There is hardly any piece of business communication that is as important as a cover letter. Used both for a job application and business proposals, a cover letter allows you the latitude to fill a blank canvas with the painting of your potential, whether personal or of the enterprise you have built up. 


As always, it pays to master the art and science of writing this simple-looking document. We, at SlideTeam, have curated the best-in-class templates to showcase cover letters that dazzle, impress and bring the best business results. From agriculture to sales to service businesses, we have it all covered. As a testament, we already have a library of research cover letters that can be accessed with a click here and contract proposal cover letters here.


The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.


Let's explore these templates now.


Template 1: Introduce Yourself Cover Letter PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Ensure you have all the aces in place as you enter the job-hunting arena with this introduce yourself cover letter format. This complete deck in 38 slides is a comprehensive way to structure your cover letter and memorably introduce yourself. You start with the agenda, which lists the nine significant heads under which you must give an introduction. These are about me; my career; a SWOT analysis; qualifications; achievements and training; experience; skillset; language skills, and hobbies. This PPT Presentation provides two design options to highlight these critical areas that must be part of the cover letter.


Introduce Yourself Cover Letter


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Template 2: Cover Letter Designation PPT Presentation Styles Example File

This B2B cover letter is a short and crisp document that allows you to give a one-liner about your company. Also, use this cover letter to add brief background information about how your company came to be and a short overview of what makes your company better than the rest. This cover letter ends with a polite, friendly tone highlighting your products and services. The main aim of this piece of communication is to encourage your reader to reach out with any questions. Download now to get a part of excellence for all time into your company profile.


Cover Letter


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Template 3: Cover Letter for Business Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration

This well-designed cover letter for a business proposal communicates a request for approval of the agreed-upon budget. It refers to the date of the budget allocation decision and asks for carrying that forward for implementation. It also provides a list of inclusions in the budget for the reference of the client or stakeholder. This one page ends with a gratitude note to the client for reviewing the business proposal. It also asks the client to contact the relevant person in case of any queries.


Cover Letter for Business Proposal


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Template 4: Cover Letter for New Business Proposal PPT Summary Sample

There is no better cover letter than this for a new business proposal. The presentation template illustrates how your company is providing pioneering service in your chosen field. Introduce the solutions you offer through this cover letter to convey your new business proposal. Outline all services you will provide to the company or associate. Convey your willingness to be flexible with the message of getting in touch with you to customize the new business proposal.




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Template 5: Cover Letter for Cultivation Business Proposal PPT PowerPoint Presentation Summary

In the agri-business segment, competition is tough, especially in cultivation. Offer your services for cultivation business proposals in this wonderfully designed template. Highlight how your team of dedicated professionals would plan, organize and maintain the agriculture needs of clients. Point out the length of your experience as a must in this cover letter, as expertise in the field depends on the time spent in the area.


Cover Letter for Cultivation Business Proposal


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Template 6: Sample Cover Letter for Advertising in One-Page Summary Presentation Report

Use this one-pager PPT presentation on a cover letter for advertising to highlight how your experience in contemporary marketing tools makes you a perfect fit for that job with the established player in the market. Highlight all the essential contact coordinates on the right of the cover letter, with your good photograph, creating an impression of a diligent applicant. As always, you must highlight your name and position. The date is also highlighted, something that most job applicants tend to ignore. The content-ready nature of this template is its real USP. Download now to mark yourself as a serious candidate to nurture and mentor your employee. Use this template to showcase how you will be an asset to the employer.


Sample Cover Letter for Advertising in One Page Summary


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Template 7: Office Assistant Cover Letter Template in One-Page Presentation Report Infographic

This one-pager cover letter template allows you to illustrate your competence for the office assistant post. Use this PPT presentation to showcase how your career has been a stellar professional journey and why you would like to continue it with the firm you have applied for through this cover letter. Demonstrate the three critical professional skills you excel at in the penultimate paragraph of this exceptionally erudite document of intent to your future employer. End with the positivity of gratitude.


Office Assistant Cover Letter Sample in One Page


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Template 8: One-Page Cover Letter Sample for Entry-Level IT Professional Presentation Report

This wonderfully-designed PPT presentation is meant to provide information about the roles and responsibilities you were assigned in your university days. If done well, this documentation of your educational experience primes you for the job of an entry-level IT professional with a reputed company. Use this cover letter to highlight your confidence and the hands-on nature of your university training. List your major project done in the university as well. Download now to illustrate how industry-ready you are at this present moment.


