their marketing strategies, and provide goods and services that are tailored to the specific requirements and preferences of various customer groups.


Q2: How does behavioral segmentation work?

A2: In behavioral segmentation, the division of customers is according to their buying habits, preferences, and actions. It examines elements including consumer purchasing patterns, event-based preferences, customer journey phases, engagement levels, and contentment. Businesses can tailor their marketing tactics to successfully engage and target particular customer segments by knowing these behavioral elements.


Q3: How does situational segmentation work?

A3: Situational segmentation takes into account particular scenarios or circumstances that influence customers' purchase decisions. It considers things like current events, how a product will be used, and urgent demands. Businesses can create customized marketing efforts and offer pertinent goods and services that cater to particular client demands at particular times by knowing the situational triggers that influence their customers.


Q4: How can market segmentation benefit businesses?

A4: Market segmentation offers organizations a number of advantages. They are able to acquire a competitive edge, better understand their customers, spot market opportunities, target specific client categories with marketing campaigns, increase customer happiness and loyalty, and allocate resources more effectively. Businesses can improve their marketing efficiency, foster growth, and increase profitability by concentrating their efforts on specific target markets.