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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Simran Shekhawat

84 posts
May 04 2023
  1. Top 10 Price Chart Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Price Chart Templates with Samples and Examples

    Anything that grabs your interest comes at a high cost. Dealing with price and pricing entails a variety of comparison strategies that enable you to select the option that best fits your price demand spectrum. With your ease of mind in mind, we present our most recently developed price chart templates to help you with […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat April 22 2024
  2. Top 10 Engagement Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Engagement Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Isn't employee engagement magical? It promises to infuse your company with joy and magic. Getting your staff involved is a crucial business tactic. After all, engaged workers take great pride in their work, are concerned about the success of their teams, and are eager to help a business expand.     Research shows that engaged employees […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat April 18 2024
  3. Top 10 Statistical Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Statistical Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Trends don't just appear overnight. A significant stride is made in the direction of an area where interest and liking are growing, and to make that happen, businesses use a process known as statistical analysis to find those trends.    Statistical analysis serves as the cornerstone upon which well-informed decisions are constructed. A well-written research […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat April 18 2024
  4. Top 7 Strategic Market Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Strategic Market Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    We all know that KPIs are essential for measuring progress and setting goals in any business. However, you shouldn't judge your performance just on how well you performed in the past. Understanding your company's position with respect to others in your market is essential for growth. This gives you strategic market analysis knowledge to boost […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat April 10 2024
  5. Top 10 Pricing Structure Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Pricing Structure Templates with Samples and Examples

    When making a purchase, we all look at the pricing as being almost second nature. For a business looking to attract customers, pricing points then become mission-critical. The correct and thoughtfully chosen price point helps a business win at scale. Sometimes, businesses get confused about how to approach price structures and take a call on […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat April 8 2024
  6. Top 7 Gold Silver Bronze Medals Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Gold Silver Bronze Medals Templates with Samples and Examples

    We as humans are so puzzling at times that we can quickly identify small or minor mistakes while considering them a matter of serious discussion and debate. At the same time, we are ignorant when it comes to focusing on the small or minor wins of our employees.    Recognizing even small achievements boosts morale […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat March 29 2024
  7. Top 7 Digital Transformation in Banking PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Digital Transformation in Banking PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    It is hard to argue against the fact that banking is evolving at a rate it hasn't in decades. Emerging technologies continually impact financial and business models when they are introduced. Customers, expectations, and rivalry all shift with them. There are suggestive and a handful of the most significant developments in the digital banking revolution […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat March 28 2024
  8. Top 10 Business Scenario Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Business Scenario Templates with Examples and Samples

    In this highly competitive world, businesses need to move beyond reactive responses and adopt a proactive approach by anticipating potential risks and opportunities. Business scenario planning is the key to achieving this in the most effective and efficient manner.   Scenario planning allows decision-makers to assess reactions, identify a variety of possible outcomes and their […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat March 26 2024
  9. Top 10 Automation Testing Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Automation Testing Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    Roadmaps are great tools for communicating a company's goal to executives and clients. Even if they are helpful, creating them is problematic and drawn out. To solve that, we have created some of our finest and most attractive automation testing roadmap templates.   We introduce you to our automation testing process roadmaps, which offer a […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat March 20 2024
  10. Top 10 Performance Management Timeline Template

    Top 10 Performance Management Timeline Template

    Providing your employees with adequate performance and management timelines service is essential for any organization that wants to compete with other businesses in the market. It depends on many procedures and processes working together to form a unified and smooth-flowing system. In addition to keeping staff members proactive, involved, and motivated, businesses must focus on […]
    Simran Shekhawat Simran Shekhawat March 5 2024

Items 11 to 20 of 84 total