Over the years, Amazon has successfully resolved the challenge of managing an extensive and rapidly growing e-commerce ecosystem. This included its retail operations, third-party sellers, and cloud services.


Amazon’s solution was to implement a sophisticated business analysis dashboard that aggregates data on aspects of its operations. This includes real-time information on product sales, customer behavior, inventory levels, and supply chain efficiency. The dashboard provides Amazon executives with a view of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and actionable insights.


With a business analysis dashboard to guide it, Amazon takes decisions on inventory management, pricing strategies, and customer experience enhancements. Observing and analyzing data in real-time has allowed Amazon to optimize its supply chain, improve delivery times, personalize customer recommendations, and adapt its business strategies.


Businesses that deploy SAAS to increase engagement rate and sales are obliged to track progress, too. This is achievable with SAAS dashboards that help business owners/software developers track correct metrics. With this need in mind, SlideTeam has compiled a list of SAAS dashboard templates. Check them out now!


Dashboards are a common feature of modern life, merging right into our technologically advanced society. You see them in cars, on smartphones, across watch faces, and even smuggled into entertainment like video games. Imagine the business world without dashboards – it would be like driving blindfolded or playing a game without a scoreboard.


Why should businesses across industries adopt analysis dashboards?


The answer lies in a dashboard’s capability to make data-driven decisions, identify improvement areas, and capitalize on opportunities. Business analysis dashboards provide a platform to monitor, analyze, and interpret complex data sets. These transform raw data into actionable insights, empowering decision-makers to steer companies towards profitability. These dashboards showcase key metrics, trends, and performance indicators in an easily digestible format.


Our curated collection of PowerPoint Templates are designed to complement your data, making it informative and engaging. A well-crafted presentation can turn complicated data into an engaging narrative, making it easier for your team to understand and act on the information gathered. Our templates are aesthetic, but have been tailored to meet the requirements of professionals who rely on data-driven decision-making. These templates 100% editable and customizable, allowing you to adapt them according to requirements.


Let’s explore the templates now!


Template 1: Quarterly Business Revenue Analysis Dashboard Template

A revenue analysis enables organizations to track where they are and take precise call on how to spend their resources to optimize earnings. A revenue analysis will help your company decide when to raise or decrease the stock of any product line depending on supply and demand. This slide represents revenue assessment on varied heads, such as quarter-wise, product-wise, and even showcases the top 5 performers. The aim is to measure business performance and achieve growth strategies easily and conveniently. It also depicts total revenue, actual vs anticipated revenue by quarter etc.!


Quarterly business revenue analysis dashboard


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Template 2: Business Survey Analysis Dashboard Based on Demographics Templates

Survey analysis transforms raw survey data into insights and answers that can be used to improve your organization and its growth. The goal of this template is to explain the demographic analysis of a company survey. It comprises information about the organization’s support team, respondent information, and user product preferences. The clutter-free, but spacious template like this one makes it easier to exhibit information about your organization and convey it to upper management.


Business survey analysis dashboard based on demographics


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Template 3: Business Hazard Analysis Process Dashboard for Operational Department Template

Business hazard analysis is a strategy that industries use it to identify what might go wrong in a process, determine how likely it is to go wrong, and then determine the steps needed to prevent or help reduce the toxic results failure can generate. This slide displays the consequences and impact of hazards on operational departments using multiple charts, graphs, and other graphics to display information. It contains a danger map and risk identification to recognize high hazards and warnings. It also includes risk types and a business hazard graph.


Business hazard analysis process dashboard for operational departments


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Template 4: Business Loan Performance Analysis Dashboard Template

Loan Performance Dashboards are operational analytic tools.  Executives and loan officers use these to monitor and evaluate approval and default patterns. This PowerPoint Template illustrates graphs on total loans, approved loans and declined loans, loan default count trend, loan approval count amount by branch, etc. Color-coded pie charts are also presented in this PPT Slide, which showcases the top 5 default counts by branch and loan and default value by branch. Banks use this dashboard to provide leaders with a successful approach to track loan trends and compare metrics across bank locations. Download this slide design now!


Business Loan Performance Analysis Dashboard


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Template 5: Business Financial Trend Analysis Dashboard Snapshot Template

Financial dashboards assist businesses in understanding and monitoring performance to make informed decisions, complete more sales, and minimize client acquisition costs. Using this PPT Template, your team will discover patterns and emerging concerns and easily show large datasets. It includes multiple graphics that display current working capital details, cash conversion cycle, etc. It also contains a graphic that shows your company's current budget variation and vendor payment error rate.


Business Financial Trend Analysis Dashboard


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Business analytics dashboards represent data and information management platforms that analyze and examine data. Filters and drill-throughs can facilitate data engagement and find valuable insights. Dashboards are popular corporate intelligence capabilities due to their comprehensive data analysis, customization, collaboration, and forecasting capabilities. Our PowerPoint Templates are prepared to transform your data into a visual masterpiece when presenting your insights, ensuring that your message is not only seen but also understood. Having appropriate tools might be the difference between a smooth ride and skyrocketing success in the fast-moving business world.


PS: From evaluating the effectiveness of your Instagram influencer campaigns to dissecting the nuances of eCommerce marketing strategies, SlideTeam’s dashboards are tailored to meet the needs of digital marketers. From monitoring advertising effectiveness to dissecting sales across marketing channels, our PowerPoint Templates on the Marketing Data Dashboard are a guiding light in this field.