In today’s online world, there is scarcely a business without a website; in fact, entire businesses have sprung up around taking even a retail store online. 


With such a business environment upon us, website planning for those still without one becomes an absolutely pressing need. As you start on the mission to get a website, remember the first thing you will need is a website planning template. Here, SlideTeam is your go-to resource. 


Our website planning templates ensure that your website is made with authentic expertise and not built around half-baked ideas or concepts. 




This is because in website planning, you will need to take care of your web page loading time, automatic updation when you add new products or services to it. Finally, if the website is still functional, who will visit you if the search engine giant, Google, does not crawl. This also, as you now realize, needs to be thought of in the website planning stage itself. 


Once you master the website planning phase and are finally up and running, our web design proposal will help. Click here to get those, once you are done with the planning phase. 

With our best-in-class website planning templates, present your analysis and convince stakeholders to fund the upgrades in your business web pages.


These 100% customizable Website development ppt templates provide you with the desired flexibility to edit presentations. Additionally, the content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.
Without further ado, let’s check these out. 


Template 1: Website Development Planning Template


With this wholesome PowerPoint Presentation, you can enlist the major aspects of planning a website. Using charts, tables, and configurations, define roadmaps, schedule tasks, and monitor checklists. On the checklist, you will find steps like information gathering, content writing and assembly, coding and design, and even the sub-steps involved in each. To use this template to the fullest potential, download it from the link below.


Website Development Planning Template


Download this template


Template 2: Website Content Plan Template


Along with design, valuable, well-planned, and revised content is the essence of any website. If you are in the website planning phase, use this dedicated presentation template set to create your content strategy. Aim for content that caters to your target audience, by taking due consideration of the demographics, customer psychographics, media profile, purchasing criteria etc. Develop customer persona and outline their journey to create a website that resonates with them. Address all these areas in depth with this one-of-kind, well-researched website planning template. 


Website Content Plan Template


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Template 3: E-Government Website Development Planning PowerPoint Template


Suppose your new project is on delivering an e-government website. Provided you have understood the client’s requirements and have done your own research, here is a powerful PPT tool to present it. With this website planning proposal template, we have laid down a standard framework to walk your client through a detailed plan of how you will deliver a working website. Put forth your strategies along with your company’s unique ways to implement them. Deploy this fully-packed PPT Package and win government clients with ease. Download now.


E-Government Website Development Planning PowerPoint Template


Download this template


Template 4: Pricing Table for Website Development Planning PPT Template


Are you preparing a brochure to depict your pricing plans ? Don’t sweat, because this ready-made template allows you to demonstrate all your website plan pricing in depth. Go the extra mile by showcasing benefits, and categorize your plans on the basis of uses, validity, specifications, etc. Deploy this multi-purpose demonstration of pricing packages for your website planning services. Get it now from the link below.


Pricing Table for Website Development Planning PPT Template


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Template 5: Monthly Website Project Plan Template


Are you ready to develop your business’s website! If you are, the first step has to be to allot a timeline and schedule tasks so that the website can see the light of the day and the business can benefit from it. With this monthly website planning template, align tasks related to website construction. Use Gantt Chart technique to monitor the tasks and plan their alignment with other works, at the same time.


Monthly Website Project Plan Template


Download this template


Template 6: Website Improvement Planning Sheet with Estimated Budget


Is yours a team of a handful of experts who are involved in website planning, in particular improving it? Then deploy this readymade website improvement planning sheet to allot website responsibility against employees assigned the task. Specify key responsibilities, issues faced, estimated time, and budget allocated to each member. Edit this presentation template according to responsibilities and grab this PPT Layout.


Website Improvement Planning Sheet with Estimated Budget


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Template 7: Roadmap for Website Promotion Plan Template


If the website plan you are working on is promotion, then use this roadmap template to create a visual representation of key milestones in the form of responsibilities. You can label important activities that move toward defining goals; clarify target audience; determine; market tactics, tackle the issue of budgeting, and develop plans. You can add your business specific strategies as well into this editable PPT Layout. The link to download this PPT Slide is shared below.


