Environmental sustainability is a compliance requirement and a business strategy, including practices and policies to minimize a company’s carbon footprint and optimize resource efficiency. It also involves a shift towards sustainable business models and methods to adhere to regulations and contribute to environmental conservation and renewal.


Environmental Sustainability in Business


As customers and stakeholders are more aware of the brands they are associated with, environmental sustainability guides a company’s growth, stability, and long-term success. Companies that integrate environmental sustainability into their DNA have efficient resource utilization, cost reduction, improved brand reputation, competitive advantage, and better high-risk management. Sustainable practices also lead to innovation (products and services), new market opportunities, and a bigger and more loyal customer base.


The implementation of a corporate environmental strategy catalyzes its growth and innovation. One tool that fuses business intelligence with sustainability strategies is the environmental dashboard.


Environmental Dashboard and Strategy Management


An Environmental Dashboard enables organizations to monitor, analyze, and communicate their environmental performance data in an effective manner. It presents key environmental metrics like carbon footprint, energy consumption, water usage, waste management, etc., in a digestible format. Businesses can use it as a central hub for data-driven insights to track progress toward sustainability goals, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions.


Environmental Dashboard provides a real-time overview of a company’s environmental impact and enhance trust and credibility by helping share quick and easy-to-understand reports with stakeholders, investors, customers, and regulatory bodies.


Environmental Dashboard Templates


Creating an Environmental Dashboard from scratch can be a daunting and resource-intensive task. Choosing the right design and setting the right KPIs are time-consuming challenges businesses can avoid using SlideTeam’s pre-designed environmental dashboard templates. These PPT Slides are research-based and made for environmental strategy management, equipped with key metrics and KPIs. 


These PowerPoint Layouts are 100% customizable in nature to provide you with the desired flexibility to create an environmental dashboard that caters to the needs of your corporate strategy. The content-ready presentation designs allow you to have a ready-to-use environmental dashboard without extensive resource investment.


Let's explore these environmental dashboard templates now!


Template 1: Environmental Sustainability Dashboard Template Showing GCE And GDP

This presentation design will help you ease the monitoring and reporting of key environmental sustainability metrics, offering a detailed analysis of Global Carbon Emissions (GCEs) and economic performance indicators like GDP growth. 


It provides a nuanced view of the energy mix, highlighting the percentage of renewable resources in use and the percentage of materials recycled with their names, like lead-acid batteries and aluminium cans. The PPT Slide has a gauge chart reflecting household waste recycling rates. This PowerPoint Template will help environmental analysts, policymakers, and business strategists align economic development with environmental conservation efforts.


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Global…


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Template 2: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Presentation Template

This PPT Slide highlights sustainability efforts and KPIs critical to environmental management. It categorizes municipal solid waste by material like wood, plastic, rubber, etc., with a donut chart. With a detailed bar graph, illustrating the percentage of household waste composition and a donut chart revealing the energy usage breakdown, this dashboard highlights trends in greenhouse gas emissions over five years. It helps environmental analysts and sustainability managers present complex data in a clear, visual format and make strategic decisions. Get it now!




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Template 3: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Template Showing Social Footprint

This PowerPoint Set is designed for businesses to display and analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to environmental impact and social responsibility. It shows detailed visualizations of energy consumption across, waste generation, water usage, and material flows, highlighting the inflow and outflow dynamics. The dashboard evaluates the social footprint of an organization, outlining costs associated with community development initiatives. Grab it today!


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Social…


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Template 4: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Template Showing Total Consumption

This expert-designed dashboard layout provides an integrated view of energy-use, with metrics like energy sources, sector-wise sales, power stability, production costs, and consumption patterns. With its color-coded charts and graphs, it illustrates the ratio of renewable versus non-renewable energy sources, sales growth in industry sectors, and production costs of energy types over time. The PPT Design also highlights the frequency and average duration of power cuts, providing insights into grid reliability. A consumption-by-sector graph allows businesses and energy analysts to find improvement areas in energy efficiency. This dashboard template will help organizations optimize energy consumption and reduce the ecological footprint of their operations. Download it now!


