Do you have that perfect picture from that trip you went on, or of that time you received the award on stage, or from that conference you attended? Takes you right back to the day, doesn't it? It is important to capture moments for you to cherish later, or even to show your friends or family who couldn't be there with you in the moment. You want to make these moments immortal, as these will never-ever come back. 

If you don’t wanna take that chance in your personal life, why take it in your professional life. Document important meetings that take place in your organization with Meeting Report. 


Preparing meeting reports and recording minutes are integral components of effective organizational communication and decision-making. These documents serve as a detailed record of discussions, decisions, and action items, providing an overview of the meeting's proceedings. 


As a meeting chair, you must ensure that you set a clear agenda. Click here to learn more and get agenda templates that work for you.


Why should you prepare Meeting Reports?


Minutes act as a reference point, ensuring that  participants share a common understanding of key points and commitments. These  also serve as an  archive or repository, allowing organizations to track the evolution of ideas and strategies over time. Meeting reports and minutes enhance accountability with clear documentation of  who is responsible for specific tasks and deadlines. This aids in measuring progress and encourages participants to fulfill  commitments. These records are invaluable for absentees, enabling them to catch up on important developments and decisions. 


At SlideTeam, we don’t want you or your colleagues to miss out any information in case you fail to attend a meeting, or better still we want you to be updated with the key objectives and highlights of the last meeting. Introducing to you our Top 10 Meeting Report Templates with Examples and Samples. The 100% customizable nature of the templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready nature provides the structure and the starting point. 


Let’s explore!


Template 1: Open Meeting Report Executive Summary PPT Template

This PPT Template is a comprehensive guide to preparing a detailed meeting report. With slides enabling you to display  the company’s background, vision, and mission statements. There are slides on the sales dashboard, financial dashboard, marketing plans, targeted segments, etc. With  this information compiled in one deck, it enables you to set meeting agenda, create schedules, delegate responsibilities, and plan follow up action.  This PPT allows you to do it all. To prepare comprehensive meeting reports, download now!


Template 1: Open Meeting Report Executive Summary PPT Template


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Template 2: Meeting Minutes Report of Stakeholders Engagement PPT Template

Use this PPT Layout to note the Minutes of the Meeting (MoM). The Layout records who was the meeting chair, and who was responsible for summarizing the meeting. Use it to also maintain a list of  all  attendees, and the date of the meeting. The table will enable you to document the task and decisions under review, the due dates of  tasks, personnel responsible and the status of the same. Download now to transform the way you make meeting reports. 


Meeting Minutes Report of Stakeholders Engagement PPT Template


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Template 3: Conference Meeting Agenda in One-Page PPT Template

This PPT Template will help you set the course and the direction of the meeting. The layout makes note of  information related to logistics like day, date, time, location, and the type, title, and subject of the meeting. You can also record the details of the meeting facilitator, minute taker, and the timekeeper. In case of an online meeting you can also record the contact information and weblink of the meet. The PPT Template allows you to keep a list of all  requested attendees. This means  you can now set the schedule and finalize your agenda items. In the table below you can record who is responsible for delivering the presentation on agenda items and the approximate time for each of them. To plan your meetings well, download now!


Conference Meeting Agenda in One-Page PPT Template


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Template 4: One-Pager Team Meeting Charter PPT Template 

This concise meeting report records   vital information discussed and deliberated in the meeting. The box on the top right corner of the template consists of information available and set pre-meeting, for example business agenda, meeting goals, meeting objectives, constraints, and assumptions. The project information and deliverables are discussed through the course of the meeting and related details can be recorded. The meeting agenda items can be listed in the table with  details like the medium, frequency, and audience. Keeping track of the project status is the  primary task in meeting, this presentation template helps   facilitate this through a table that lists the milestones to be achieved, the current status, tentative due date, and any other comments on the subject, Download now!


One-Pager Team Meeting Charter PPT Template

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Template 5: Business Meeting Agenda Report for Client Strategy PPT Template

It is vital to be prepared when presenting in front of your clients. Before having a meeting with them to discuss actions and strategies, you should gather your ideas and research to set the agenda. This PPT Template helps you do just that. List down bullet points for the scope of the meeting and make the pre-meeting notes. Keep track of  previous interactions you’ve had with the client and mention  the outcomes of these meetings in a brief form. Using this layout, you jot down insights from research sources. Be prepared, download now!


 Business Meeting Agenda Report for Client Strategy PPT Template


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Template 6: Conference Meeting Agenda PPT Template

The PPT Template includes columns to record  the day, date, time, location, meeting type, title, and subject. You can document information about the meeting facilitator, minute-taker, and timekeeper. For virtual meetings, you also have the option to note the contact details and web link. The PowerPoint Template enables you to maintain a list of requested participants, aiding in scheduling and finalizing the agenda. In the provided table, you can specify presenters for agenda items and allocate approximate time for each. To  organize your meetings, download the template now!


Conference Meeting Agenda PPT Template


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Template 7: Meeting Report for Effective Project Status Communication PPT Template

Use this PPT Template to keep track of  internal team meetings. This will ensure progress is tracked well  and highlight any changes that need to be made. The layout documents the type of communication or the overall meeting objective, the owner or the facilitator, the frequency, and the specific agenda.  This will enhance the  accountability and communication amongst  team members. Grab it today!


Meeting Report for Effective Project Status Communication PPT Template


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Template 8: One-Pager Weekly Meeting Agenda for Executives Performance Review PPT Template

For your weekly meetings this one-page PPT Template will help you set agenda and targets for the upcoming week. Make note of  achievements in the previous week and ensure that the facilitator acknowledges them  to boost employee morale. This is followed by the review of goal progress, review of the previous meetings action items, new agenda items, reviews, and the date set for the next follow-up meeting. To organize weekly tasks, download now!   


One-Pager Weekly Meeting Agenda for Executives Performance Review PPT Template


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Template 9: Quarterly Meeting Report for Project Review PPT Template 

A quarterly meeting report is crucial for companies as it sets direction and focus  for the next three months while acknowledging the achievements and the shortcomings of the corresponding time period. . With this PPT Layout,  keep track of  scheduling, resource planning, budgeting, risk management, cost-benefit analysis, etc. With the infographic provided you can display the level of completion for each of the listed tasks. In the PPT Slide, you can list the status of these activities along with the success rate achieved for each of them. To prepare a concise quarterly report, download now!


Quarterly Meeting Report for Project Review PPT Template


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Template 10: Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Agenda and Report PPT Template 

Stakeholder meetings are crucial for fostering collaboration, aligning interests, and ensuring effective communication amongst all involved parties in a project or organization.  Use this PPT Slide to record who was the meeting chair, and who was responsible for summarizing the meeting, along with that it has a list of all the attendees, and the date of the meeting. The table will enable you to document the task and decisions under review, the due dates of the corresponding task, personnel responsible for carrying out the activities and the status of the same. Download now to transform the way you make meeting reports. 


Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Agenda and Report PPT Template


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Capture those meeting moments!


Meeting reports are essential for recording key discussions, decisions, and action items in meetings.  Meeting report templates facilitate this process, offering a standardized format for efficient documentation. These enhance consistency and ensure that crucial information is captured and  accessible for effective communication and follow-up. You can save time and effort by streamlining this process with our content-ready Meeting Report PPT Templates.