Imagine a top-notch baseball player preparing for his turn to smash the ball. There is a routine to be followed to ensure that he can perform when it matters.


For all practical purposes, this routine or the set tasks that contribute to phenomenal efficiency are best performed daily. While it is true that everyday might not be an important event, but to stay geared up for success, there is nothing better than daily checks. This primes you to attract success and accord it a grand welcome when it comes.


In business, there are areas where daily checklists are just indispensable. A major example where a daily checklist is indispensable and is a major source tool for efficient management housekeeping at a hotel. 


Then, a daily checklist is more than just a piece of paper. It is the application of management science to a process and breaking it down into manageable chunks. This ability is priceless, and requires nuanced attention to detail.


Another skill that top-notch managers and business achievers master is creating a to-do-list for themselves that leads to improved productivity. Click here.  


Here, SlideTeam intervention is crucial and will save you time and money. You don’t need go about detailing the little actions that make a task; a number of these tasks then make a business operation. Without having to start from scratch or search around the internet for easy ways out, our templates provide you the best-in-class answer. Use these editable and 100% customizable PPT Templates to ensure your task management is flawless and leads to improved work efficiency and productivity.


Let us explore these templates and enter a universe, where daily checklists are the route to entrepreneurial excellence.


Template 1: Checklist for Creating Daily Employee Engagement Calendar


In a world where the Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the nature of work, employee engagement has become a super-important area. Every company that cares about its employees will find this template valuable. You can offer employees carrier growth opportunities and focus on wellness programmes that promote loyalty. How to orient employees to support company’s mission is also critical. Use this checklist to see whether you offer these major pillars of employee engagement. Download now!


Checklist for Creating Daily Employee Engagement Calendar


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Template 2: Retail Store Daily Opening Checklist


A brightly-lit retail store appears so inviting in the evening and has its cash stores ringing. It is because the staff and the owners took the trouble to use a checklist, probably the one below that SlideTeam has curated. List tasks that you can assign by name with DONE and NOT DONE columns provided to keep a check on who does what, when? These tasks might just involve switching on and off a button, but could be critical to costumer experience and perception of the brand equity you have built after decades of hard work. Some of the tasks included in the slide are: Ensuring product tags are in order; quick sweep of the floor; shining the windows etc. Are now convinced now of the efficacy of this checklist? If yes, download now!


Retail Store Daily Opening Checklist


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Template 3: Office Induction Checklist with Daily Tasks


In your employee’s journey with you, there is scarcely a purer moment than his/her office induction. Perceptions and images formed during this day-and-a-bit in most organizations will lead to either excellent work or create an image of an organization that is OK to have its employees shabbily treated. This office induction checklist PPT Template offers a way to showcase your business professionalism and make the maximum impact. For most businesses, the four major elements on this checklist are a meeting with supervisor and HR representative; introduction to manager; introduction to team members and a tour of the work area. As always, you can do it differently, if you choose, with just the bare minimum of effort in customizing it. Download now! 


Office Induction Checklist with Daily Tasks


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Template 4: Daily Cleaning Checklist for Pressure Washing Service


It is critical to ensure that services that maintain hygiene and cleanliness are done with religious regularity. Ensure this happens according to a fixed schedule, with a bit of flexibility also thrown in, with this presentation template. Just meet this schedule for daily cleaning checklist for pressure washing service and make a name for yourself. Download now to begin a journey toward excellence that will earn you tremendous recall value.


Daily Cleaning Checklist for Pressure Washing Service


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Template 5: Medical Checklist For Daily Health Check-Up with Stethoscope


This PPT Template is an essential checklist for hospitals with the stethoscope giving a strong signal about its purpose. Customise the text according to your own speciality or the condition of the patient you might be catering to. Also, use this template imaginatively for checking pharmacy stock or insurance claims etc. This completely editable presentation template is constrained only by your imagination. Download now to get a head-start on organized data and information on health of your patients. They will smile at your due diligence. Download now to spread positivity all around!


Medical Checklist For Daily Health Check-Up with Stethoscope


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FAQs on Daily Checklists


How do I create a daily checklist?


A daily checklist is created using routine tasks that people are likely to forget. This happens as these tasks are non-essential, but critically important like closing the washroom door after you exit, for instance. What makes a checklist important is it helps managements overcome the boredom employees associate with such, mostly repetitive tasks. This leads to no chance or excuse for your personnel to forget these tasks.

Once you identify tasks that have some business utility, arrange these in order and proceed to define them in simple terms. Once this is done, identify terms that you will use to signal whether these are completed or not complete or done or not done. Remember, a daily checklist be created for virtually any kind of tasks. What is required is a crystallized definition.  


What is the purpose of daily checklist?


A daily checklist is, basically, designed to serve three major purposes. These are:


  • Ensure tasks are ranked in order and completed to satisfaction, leading to improved productivity.
  • Add an element of routine to important, utilitarian business tasks that ae done even if personnel change, as often happens in business or institutions that remain open round the clock like hospitals, police stations or even emergency services like the fire department.


What is checklist example?


A checklist example can be found across business domains and industries. Its most prominent example can be found in the checklist industrial establishments display prominently on their premises for fire safety. It is a really important deal for a factory to ensure that its checklist is visible to all employees at all times, or at least on all major entry and exit points. Without this checklist, regulators are likely to pounce on the business and have it sealed within hours, depending on the geography, within minutes.