The modern world is changing faster than ever before. Our security is at risk due to this rapid pace. Healthcare providers are particularly being slammed by black hat hackers who want nothing more than sensitive data for monetary gain by sabotaging identities. 


But it doesn't stop here. Any organization with sensitive information on its network can be hit by hackers such as the government, businesses involved in manufacturing products, law enforcement agencies tracking criminals' activity, etc. No wonder many businesses are turning to security dashboards — powerful tools for reporting incidents as well as evaluating risks before they occur — thanks to the modern era, dominated (rather controlled) by technology.


Security dashboards help provide at-a-glance information on the overall security health of a company. They also show the specific threats and vulnerabilities. Creating a security dashboard can be a valuable way to improve communication between different parts of a business. They can also help identify the potential weak spots in a company's security posture and make it easier to track and respond to any incidents that occur.


This article provides an overview of what makes a good security dashboard and why they're so important. It also goes over some common features found in modern-day products that can help you evaluate the risks more effectively!


But how to design a security dashboard?


When it comes to creating a security dashboard, there are many different factors to consider. The first step is to gather data from various sources, such as network devices, security logs, and user activity reports. The data should then be compiled and analyzed to identify key insights. The last step is to create charts and graphs to illustrate the information in a clear and concise manner.


Moreover, the data that is included on a security dashboard should be relevant to the specific business and its security needs such as:


- Security incident data

- Security alerts

- System uptime/downtime information

- Security posture overview

- Threats and vulnerabilities


Security dashboard templates have, therefore, become exceedingly popular nowadays as they offer a faster way to implement a cybersecurity program without hiring personnel or purchasing expensive software licenses. And to help you create one, we have shared 10 inspirational designs. 


Let’s get started!


Template 1: Cybersecurity Healthcare Dashboard

Cybersecurity dashboards are essential to any successful health system, helping stop breaches and squashing threats that manage to slip past their safeguards. This is one such security dashboard design that you can use to protect patient information as well as your systems' reputation from cyberattacks regularly. Additionally, it is Excel-linked, helping you input and present important information. 


Cybersecurity Dashboard For Healthcare PPT


Download this template 


Template 2: Global Cyber Security or Critical Risk Dashboard

A good cybersecurity dashboard will help you make important business decisions by presenting details, intricate key risk indicators like cybersecurity initiatives, incident management, etc, into a simple view. It will also help keep your data safe with a well-designed interface that unites different aspects/areas within a single screen. 


Global Cyber Security Or Critical Risk Dashboard


Download this template


Template 3: Corporate Data Security Awareness Dashboard 

Promote good decision-making by offering actionable insights using this cybersecurity dashboard template. You can also present complex key risk indicators including device usage, application health, and more, the components of which can be edited as per your needs and requirements. 


Corporate Data Security Dashboard PPT


Download this template 


Template 4: Enterprise Or Business Project Security Dashboard

This cybersecurity dashboard design is one of the most important tools to keep your company safe. It provides actionable insights and crisp information that can help you make better decisions when it comes to risks or protection strategies. Deploy it to provide a holistic view based on data collected from different aspects like steering projects, security projects, penetration tests, and more. 


Enterprise Or Business Project Security Dashboard


Download this template 


Template 5: Information System Security Benchmark Dashboard

What's your security like? With this information system security dashboard, you can view data on lost or stolen devices and equipment that are connected to your appliances. You can also deploy this Security PPT design to provide key insights into various KPIs like CSF, exploitable matrix, event analysis, and more.


Information System Security Dashboard


Download this template 


Template 6: Employee Security Awareness Training Program Dashboard 

Cybersecurity is a major concern for many organizations. The components of an effective dashboard depend largely on the needs and requirements of your business. This is one such template that you can use for this purpose as it is designed and presented by experts. With facets like anti-malware, application health, operating systems, and others, this is a highly useful dashboard design. Therefore, grab it now! 


Organization Cyber Security Dashboard PPT


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Template 7: Cyber Security Dashboard For Security Operations 

Cybersecurity is an issue that needs to be addressed by every organization, whether it is large or small. Experts can, therefore, utilize this cybersecurity dashboard design to present important information on threats and vulnerabilities faced by their organization. Other security and data breaches can also be projected in this template which is fully customizable. 


Cyber Security Dashboard PowerPoint Template


Download this template 


Template 8: Business Data Security Dashboard PPT

Data breaches are becoming more common. The only way to prevent these instances is by taking an integrated approach that starts with the employees and extends up to the top management. Our interactive security dashboard allows users to access information and data in real-time. With attributes like risk exposure, SCCM, encryption status, and more, this is the best template you can use to measure and improve your current security system. 


Business Data Security Dashboard


Download this template 


Template 9: Enterprise Security Operations SecOps Dashboard

This security operations dashboard lets you explore and investigate alerts, assets, vulnerabilities, and devices to quickly determine if any suspicious activity occurs in your network. You can also drill deep down into granular events that are happening on your device or aggregate event level for more clarity with this creatively designed and editable dashboard PPT slide. 


Enterprise Security Operations SecOps Dashboard


Download this template


Template 10: Security Dashboard Of Account PPT Template 

Companies can use this template to introduce or explain their cybersecurity business plans and goals, with attributes like identity posture, failed logons, logons overtime, etc. They can also deploy this slide to file security, identify cyber skillsets needed for the industry (or profession), determine ways to mitigate risks, and more. Without any further ado, grab it now! 


Security Dashboard Of Account Identity And Access


Download this template 


With so many different dashboard features and options, it can be hard to know which ones will work best for your needs. But don't worry! We present to you our invigorating PowerPoint templates covering all the essential ingredients of an effective dashboard: accuracy of data input, clarity on what you're measuring progress against, and whether there was a success at achieving the goals or not. So grab cyber security ppt immediately to determine the best security approach for your business. 


P.S: Are you looking for more scoreboard and dashboard designs to amplify your reports? Here is a quick catalog with multiple templates to help you get started!Â