People might not always remember what you said to them or what you made them do, but they take how you made them feel to their grave. This 27-word truism is one that businesses need to remember forever.


Why is Apple so famous, despite the top-of-the-line prices, when other more valuable products are available at half the price tag? Why does Google rule the roost in a market of search engines? Why is Louis Vuitton a top brand in luxury power dressing? Why should Disney continue to be the only brand people seek when they seek life’s lighter moments?


Before we answer these, you already have a guess, right? Customer experience and the process these businesses employ to interact, communicate, and make each buyer feel special make each brand a name to cherish. At some of the best-run businesses, the customer experience is so clear and pleasurable that buying and selling almost appears as an afterthought. The premium attached to such an experience is immense, but customers flock to reward such enterprises.


Closely related to customer experience process is the customer service domain, where training and refreshing one’s skill-set and perspective is always a necessity. Train your team in the art and science of customer service with our courses in customer service, with training material included. Click here to access this resource.


Hence, the customer experience process is an area of business that more managements want to master. Even online, enhancing customer experience and making it as natural, simple, and elegant as possible is a big thing. Artificial Intelligence has that as one of its primary aims.


To end your search and the pain point of how to curate the best customer experience processes, SlideTeam offers ready-made templates to offer. These PowerPoint Templates cover everything, from deciding what customers want to create an emotional connection. We also go into the customer platforms that sync best with the business value you offer.


Even better, each of these templates is 100% editable and customizable. You get both structures in the form of content-ready slides, and the editing capability means the presentation can be easily tailored to specific audience profiles.


Let’s explore this universe of templates now!


Template 1: Creating Wonderful Customer Experience Process PPT Templates That Create Engagement


Creating a fantastic customer experience is a must in ensuring businesses can capitalize on the opportunity they create by designing and delivering excellent products and services. Nothing is more common in organized business today than excellent products and services finding no takers because the customer is not primed for these, as enterprises fail to create an experience around the value offered. This complete deck in 18 slides helps businesses create a process for offering that ultimate customer experience as they use the products and services on offer. We cover everything from determining what customers want to create an emotional connection. The end-point is the creation of a customer experience dashboard. Get this hands-on dashboard now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 2: The Roadmap- From Customer Experience Vision to an Earthy Dashboard


This PPT Template, the Table of Contents on creating the customer experience, starts with the vision of what you want the customer to feel and think through your products. We, then, help businesses like yours answer what customers want. How to create an emotional connection comes next. Ultimately, the process ends in a customer experience platform, and enterprises collate these to express a story. The aim is to end up with numbers in the dashboard that summarize if the customer experience process is working to deliver business numbers. Download now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: Customer Experience Vision PPT with 8 Thinking Points   


This PPT Template helps answer two questions that start the experience process design for a customer. The first is, what is your (business) purpose for creating the project? What positive change should it bring about in the lives of customers? There are eight ways to answer this as a business, and it is always better to focus on just one or two. These are: Target group, needs, product, business goals, competitors, revenue streams, cost factors, and marketing channels. It is critically important that enterprises spend time refining this vision with complete clarity and granular detail. Download this presentation template now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 4” What Customers Want? PPT to Clarify Reasons for Purchase; Where You Fit In


Use this PPT Template to focus on the five critical elements in any purchase experience that customers like included. The first is individualism, where customers' needs are carefully analyzed, focusing on providing personalized experiences. Then, going omnichannel is what customers want to experience, and it also improves the propensity to buy products and services. Guided selling, which uses insights gained from analytics to guide customers through their buying journey, is another critical input. Artificial intelligence and transparent, real-time communication are increasingly emerging as essential segments of designing a customer experience process.


