Have you ever tasted a free sampling of a new energy drink or attended a free seminar on the latest trend in robotics or medicine? Did they let you go without any discussion after the tasting event? 


Chances are you were asked to fill in an evaluation form for the activities you indulged in and the event held, wanting to know your response to the taste or the presenter. In fact, it could even have been an elaborate form, which took less than five minutes in every case, asking for responses and your feedback. These event evaluation techniques are critical for businesses and organizations to know what works in their products and services and what does not. Based on it, improvements are made, and the final launch is done. 


Wholesome success that creates capacity for more business growth is the ultimate object of any event. Whether this has been achieved is seen through an event report. Find event report templates to master the evaluation of an event here.   


A critical pain point in business evaluation is how to draw up templates for the customer (paying or free). SlideTeam has the perfect solution. We curate best-in-class PPT Templates for event evaluation to ensure your evaluation meets all the criteria of a professional, result-oriented form. From pre-event to post-event, all aspects are taken care of in these 100% editable and customizable templates. 


Evaluation is necessary for everything, be it human life or business. Find evaluation sheet templates that will work for you with a click here.


Template 1 Post Event Evaluation Report with Detailed Description PPT Template

Use this PPT Template to elaborate on the name and nature of the event before launching into the three description questions that make this slide special. After the organization that helmed the event, and its date, go into what went well in the area you were involved in, and what did not go well as well. In the third question, list your recommendations for improvement for future events for the area you were responsible for. Simple and practical, this is the best post-evaluation report that you can find. Get it now!


Post Event Evaluation Report with Detailed Description


Click here to download the template


Template 2 Evaluation Survey Form for Team Building Exercise Event

This PPT Template showcases a survey form allowing organizations to record employee feedback in team-building exercises. It can help the company take corrective actions for the next event based on the responses collected. The slide takes over eight criteria about the event and takes feedback from attendees on a scale of very satisfied to very dissatisfied. The top three listed on the template are: did the event help impact the workplace; was the event duration neither too lengthy nor too short? And what is your (the attendee's) overall satisfaction with the event? Get the template now! 


Evaluation Survey Form for Team Building Exercise Event


Click here to download the template


Template 3 One-pager Post-event Evaluation Form

This one-pager PPT Template showcases a form that attendees must fill out post-event. It includes elements such as event details, satisfaction surveys, and other event highlights, along with suggestions for improvement. Use the slide to ask at least a dozen questions on three categories of how satisfied the customers were, what the other event highlights, and suggestions for improvement. Set-up, event, venue, and advertising are all covered. 


One pager post event evaluation form


Click here to download the template.


Template 4 Post Business Meeting Event Evaluation Report

In five questions, this PPT Template provides valuable ideas about the event your business curated. This slide is meant to depict the questions and the choices that you should follow to ensure the quality sees an upswing and leads to improvement in each event held. There are close-ended questions like Yes/No, and then there are more open-ended ones, where choices range from excellent, good, fair, and poor. There is even a descriptive element, asking for improvements. 




Click here to download the template


Template 5 Pre- to post-event Success Evaluation with Crucial Metrics

In the stages of event success evaluation, organizers must take key actions at the right time and critical junctures. This PPT Template showcases the key stages of event planning and the key metrics to measure the success of each phase. It covers aspects like stages, key actions, goals, and metrics. For example, the pre-event stage is about MANAGING, which means finalizing logistics and closing the program are priorities. The metrics for this action would be ticket sales and social media engagement. 


Pre to post event success evaluation with key metrics


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Template 6 Risk Event Assessment & Evaluation Form Agile Software Quality Assurance

Risk classification is a full-time job, demanding expertise when software is being developed for clients who want Quality Assurance (QA) of the highest order. This PPT Template displays a risk assessment form covering information about the project name, its reference document, the project manager’s name, risk input, causes, assessment ratings, and justification. The idea is to understand the link between severity and occurrence. Use this template to impress upon clients the importance of risk event assessment, as without it, mistakes are repeated and can be detrimental, even lethal, to business interests.


Risk Event Assessment and Evaluation Form


Download this slide on risk evaluation now!


Template 7 Agile QA Model IT Risk Assessment and Evaluation Form  

This PPT Template is another design take on the risk event assessment. It starts with a reference document for the project, its objectives, and risk input. The attempt is to understand risk assessment and begin to carry forward the process of ensuring it does not materialize. Each column in the risk assessment is to be given a rating of between 1-5. The variables are risk classifications and suggestions to mitigate the risk. The slide also provides for the manager’s signature. 


Risk Event Assessment and Evaluation Form...


Download this slide on risk evaluation now!


Template 8 Audience Event Evaluation Survey Form PPT Template

There cannot be a better form for collecting feedback on event performance than this PPT Template. The visually attractive slide includes tags such as the attendee’s full name, participation medium, rating scale for event usefulness, time management, refreshments, opinion on joining future events, and suggestion box. A mixture of close-ended and open-ended questions ensures the PPT Template emerges as the completion solution to audience event evaluation. 


Audience event evaluation survey form....


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Template 9 Event Management Performance Evaluation Metrics

 As always, performance measurement remains a crucial function of any evaluation. The PPT Template depicts Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are tracked to measure event success. The indicators covered are registration trends, post-survey responses, cost per attendee, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and conversion rate. Each of the KPIs is linked to how it is used, making this template practical and worthy of download. What are the usage segments? Download from below to find out. 


Event Management Performance Evaluation Metrics


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Template 10 Evaluation of Offline Event Campaign ROI

Offline campaigns remain integral to business success, even as social media grabs all the glory. Utilize this PPT Template to display a company’s offline event campaign results over the course of a year. The table in the slide also allows for evaluating the actual cost of the event campaign and earnings generated by them so that businesses can calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) and percentage. In this hands-on slide, businesses can compare at least four events, but with editability and customizability, there can be as many comparisons as needed.


Evaluation of offline event campaign ROI


Click to download


Special effort needs special evaluation


In terms of business value, evaluating events is particularly important due to the investment involved and the learnings such post-mortem provides. Hence, event evaluation templates become the key to ensuring businesses/users can derive more mileage from these special occasions that involve a significant investment of resources. Attendee feedback is like gold; take it scientifically and analyze it even more vigorously using SlideTeam PPT Templates on event evaluation. Get these now for both offline and online event evaluations. 

PS Creating a good post-event report can be tedious. Find world-class templates on post-event reports here.