Many salespeople emphasize on making their B2B sales presentations fancy, fun, and exciting. But they give less time to address the prospect’s pain points and a solution for their concerns.


As a result, the presentation can take a nosedive and waste valuable time and effort. 


You have done everything right during your research - deep-diving into the challenges of your prospect’s problem and understanding what they actually need. But all your hard work goes down the drain when there is a vague response from the prospect. Then, at this juncture, your presentation needs some re-engineering. 


At this point, you might be wondering what an excellent B2B sales deck looks like. 


Don’t worry, as we will provide a complete walkthrough for creating your own stellar sales presentation.


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Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT


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The Gist of B2B Sales Presentation Pitch Deck


There is a fine line between a sales deck and a pitch deck. 


A sales deck is a pitch that will persuade your prospect to make a purchase by exhibiting product or service features, benefits, and unique value proposition. 


On the other hand, a pitch deck is generally drafted for investors who are interested in learning more about your company, vision, mission, products, services, financials, and target personas. In a nutshell, a pitch deck is a synthesized version of your business plan.


The ultimate purpose of your sales presentation is to provide a viable solution that will persuade your prospect to take the desired action.


According to a leading research agency, by 2025, 80% of B2B sales between the suppliers and buyers will happen through digital platforms. The pandemic has also elevated the expectations of the buyers as they anticipate the state-of-the-art digital capabilities of companies. 


As the customer expectations are growing, the need for a definitive guide for creating the perfect B2B sales deck is also gathering steam. This walkthrough will provide 10 actionable components and templates that will play a vital role in your B2B sales PowerPoint presentation. Researched by consultants from top-tier companies, these templates are 100% customizable and are compatible with Google Slides.


Let’s start scouting!


Component 1: B2B Sales Strategy


There can be multiple reasons that assimilate together and encourage you to refine your B2B sales strategy. Apropos the new strategy, sellers need to stretch their emotional intelligence quotient to garner new customers. You can turn your B2B sales funnel into a revenue-generating machine when you will apply effective tactics that will alleviate the problems faced by your personas.


This PowerPoint template gives you a brief overview of the main problem statements that need to be addressed. Improving currency sales strategy, adapting modern selling techniques, and creating values for customers are some of the key touchpoints included in this PPT design that can help strengthen your roadmap.


Developing and Refining B2B Sales Strategy in the Company


Component 2: Sales Cycle Timeline


The series of events that occurs during the sales cycle forms the spine of your strategic roadmap. Irrespective of the methods adopted by your company, some fundamental stages cannot be circumnavigated. The pillars of a sales cycle are lead prospecting, communicating with potential customers, nurturing a buyer, product pitching, providing a solution, and closing a sale. A timeline is created when these elements are put together in a sales cycle. 


This PPT template gives a brief overview of essential elements of the sales cycle. The slide includes critical insights for an ideal sales cycle and a bar graph explaining the competitors’ sales cycle. The timeline of the sales cycle depends on the prospect’s journey. Moreover, a B2B sales cycle is longer than the others. So use this flexible PPT layout to get a headstart.


Length of Sales Cycle


Component 3: B2B Sales Pipeline Development


The modern sales pipeline goes beyond the lead nurturing funnel. The enhanced version of the sales pipeline is data-oriented, a treasure trove of insightful information, critical to performance. Sales pipeline produces critical information that you need to make informed decisions about your company's future.


This PPT slide takes you through the complete customer journey cycle. This sales pipeline slideshow requires you to update the target personas according to your product and services. It is essential to notice that every nurtured lead in the pipeline will have different buying timelines because of their unique characteristics. Download this slide and make the most of a well-defined sales pipeline. 


Developing B2B Sales Pipeline

Component 4: Inbound Sales Methodology


Inbound sales methodology prioritizes the needs, challenges, goals, and interests of your target personas. Modern buyers no longer rely on the salesperson for a specific purchasing decision. This tactic assists an inbound salesperson to personalize the sales process according to the buyer’s requirements. 


