Why does a five-star hotel charge you the prices it does for a room? Why must Apple price its phone, where it is more of a luxury than a device that is ultimately only meant for routine use? Finally, what justifies the price tags of luxury cars and perfumes? 

Well, the answer lies in the brand voice that companies have built up over the years. Apple’s phones offer the brand voice of design excellence and quality in terms of material used, as well as after-sales service. In a very subtle way, Apple’s brand voice signals a statement to the consumer that they have arrived. The exclusive club of Apple phone owners signals affluence, something we all want to flaunt. Right?  


 At this stage, it will be wonderful if you study brand analysis, as detailed through the templates here, to really master the perceptions that brands need to deal with. 


The brand voice does not really have to be about expensive ads, promotional campaigns, or pricing. It is the WHY of your business and what your products and services aim to convey. It showcases the customer segment you want to address and why. Once a brand voice is found, building a story around it is also part of the exercise. For instance, who can ever forget MasterCard’s promotional theme around the brand voice of, “There are some things money can’t buy; for everything else, there’s MasterCard.”


In this blog, we explore a long list of templates that incorporate at least a year’s research in brand voice into ten concise, well-designed PPT Templates. 


Here are the top 14 slides on brand value to create a buzz around your business. 


The aim is to ensure businesses don’t waste time looking for resources and can quickly start planning and communicating their brand voice. 


Each template is 100% editable and customizable. These slides provide both the required structure and a starting point. 


Let’s explore!     


Template 1 Brand Voice PPT Template Bundle 


A brand voice is the several intangibles that speak volumes about your preferences and motivations for being in business. The coffee that is prepared on an ultra-modern machine or the free earbuds with your swimming costume are all brand voices that speak to the market and the customer. In this PPT Template on brand voice, we dwell on how to create a brand that communicates class, luxury, unmatched variety, compassion, or even enjoyment. We list the hard steps that make it work (as in just the next slide) and the numbers that give the brand voice its importance. The slide also informs businesses on how that voice can be made stronger and turned into emotional capital that is vested with stakeholders.  This comprehensive guide also goes into metrics that measure brand voice quality and whether it is serving the intended purpose. 


Brand Voice PPT Template Bundle


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Template 2 Steps to Create Brand Messaging Strategy 


Use the PPT Template to represent the three-step process for creating a brand messaging framework. The three steps are understanding your target audience, establishing its USP, and creating a brand story. The actionable point in understanding the target audience is creating buyer personas based on demographics, age, gender, and geography. A brand story is brought to life after it uses the core brand essence and the brand’s goals and vision.


Steps to Create Brand Messaging Strategy 


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Template 3 Key Statistics on the Importance of Brand Messaging


Brand messaging is indispensable to establish your hold in the market. Customers, too, like it, as the PPT Template showcases through the key statistic that 87% of them prefer trusted brands. This slide is meant to showcase key trends and the importance of brand messaging strategy in determining customer behavior and business operations. Another figure that all businesses should take note of is that consistency in brand voice increases revenue by 17%. Depict your figures here to create a visible impact based on this clutter-free design and well-researched content. 


Key Statistics on the Importance of Brand Messaging


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Template 4 Best Practices to Create Brand Messaging Strategy 


Use the PPT Template to identify approaches for creating an effective brand messaging strategy. It covers practices such as testing brand messages, solidifying value propositions, building customer personas, and updating market trends. In each of the four strategies, you can highlight up to four action points. The PowerPoint Slide allows you also to depict icons (provided readymade) and make a point on each of the points related to brand messaging. 


Best Practices to Create Brand Messaging Strategy


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Template 5 Brand Awareness Metrics – Share of Voice


Apply and master the use of information regarding the sharing of voice as brand awareness metrics. It helps determine online discussions initiated by specific public profiles. The PowerPoint presentation includes vital initiatives to boost the sharing of voices on social media. This metric is important because its higher share of voice showcases more influence of a person. Share of voice helps in assessing brand reputation, as the more trusted the brand is, the more people discuss it, thus increasing brand recall. This share of voice metric also allows brands to get associated with influencer marketing campaigns for brand promotion. 


Brand Awareness Metrics – Share of Voice


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Template 6 Developing a Strong Brand Voice


Create mastery over ideation and execution of critical strategies to standardize a brand voice of your business that helps engage customers. It includes tactics such as focusing on principles, messaging & training, building credibility, being consistent, defining the brand’s personality, and developing a solid culture. An example of a brand with solid voices, albeit in varied industries and across socio-economic categories, is the Marriot Chain of Hotels and McDonald’s. Even airlines, for instance. Their brand voice has the distinct presence of all five elements in varied proportions. 


Developing a Strong Brand Voice


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Template 7 Voice of Customer Dashboard with Brand Recognition


With this PPT Template, you can quickly and conveniently study the significant parameters that signal the extent to which your brand is recognized in the marketplace. The presentation template helps you track customer loyalty, the percentage of promoters in each region’s population, the leading brand recognition summary in each region, and brand recognition of significant product and service parameters, such as quality, feel, and class brand endows to the customer. The figures and the diagrams make it easy for the brand manager to know how to make and display their meaning and point. Get it now! 


Voice of Customer Dashboard with Brand Recognition


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Template 8 Tips for Developing Your Brand Voice PPT Template


When starting to develop your brand voice, it pays to really follow some tips that this comprehensive guide-of-a-PPT Template outlines. The slide aims to provide an overview of tips, which are mainly focused on consistency, audit, target audience, review, and adaptation. To see this in action, see how insurance companies in the developed world are creating their voice, linking it to the pride of living a good retired life. In the developed world, brands like Mercedes and Audi are now adapting their brand voice to the tune of electric vehicles. 


Tips for Developing Your Brand Voice PPT Template


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Template 9 Voice and Tone of Brand 


Once a brand voice and collateral have been finalized, it takes communication and style to really make a way into people’s hearts. For this, brand managers need to be well-versed in brand tone and voice, which this PPT Template illustrates. In essence, this slide depicts the voice and tone of the brand. It essentially is the way in which companies communicate with their audience.   It also includes the choice of words, the writing style, and the emotional tone. Banks, for instance, cannot afford to be playful or twist words, as this indicates misplaced creativity. The slide advises companies to be mindful of matching the voice and tone to the industry, the customer profile, and so on. 


Voice and Tone of Brand 


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Template 10 Brand Voice Chart for Launching the New Product 


With a hands-on Dos and Don’ts chart designed to ensure your brand voice characteristics score with the customers and other stakeholders, this PPT is an excellent investment for your business. The slide illustrates the company’s brand voice chart, covering voice characteristics along with a description. The voice characteristics covered are authentic, passionate, helpful, etc. For instance, if you claim your brand voice is passionate, then a DO has to be the introduction of new concepts in your products and services. A definite. There has to be no presentation of any information about your brand without credible data. This design and slide are a delight for businesses, as the chart gives them all they need at a mere glance. Download this template now!


Brand Voice Chart for Launching the New Product 


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Building or designing a strong voice is akin to developing a muscle in the body. It takes some practice, repetitions of specific tasks and activities, and adequate care of the body. Once developed, however, you are aware of the change. You move better, interact with the world faster, and get more agility and strength in your body. Similarly, brand voice helps you communicate the workout and the special care you have taken to develop the correct brand language and identity to stakeholders. The results are handsome payoffs through increased sales, better recall, and happier stakeholders. 


PS Click here to learn more about brand ambassador proposals that could propel your business into a new orbit with greater reach and influence.