Committees are the coming together of people to discuss issues concerning their community. These are not permanent bodies as their formation is need-based. Everytime a scientific, political, social, or humanitarian issue brims, responsible members with authorities will come together to address the issues at hand. These meetings can also be called to reflect on their community's day-to-day working and share committee recommendations.




Later, the findings of a committee are released and published as committee reports to the general public and relevant stakeholders. A person working on a committee report needs to be thorough with discussions during the event so as to accurately put it down in writing. Reports serve as a record of the committee’s success and help record insights. In this blog, we have summed up committee report templates that will help you preserve and present important information that committees share.


Know what all should be included in a committee report with our 10 best collection of dedicated committee report templates. Use these 100% editable and customizable templates to create summaries of your scientific, political, or social groups and to present valuable statistics. Let’s explore now.


Template 1: Annual Committee Report Template for Department of Entomology


Share a detailed report of your entomology committee in understanding insect-borne diseases with this document report template. Highlight the department’s work in understanding and addressing these insect-borne diseases. Mention your achievements over the past one year in identifying the causes, studying the disease cycle, and in curbing the damage caused. You can also share the impact of other geographical and climatic factors on these insect-borne diseases and the corrective actions recommended in the committee. Download now.


Annual Committee Report Template Department of Entomology


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Template 2: One-Page Summary Annual Committee Report Template


Share the annual committee findings of the department of entomology that you represent with this one-page PPT Template. Share a detailed account on the insect-borne diseases like RRV, Zika virus that affect human life. Present the stats on human lives impacted over the year with these viruses. Share committee projects operational in controlling these diseases. Highlight the technology that is in use and your department’s role in conducting field investigations, mosquito habitat surveys, and in handling public complaints. Project your department's goals and visions in regulating the insect-borne diseases. Download now. 


One Page Summary Annual Committee Report Template Department of Entomology


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Template 3: Internal Audit Committee Report With Findings Template


Share the findings of your audit committee with this PPT Template. Bifurcate the data into two categories, key control and findings. Then proceed onto checking the major elements of controlling the business. Some important ones can be capital budget management information system, purchasing card and petty cash, occupational health and safety, and staff over time and mileage pay. Specify the audit committee’s findings to these key control elements as shown to ensure work flows in order. Download now. 


Internal Audit Committee Report with Findings


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Template 4: Disease Surveillance and Cases Highlights of Department


Share a snapshot of important updates that the entomology committee shares on the disease surveillance and cases highlighted over the year. Mention insects in particular, mosquito-borne diseases recorded over the years along with their total human cases. Share the response of the team in tackling these diseases, such as specifying awareness generated and their modes, human blood sampling done, and mosquito ID courses conducted. Download now. 


Disease Surveillance and Cases Highlights of Department


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Template 5: Mosquitoes Species Collected for Virus-Isolation


In continuation with the facts and figures presented, here's another important side to be included in your committee report. Create the sheet of mosquito species analyzed with this PPT Template. Round up the total number of species studied, the percentage that was sent for processing, pool count, and those with pinned virus status. The categorization can be diversified based on gender and if the mosquitoes are blood fed or not. Download this ready-made PPT Layout now. 


Mosquitoes Species Collected for Virus Isolation


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Template 6: Mosquito Collection and Number of Traps Set


Another crucial template to back your committee report on entomology is showcasing the region-wise listings of mosquitoes collected and the number of traps set. You specify multiple localities of the regions and then calculate the success rates of trapping study-relevant mosquitos. Add these individual mosquito and trap numbers to impress upon your audience the extensive work that the team has done over the year. Download now. 


Mosquito Collection and Number of Traps Set


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Template 7: Projects Related to Department of Entomology


Within the committee health report, you can add a separate template to showcase projects completed in the past one year in the wake of insect-borne diseases. Showcase our state of activity in surveying, identifying, detecting, and regulating the potential risks of insects-borne, in particular that of mosquito, diseases. Add programs and activities conducted and briefly share their details. Download now.


Projects Related to Department of Entomology


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Template 8: Mosquito Awareness and Training Campaign Template


Mention the list of awareness programs and training campaigns hosted over the year in this PPT Template. Briefly explain what these activities encompassed to show that these were relatable and effective in garnering positive results for the overall committee objective. You can add pictures from these events as well as sufficed during the committee to generate credibility. Download now. 


Mosquito Awareness and Training Campaign


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Template 9: One-Page Summary Annual Committee Report Template


 Stakeholders looking for a concise form of the report can directly scroll to this content-ready one-page template. It summarizes the original 22-page report into a one-page with crisp details from the main report. It features goals, and visions of the committee, overview of the prominent mosquito-borne viruses targeting humankind, projects conducted to generate awareness, and other forms of surveying activities to track cases. Download this now to start editing the original form of this document report template.


One-Page Summary Annual Committee Report Template


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Template 10: Contact Us


An ideal committee report for any purpose will always have a contact Us slide at the end for stakeholders to reach out to the committee support team. Stakeholders who want to share feedback, add to the conclusions or those who want to learn more about the future and ongoing projects of the department can be helped with contact numbers and addresses of the departments. You can share those here in this slide. Add your phone numbers,email IDs, social handles and main office location to be accessible to them. Download now.


Contact Us


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Grab this readymade committee report templates and summarize the crux of those crucial discussions with ease.


PS: Looking for content-ready report templates to share the output of conferences? This guide featuring ten of our most downloaded conference report templates are available right here!