This PowerPoint template empowers the inbound sales team to create a sales process that will support the modern persona across its buying journey. The 4 stages that buyers go through are awareness, consideration, decision, and purchase.  On the other hand, identifying, connecting, exploring, and advising are touchpoints for the sales team to communicate with your target buyer. Download this template to implement inbound sales methodology and identify opportunities to turn personas into customers. 


Inbound Sales Methodology


Component 5: Outbound Sales Methodology


Outbound sales methodology is a classic technique where sales professionals break the ice with customers and seek to engage in a conversation. This tactic is old-school but effective and always produces substantial results. This strategy helps you set tangible goals based on revenue targets, and define and segment your ideal customer. 


Download this PowerPoint slide and guide your potential persona to take a specific action. The process displayed in the template outlines how a salesperson actively seeks a buyer through outreach tactics like cold calling and emails. This template helps you define an actionable outbound sales strategy given that you have the right Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) for your business.


Outbound B2B Sales Methodology


Component 6:  The Selling Model 


A strategic selling model assists in making the sales process predictable. This model helps businesses adapt according to their target market's needs. A strategic roadmap allows the sales team to plan for a projected timeline.


Download this PowerPoint presentation and simplify the strategic sales process into 5 distinctive steps. The template covers components like defining the ideal customer, sales objectives, prospect nurturing, asking for the sale, and overcoming objections.


5 Strategic Steps in B2B Selling Model


Component 7: Solution Selling Process


The solution selling process lays the groundwork for a closer relationship with your customer. Integrate expertise, and practical know-how to focus on a specific pain point your prospect faces and move toward solution selling. This tactic is an important catalyst for promoting deeper and meaningful customer engagement. 


Download this 6-step solution selling process PowerPoint presentation to shift your traditional approach towards a modern tactic. The slide focuses on 6 key aspects of solution selling, i.e. prepare, diagnose, qualify, educate, solve, and close. This 6-step process is unconventional as it does not push the product first to the prospective buyer. Adopt this template and change how a customer thinks about your product and service. 


6 Steps Required in Solution Selling Process b2b sales


Component 8: Social Selling


Social selling helps you align your business better with modern buyers’ behavior. Understand key components like social proximity, buying triggers, sphere of influence and integrate them into your sales funnel. Subsequently, it will help you accelerate your social selling and benchmark your progress with your targets. 


This PPT template includes vital information about social selling. Download this slideshow and integrate it into your B2B sales strategy.  The key components are social listening and sentiment analysis, competitive watch, research and content curation, sharing and interaction, and action on data.  


Key Components of Social Selling B2B sales


Component 9: B2B Sales Representative Insight Dashboard 


Modern buyers spend two-thirds of their B2B buying journey considering and evaluating a product or service. Sales representatives need to change and re-learn how they earn, retain, and grow customers. A B2B sales representation insight dashboard facilitates the sales team to comprehend and drive actionable insights. 


Download this B2B sales representative insight dashboard and factually display revenue breakdown, leads by region, and revenue information on various parameters. This dashboard gives data-driven insights that can be incorporated into your sales strategy.


B2B Sales Representative Insights Dashboard


Component 10: B2B Cost-Per-Lead Dashboard


Lead nurturing is a tough nut to crack in the B2B sector. A cost-per-lead dashboard can help you understand campaign results and take actionable steps for a fruitful association. Moreover, the sales rep can better evaluate results that eventually increase your company’s ability to earn more profit. 


This PowerPoint presentation template helps you understand, draft, and present your B2B cost-per-lead analysis for a specific acquisition. Download this functional template and identify and examine leads, marketing qualified leads (MQL), sales qualified leads (SQL), customers, and revenue goals for a defined period. 


B2B Sales Cost Per Lead Dashboard

→ Download this complete template package


An insight-driven B2B sales system is not going to be established overnight. Stakeholders must ensure that teams are focused on buyer-centric, seller-friendly experiences. With these templates, you can prepare a persuasive B2B sales presentation and align with the right processes for sustainable growth. 


P.S:  Check out this sales sheet template catalog to empower your reps to talk about your product and services with a personal touch.