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Total…


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Template 5: Environmental Social Governance Dashboard with Organisational Alignment

This PowerPoint Slide helps organizations strategize and align their Environmental Social Governance (ESG) goals with their operational and financial objectives. It showcases KPIs reflecting the financial performance, including net job growth rate and financial impact, alongside ESG metrics like greenhouse gas emissions savings and waste management efficiencies. The slide features an organizational alignment radar chart, evaluating management, stakeholder engagement, and risk assessment over a three-year trend. A detailed circular graph breaks down savings across ESG domains, including energy and water consumption, allowing for a fine view of sustainability efforts. This template is ideal for companies to present a holistic picture of their ESG achievements and alignment with corporate strategies to investors, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. Get it now!


Environmental Social Governance Dashboard with Organisational Alignment


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Template 6: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Recycling Participation

The presentation layout will help environmental analysts and urban planners focus their waste management and recycling efforts. It has donut charts with percentages of construction, demolition waste recycled, general waste composition, and material types. A trend graph illustrates the volume of recycling and landfill waste over four years, highlighting the effectiveness of waste management strategies. The map showcases recycling participation by neighborhood, emphasizing regional engagement and pinpointing areas for potential improvement. This PPT Template will help you track and enhance community involvement in recycling initiatives, progress in waste reduction, and environmental sustainability programs. Grab it today!


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing…


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Template 7: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Carbon Footprint

This dashboard provides organizations with a comprehensive overview environmental performance, fuel consumption, and carbon footprint metrics. It includes a pie chart for a quick comparison of petrol versus diesel usage, trend lines for year-to-date and rolling 12-month fuel usage, and a speedometer-style gauge displaying carbon emissions against the previous year’s data. The PPT Template includes a map indicating electricity use across locations and a detailed breakdown of CO2 emissions by department, complete with trend analysis over half a year.


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Carbon…


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Template 8: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard PPT Template

This PPT Slide shares insights to measure and present KPIs in sustainability for businesses. It offers a snapshot of a company's data efficiency and waste management. A clear, color-coded donut chart displaying corporate average data efficiency and another showing the percentage of hazardous operational waste. A gauge chart illustrates the proportion of recycled printed paper, reporting progress toward reducing paper use. A line graph compares total municipal solid waste recycling to current rates, highlighting trends over time. This presentation dashboard is an excellent resource for companies to report on sustainability, track improvements, and plan initiatives. Get it now!




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Template 9: Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Power Cost and Consumption

This presentation dashboard provides real-time insights into power usage, cost, and carbon emissions. It features gauges that present visual feedback on parameters such as power in kilowatts, cost per hour, and carbon output per hour, providing an immediate understanding of current performance against benchmarks. The color-coded bar indicates today’s consumption levels against daily targets, with a detailed table summarizing today’s usage data, including consumption, cost, and carbon figures. A separate section compares these statistics to the average daily use over the last 30 days, allowing businesses to monitor their energy footprint, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions toward their sustainability goals. Grab it today!


Environmental Sustainability KPI Dashboard Showing Instant…


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Template 10: Financial Environment Dashboard Template for Tracking Growth

This dashboard layout offers a snapshot of financial growth within the banking sector, showcasing key metrics like regional and sub-regional growth of banking services, performance indicators, and a tracking graph for reach improvement over the last 12 months. It can be used for analysis with customized regional, sub-region, and date range filters. Financial analysts and banking professionals can take advantage of this PowerPoint Design to record and present data-driven insights, make strategic decisions, and track growth trends.


Financial Environment Dashboard for Tracking Growth in Banking Industry


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The environmental dashboards are essential for managing and communicating a company's environmental strategy in an effective manner. These dashboards provide view of sustainability performance. With our pre-designed environmental dashboard templates, businesses can design and integrate these business intelligence tools into their operations to make informed, data-driven decisions. These PPT Designs integrated environmental metrics will streamline the process of tracking and reporting strategy execution. Take advantage of these presentation slides to put your business at the forefront of sustainable business practices and meet challenges of an evolving corporate landscape with responsibility and foresight.


Download these corporate environmental dashboard templates today and start your journey towards green and net-zero business goals.