A question that always springs to the mind of inquisitive readers is: What do researchers do? It is too simplistic to say that they research a topic or thing. In fact, researchers are specialists who put in a lot of effort into organizing information scientifically, and then trying to put it to use to take forward a subject or a field of study. 


If seasoned researchers have to publish a research paper, they have to go through many drafts, notes, and endless iterations of ideas. 


Seeing this problem, SlideTeam has developed a presentation solution for researchers to help them submit reports to the authorities concerned in a systematic, logical and professional manner. 


Are you looking for a solution to write your research paper? Explore our research paper presentation.


The Route to Efficiency


We have developed our PowerPoint presentation with delineated sections for every part of your research. Each segment is prepared to flow with ideas, helping you display your research's full scope.


A Template for Every Researcher


This PowerPoint Template will help every researcher input his studies. You can customize this PPT according to your preference, which means adding or subtracting content, changing the color scheme to suit your topic, or adding your logo. It offers lots of options to researchers.


Maintain a professional look at your research paper with our research paper template.


Why Should You Use SlideTeam’s Comprehensive PPT Templates?


SlideTeam takes the help of industry experts to develop its PowerPoint presentations to ensure the end-user gets a world-class product in line with the latest requirements and trends across industries and businesses. Furthermore, our PowerPoint preset is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. 


Template 1: Sample Research Paper Outline in One Page Summary PowerPoint Presentation


Sample Research Paper Outline in One Page Summary


Download now


Researchers always face difficulty when they have to submit a research outline on a single sheet. They want options in which they can send their complete research paper outline in a concise manner to the authority concerned. To resolve this major issue, SlideTeam designed and curated its specialized  PowerPoint theme for researchers.

It is a perfect solution for scholars, educators, and students and covers an Introduction, Issue, Literature Review, Recommendations, and Conclusion.  In each section, you can input your analysis and submit the report.


Research More and Write More with our Template


In conclusion, our PowerPoint Template helps researchers submit their work in an easy, convenient format. There are sections that can be filled out without any problem. This means you can focus more on your research and less on how to organize it. The best part is that this slide works for all kinds of subjects and studies.