Roadmap for Website Promotion Plan Template


Download this template


Template 8: Essential Phases of Website Development Plan Process Template


Use this single slide to demonstrate the key phases of your web development plan. Cover steps like onboarding and kickoff, content and asset delivery, design, website development, and launch and pre-launch activities. Identify key objectives under each phase and use this slide to pilot your website planning process. Download now! 


Essential Phases of Website Development Plan Process Template


Download this template 


Template 9: Website Development Plan with Client Deliverables


As part of planning, it is important to never lose sight of a client's key deliverables and work on improving/ addressing. With this slide, identify each client deliverable against the expert in-charge, details of their work, including additional comments. Create a table to address multiple associations of clients, simultaneously, as shown in this customizable template. Download now.


Website Development Plan with Client Deliverables


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Template 10: Website Quarterly Content Plan Calendar


Create a quarterly content preparation calendar for your client’s or personal business’s website with this PowerPoint layout. Use specific intervals to allot tasks, and monitor real-time progress using an embedded graphical diagram. Every element of this PPT Design is editable, which means you get to re-use this slide for multiple projects and across quarters. Don’t lose this prized asset. Get it now!


Website Quarterly Content Plan Calendar


Download this template




Ensure your website is well-presented, and able to entice your prospective audience in your desirable way. Strategize with our website planning templates today!


PS: Are you an able social media marketer who knows his way around digital tools and management? Pitch your expertise with these one-of-a-kind resume templates, presented in this guide custom-made for your profession!

FAQs on Website Planning

How to Do Website Planning?

Here is an in-depth evaluation of how to start your journey on website planning:


  1. Define the purpose and goals of the website
  2. Research and analyze your target audience.
  3. Plan the structure and navigation of the website.
  4. Determine content that will be included on the website.
  5. Choose a website design and layout consistent with your brand that appeals to your target audience.
  6. Identify and plan for necessary functionality, such as e-commerce, forms, or user accounts.
  7. Develop a plan for website maintenance and updates.
  8. Determine the budget and resources required for the website development.
  9. Create a timeline for the website development process.
  10. Identify any legal or regulatory requirements that need to be met, such as data privacy or accessibility.
  11. Plan for SEO and online marketing strategies to drive traffic to the website.
  12. Test the website on multiple browsers and devices.
  13. Plan for website hosting, domain registration, and email setup.
  14. Identify and plan for any necessary integrations with third-party systems such as payment gateway, analytics, and CRM.


It's important to note that this checklist can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the website. Consult with a professional if you need help with more complex projects.

Why is Website Planning Important?

Website planning is important because it helps to ensure that the business meets the needs of its target audience and achieves its goals. A well-planned website will be easy to navigate, have clear and useful content. The website development process itself needs to be executed well. 


Proper planning can also make the development process smoother and pre-empt problems. Additionally, it can also help in budget allocation and prioritizing features. With proper planning, a website may be clearer for visitors, easier to maintain and achieve its intended purpose.

Who participates in website planning?

Website planning typically involves a team of individuals. These are: 


Business stakeholders: These are individuals or groups within an organization whom the website will impact and also provide input on the website's goals, content, and functionality.


User experience (UX) designers: These professionals focus on the user's experience of the website and work to ensure that the website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and meets the target audience's needs.


User interface (UI) designers: These professionals focus on the visual design of the website, ensuring that is consistent with the organization's branding.


Web developers: These professionals are responsible for building and maintaining the website and may be involved in tasks such as coding, testing, and deploying the website.


Project manager: This person is responsible for coordinating the work of team members, setting milestones and deadlines, and ensuring that the project stays on track and within budget.


Content creator: This person is responsible for creating the content for the website, such as text, images, and videos.


SEO specialist: This individual optimizes the website for search engines so that it can show up for users on search engine pages. 


Analytics specialist: He/she tracks the website’s performance, analyzes user data, and uses it to improve the website.


It’s important to note that not all websites may require the same kind of team.Â