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Mohammed Sameer

189 posts
Jul 05 2022

A keen wordsmith with a natural talent for crafting engaging, impactful content that resonates with audiences. As a skilled content writer, I can write about any niche and industry with a unique flair that captures the essence of the topic. More than just a writer; I'm a storyteller. I know how to weave words together to create a narrative that captivates readers and keeps them returning for more.

  1. Top 10 Data Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Data Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    If people could eat data instead of food, we could end world hunger with enough spare data left over to tackle 3 famines.   This startling but obvious statement underscores the abundance of data available to the human race today and the humungous rate at which it has grown in our digital age. Just as […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer October 5 2023
  2. Top 5 Weekly Scorecard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 5 Weekly Scorecard Templates with Examples and Samples

    “What gets measured, gets managed.” - Peter Drucker, Management Guru!   Progress is the heartbeat of success! Every journey begins with a single step, but it's the direction that determines the destination. Running a business without knowing what to track is like walking on broken glass blindfolded. A single misstep and your hard-earned dollars can […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 25 2023
  3. Must-Have Social Media Event Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Social Media Event Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Around 4.9 billion people use social media—that’s 61% of the world’s population. In a domain where scrolling, tapping, and liking have become second nature, having a social media strategy for events isn't just an option, it's a necessity. But here's the kicker: while a good strategy might keep you afloat, it's a GREAT one that […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 25 2023
  4. Top 5 Crisis Communication Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Crisis Communication Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Do you remember the tragic tale of Titanic, the unsinkable ship? Probably, yes. Now, you might wonder, 'How is it relevant to businesses managing a crisis?'   Titanic's descent into the icy depths underscores a critical lesson: effective crisis communication can mean the difference between sinking and survival. Just as clear instructions and timely alerts […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer September 15 2023
  5. Top 5 Marketing Brief Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Marketing Brief Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster." - David Ogilvy (British advertising tycoon, founder of Ogilvy & Mather, and known as the Father of Advertising)   These words encapsulate the core of effective marketing – a balanced fusion of strategy and execution rooted in deliberate choices rather than chance encounters. In a landscape […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 18 2023
  6. Top 5 Feedback Survey Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Feedback Survey Templates with Samples and Examples

    Generating insights is like catching the wind – elusive yet essential. As Ernest Hemingway, a renowned American novelist, once said, “Listen carefully to criticism and use it as fuel for improvement.” In the complex machinery of the business world, feedback surveys function like diagnostic tools that pinpoint areas of optimization, much like a skilled mechanic […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 18 2023
  7. Must-Have Production Assistant Invoice Template with Examples and Samples

    Must-Have Production Assistant Invoice Template with Examples and Samples

    Lights, camera, and… the dreaded paperwork! We've all been there – lost in the maze of numbers, products, and prices while juggling the chaos of a bustling production unit, irrespective of what we are churning out.     We've got the solution you are looking for to handle the overwhelmed feeling you get at such times! […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 11 2023
  8. Must-Have New Employee Onboarding Checklist Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have New Employee Onboarding Checklist Templates with Samples and Examples

    As a human resource (HR) professional, are you tired of having to indulge in the same old onboarding process – a clunky shuffle of paperwork, confused faces, and missed steps? Well, dust off those cobwebs because we’re about to turn your onboarding woes into a synergy of efficiency and effectiveness. Introducing our game-changing New Employee […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer August 10 2023
  9. Must-Have SAAS Business Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have SAAS Business Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Riches do not come by crossing your fingers and walking through the day hoping. Riches and wealth come from well-laid plans. - US entrepreneur Jim Rohn   Success is not a matter of luck but a result of strategic and actionable planning. To thrive in today's competitive landscape, you must acknowledge the importance of a […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer November 24 2023
  10. Top 5 Inventory Management Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Inventory Management Templates with Samples and Examples

    Inventory goes up in direct proportion to ignorance about how to run a business is mountains-old wisdom. Yet, in the chaotic and slightly maddening web of commerce, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters - efficient inventory management. Without the right tools, you might be carrying excess stock or facing customer demands that leave you […]
    Mohammed Sameer Mohammed Sameer September 14 2023

Items 71 to 80 of 189 total