Acquiring customers is no easy task! Everyone is aware of this fact! Top-performing companies like Tesla, HubSpot, Medium, etc, have had their share of challenges!


These organizations knew they would stand to lose if they did not acquire customers as quickly as possible. But how would you get customers interested in a relatively unknown product that needs more statistics to support the claim over their products?


Tesla is currently valued at $71 billion, but this was not initially the case. They faced stiff competition from Chevrolet and GM.  


What was their strategy? A Reward referral program! 


All customers who gave them a successful referral would be awarded $1000!


Result: Tesla got a 40*ROI as each car costs $85000.


HubSpot, a successful Customer Relationship Management Platform, offers users free blog ideas every week in exchange for their email addresses. This is a simple but effective method of developing their email list and reaching out to users.


Spotify is a thriving music streaming application that offers free and premium music services. This marketing model has made it highly successful!


Medium, a writing platform, is valued at $600 million. The company attributes its success to well-organized email campaigns!


The list is endless. We can go on! Nevertheless, you do get the picture! Successful companies have understood that good business starts with a strong customer acquisition strategy. The strategy must help to identify potential markets, develop an opportunity, and design the product that creates a sustainable stream of loyal customers!


A successful customer acquisition strategy ensures promotional activities target customers who are interested. Therefore, customers who are likely to buy the product will receive direct advertisements on their devices. In other words, they use effective channels like email marketing, Pay-per-click advertising, referrals, etc.


However, how do companies identify the most efficient marketing channel to acquire new customers? Analysing the data would allow organizations to gather customer behaviour and preferences, which would further help them understand the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.


This article focuses on the Top 7 acquisition analysis templates. Companies can use our slides to create personalized experiences and successful marketing campaigns. Subsequent data analytics will help formulate the marketing cost incurred per client. Download our templates to develop a formidable business plan that improves customer journeys and maximizes return on investments.


To learn more about ways to increase customer numbers, read our blog on the top 10 customer acquisition marketing plans and strategy templates.


Let us explore the top 7 acquisition analysis templates:


Template 1: Application User Acquisition Analysis Dashboard Organic Marketing Approach

User acquisition is a highly sought-after targeted marketing process exclusive to new application users. Companies use high-level advertising campaigns to influence users to buy their products. Our slide gives a detailed analysis of the Application User Acquisition data that helps to process and track the impact of the application on the user. The pre-designed slide gives a comprehensive data-driven approach to lead and new opportunities. It further highlights the leads by sources, leads funnel, number of visitors, and conversion rates. Download today and get clarity on the highest-performing advertising and promotional campaigns!


Application user acquisition analysis dashboard


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Template 2: Business Acquisition Analysis PowerPoint Slide 

Business Acquisition requires consistent marketing and comprehensive planning. Therefore, to achieve desired results, companies choose paid campaigns and other marketing strategies. Our slide on Business Acquisition Analysis offers compelling statistical data to gain new customers and increase revenue. It provides insight into conversion opportunities and helps design an optimal customer journey. Download our template today and use the data to prepare a successful and ongoing customer dialogue!


Business Acquisition Analysis PowerPoint Slide Deck Template


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Template 3 - Revenue And Customer Acquisition Analysis Strategic Management Dashboard

Each year, organizations allocate marketing budgets to gain as many customers as possible. Achieving desired results may not be as smooth as a walk in the park. However, with revenue and customer acquisition analysis, the company can succeed tremendously and remain competitive. Slide Team's template overviews the customer acquisition analysis for two consecutive years. It compares the allocated customer acquisition costs for the previous and current years. It further highlights the percentage of new customers added for each year. Download our slides and gather appropriate data and metrics to understand the efficiency level of your marketing campaigns.


Revenue and Customer Acquisition Analysis Strategic Management Dashboard


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Template 4: Real Estate Property Investment Analysis Detailed analysis of acquisition cost

Property investment is an excellent method of increasing one's net worth. It also helps businesses utilize profits to diversify operations and be profitable. Real estate also provides a greater level of financial security. However, it is vital to invest in a property that will give the desired returns. Therefore, companies must determine the properties' market values and decide whether it is worthwhile to invest in the project! Our slide offers an in-depth real estate property analysis by clarifying the acquisition costs, fees, and mortgage value. Download today to get detailed information on the profitability factor of the property investment.


Detailed Analysis of Acquisition Cost Associated to Property


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Template 5: Spend and Acquisition Analysis by Marketing Channels 

The effectiveness of the marketing channels largely depends on converting casual users into paid customers. Companies seek relevant statistics on user response to PPC, SEO blogging, email marketing, etc. Our slide provides extensive data on the spending and acquisition analysis of marketing techniques utilized by an organization. Download our templates today and determine the customer acquisition cost for each marketing channel. You will also get an overview of the channel's acquiring customers at the lowest acquisition cost!


Spend and acquisition analysis by marketing channels


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Template 6: Analysis of Current State vs Future State of Acquisition Marketing

Acquisition marketing is a phenomenal concept that targets users who are interested but are hesitant to purchase your product. Therefore, companies require data on what has worked and will work in the future! Our slide on the analysis of the current and future state of acquisition marketing offers insight into the product data presented to the customer and the future course of action. It provides data on the present and forthcoming market execution and analytics of the product. Download Today!


Analysis for Current State vs Future State of Acquisition Marketing


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Template 7: PESTLE Analysis of Merchant Acquisition PPT File Example Introduction

The world-renowned PESTLE analysis is a professional tool that organizations use to look for the various external factors that may or may not impact growth and market performance. It primarily focuses on changes in the political landscape, economic trends, sociological forms, technological changes, and legal and environmental outlooks. Our slide provides an attractive description of the Pestle analysis that helps to format a formidable plan to seize the right opportunities or reduce potential threats. Download our slides today and find a positive direction for a successful future.


PESTLE Analysis of Merchant Acquisition


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Customer Acquisition is a critical process that ensures the success of an organization. Therefore, if companies implement specific marketing techniques and campaigns to provide a personalized journey for each of their interested users, they are sure to attract and retain new customers within a short time frame. Furthermore, it is an ideal method to grow and have a sustainable future. Slide team's templates on the top 7 acquisition analysis templates are perfect for you. You can use them to research and examine the statistics on customer conversion and create formidable customer acquisition strategies. Download today to improve excellent customer experiences, leaving them etched in their minds. 


For a comprehensive outlook on ways to analyze reports, please read our article on the top 10 analysis report templates.