One Page Cover Letter Sample for Entry-Level IT Professional


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Template 9: One-Page Department Manager Sample Cover Letter Presentation Report Infographic

This presentation template cover letter, a one-pager application for the post of the departmental store manager, is about the values a candidate can contribute to the organization's success. In three bullet points, the candidate can summarize how they will contribute to the business if appointed to the advertised position. The optimistic tone of the cover letter is its USP. Download it to ensure you get the chance to interview with the company of your choice for the post of department manager. 


One Page Department Manager Sample Cover Letter


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Template 10: One-Page Restaurant Manager Cover Letter  Presentation Report Infographic

This PPT presentation on a cover letter for a restaurant manager position helps you showcase details matching the skills for the desired position. In a departure from the designs of other slides, the contact information goes horizontal this time. Highlight your ability to manage things with any training you gave to the staff in your previous position with the other company. Illustrate how the prospective employer will benefit from your skills in specific areas. End the one-pager with the request for discussion on the advertised position for a restaurant manager.


One Page Restaurant Manager Sample Cover Letter


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Template 11: One-Page Personal Statement Cover Letter Presentation Report Infographic

This one-page personal statement cover letter allows you to illustrate your experience, skills, and abilities to the prospective employer. Again, there is a provision for photographs as well. The four major cover letter parameters you address through this communication are: Previous achievements, core competencies, recent awards, and areas of expertise. You must emulate the numbers highlighted in the successes to create the maximum impact for all users of this PPT Presentation.


One Page


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Never judging a book by its cover that has run its course. Make your cover letter stand out, win recall and create a splash in the minds of your readers, who may be prospective partners, customers, or employers. Our presentation templates simplify this with the best-in-class designs and content-ready format. You will find your success rate zoom exponentially using our well-researched offering. If you want similar success with deciding on project deliverables after a cover letter proposal is accepted, click here to access our top 10 project deliverables templates.



FAQs on Cover Letters



What is a cover letter?


A cover letter is a professional piece of communication that needs to be submitted with the CV for a job or a business proposal for B2B selling. It lists the candidate's experience and reasons for joining the job and ensures that the letter communicates why the job and their skills make a perfect fit. It typically starts with a statement of intent, then answers the question of why the candidate is applying for the job. It also mentions hobbies or other soft skills that may not be found in the CV. It also lists goals one party hopes the other party will achieve through collaboration. 


How do you write a cover letter?


Writing a cover letter involves several steps to be followed in sequence to ensure it meets all its objectives. The first step in a cover letter must be to thank the recipient or the reader for allowing you to reach out to them. Technically, this first line is called the opening paragraph, the third element in the piece. Before this, the heading and the salutation set the piece's mood. After an engaging first para, write the second paragraph with facts and figures outlining your expertise. The third part is where you make your pitch and explain the perfect fit between your value offering and the other party's need. With 5 of the eight steps done, the closing para closes with an expectation of hope and positivity for a profitable business association. A formal greeting and a postscript, where you around interest again round off the eight steps to writing a persuasive, engaging cover letter. 


How long should a cover letter be?


A cover letter is just meant to be an appetizer to the main course of your abilities matching the business need of the other party. It must be short and crisp, with a word length never exceeding 300. At best, it serves as a reference point for the reader to get started and imagine if a business collaboration can occur. Its paragraphs also can, at best, run up to six at the most. What you need to achieve through a cover letter is the genuine conviction that your CV or the business proposal attached to it is of actual value to the recipient. The general rule of time to follow is that the shorter it is, the better it is.


What are the three main things needed in a cover letter?


The main three things needed in a cover letter are an excellent preamble that lists the critical reasons for the association you wish to forge with the reader. This opening typically can take up to 80 words in two paragraphs, with the salutation and the heading establishing the base for you to mention these. The second major part of a cover letter is where you say the juice you offer and the pain points you resolve. Finally, an excellent cover letter that wins clients or gets your CV into the IN-FILE ends with an exciting conclusion. Here, you reiterate the pay-off the other party can get by entering into a business partnership with you or giving you that job. You are set for fabulous success by bringing these three things in a cover letter.Â