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 5: Beyond words and marketing- Creating an Emotional Connect with Customers PPT 


This PPT Template lists how businesses can emotionally connect with customers. The five ways of fulfillment, identity, enhancement, nostalgia, and indulgence are described and explained remarkably well in two bullet points each. For instance, connecting emotionally with identity as a bedrock means you create an aspirational image that resonates deeply with customers. Customers start identifying with the brand as a group. The mix of these emotional connectors varies from business to business, but these need to be present for enduring customer retention and relationship. Get it now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 6: PPT on Aligning Business Process with Customer Experience 


Even a minor irritant in the buying process can be a massive turn-off for the customer. For instance, accepting payments for goods and services in only one form, insisting that a customer pay through a specified digital payment vendor, etc. It is critical to align your business processes to ensure maximum customer convenience. This PPT template showcases the four steps that are a must to align customer experience with business processes. Setting the baseline expectation is the most critical of the four, where the customer is adequately informed of how their experience is structured. For instance, adequately conveying quality, price, mode of payment, and loyalty rewards, if any. Download this presentation template now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 7: Formulating a Customer Experience Platform PowerPoint Presentation Slide


The table in this PPT Template connects each primary customer interaction to a five-layered customer experience process. The slide enlists and maps each to qualitative metrics, quantitative metrics, and the financial implications of each platform. In the first layer, businesses link the customer profile to brand affinity and recall. The quantified metric is the email open rate and click-through rate. The financial implication is improved promotional spending effectiveness and lower customer acquisition costs. Download now to understand all five layers and their role in the customer experience process.


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 8: PPT Presentation on Real-time Customer Feedback


To make the customer experience process of your business stand out, you must take real-time customer feedback into account. Use this PPT Template to ask customers five questions about their views on your product or service. The rating scale varies from Very Good to Very Poor from left to right. The slide asks, “How do you rate our prices?” It bears repetition here that with the editable matter, you need to key your queries in this presentation template.


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 9: Customer Experience Dashboard PPT Template Report


This PPT Template on customer experience translates these moments of interaction into numbers that serve a business end. For instance, know through a ring diagram and a color-coded legend, customers’ positive emotional response to purchase from your business. Also, have at your fingertips the customers' experience on completion of transactions. Use this presentation template also to understand how delighted customers are nearly six times as likely to trust the company than an upset set of people. Download this PPT Template now to create magic.


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 10: The People Behind the Service: Our Team PPT Presentation Report


Ultimately, behind any memorable experience is a set of people leading the initiative. Customers and all other stakeholders, especially investors, want to meet the people who created such delight for them. This PPT Template is meant to showcase your key people and the real drivers of any customer experience. Use this presentation template to make them the stars, with name, designation, and areas of work functionality added. This act of recognizing people convinces customers that your efforts for them are authentic, personalized, and rooted in the conviction of always doing business the right way. Get this presentation template now!


Customer Experience Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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In business, it is easy to be dismissive of the customer and be sidetracked into the nitty-gritty of running the enterprise. It is not uncommon to find an auto company that is routinely late in supplying spares to dealers; even at a retailer, one can find items with the most margin on a lower shelf with the quality product (offering lower margin to the retailer) ‘hidden’ at some height.


Ultimately, however, the most effective and profitable way to do business, in the long run, is to prioritize the customer. Customers are revenue centers, always. Businesses that get it into their DNA do well.


Customer retention is another area of business, where it is advisable to put some effort and get good results. Find the best-in-class templates on customer retention with a click here


P.S. At SlideTeam, we have curated top 21 templates to build a customer success playbook. Access it with a click here.


FAQs on Customer Experience Process


What is Customer Experience Process?


According to Harvard Business Review, customer experience is customers' internal and subjective response to any direct or indirect contact with a company. The venerable journal adds that a successful journal shapes customers' experiences by embedding the fundamental value proposition in its offerings every time. In our daily lives, customer experience translates into getting a no-questions-asked refund policy on an online product. It could also mean trusting an ice cream maker always to taste the same or being offered an extra scoop of your favorite flavor on your birthday for free, et al. At the end of the day, customer experience means paying attention to a customer's experience when they interact with a business. The transaction usually takes care of itself.


What are the five steps of the Customer Experience Process?


The five steps start with the first central pillar of knowing your customer, as not everybody can patronize your business. Once you have clarity on the socioeconomic profile they usually come from, their lifestyle, etc., the second task is to understand their buying patterns to help create more personalized ones. The third step is tough to execute but doable; creating an emotional connection through humor, social messaging, or demonstrating a deeper meaning to your actions. For instance, Coca-Cola, today, is a means of creating happiness or fizz into your life. The penultimate step is seeking and monitoring customer feedback before ensuring that you use technology in customer experience. This is the 5th component in ensuring a wow! Customer experience process in your business.