Interviews have been a timeless medium to assess candidates’ fitness for a job. To do this right and with perfection, well-researched interview questionnaire templates that are focussed on asking right questions and to assess this fit are a must. Its workflow is a bit different. Once a position opens up in an organization, team leaders must ruminate on the ideal characteristics of the person they are scouting. In particular, they should perform skills gap analysis of their team so as to onboard only skilled candidates. Following the collection of CVs, an interview questionnaire template must be designed that must not ask redundant questions already covered in the CV. Many times, candidates won’t move on to the next step as questions they face are unnecessarily repetitive. 




Secondly, an interview questionnaire must include concise queries. An interview questionnaire should not be the lookalike of a written personal interview unless it’s the writing abilities of the candidate being tested. Timing of sharing these questionnaire templates is another important thing to be mindful of. And lastly, ensuring a smooth collection of responses so that everybody’s time is valued must remain among the priorities. 


An interview template can also be used to complete surveys that may or not have a direct link with job positions. For instance, you can create a questionnaire based survey form to seek feedback post events and meets. Collecting opinions in this way also helps in understanding your audience’s needs and plan better.


On this note, we present the most pursued interview questionnaire templates hand-picked from SlideTeam’s library of 2 million+ designs. Download from this content-ready collection of interview questionnaire templates to collect relevant and accurate information from your audience of potential candidates and target audiences.


These PPT Templates are 100% editable and customizable. The content-ready nature provides you the starting point and a structure; the editability feature means you can tailor the templates to audience profiles. 


Template 1: New Hires Interview Evaluation Form Template


Create an interview evaluation of candidates based on their technical and non-technical, verbal, and no-verbal basis and rate them on a scale ranging from rejected to extraordinary. Finally, based on this assessment, decide their future in your company. Align your evaluation with this interview guide template now!


New Hires Interview Evaluation Form


Download this template 


Template 2: Tasks Time Schedule for Interview Planning Template


To conduct a seamless interview process and to generate the most effective interview questionnaire, interviewers must be trained on how to conduct such sessions. With this task scheduling template, align discussions that the interviewer needs to be wary of and list in a certain order so that it is well understood by the prospects. From the first interaction with a potential candidate to the full disclosure of salary and other company perks, plan the kind of information candidates need to share to familiarize themselves with others in the team and the work culture. Download this template now!


Tasks Time Schedule For Interview Planning


Download this template

Template 3: Candidate Experience Assessment Survey Results Template


Analyze post interview surveys with this content-ready experience assessment dashboard template. Garner opinions about your company's interview process and discover how these interactions impact your prospects using this experience assessment template. Using this PPT Dashboard Template, you can evaluate the interview information dissemination, recruiter behavior, recruiter knowledge, all the way to the induction to improve upon them. Collect responses of your audience and discover if they will likely recommend your company to their peers. Own this important content-ready Excel-linked PPT Layout now!


Candidate Experience Assessment Survey Results Template


Download this template 


Template 4: Questionnaire Form for Employee Exit Interview Template


Employees are constantly in pursuit of better opportunities whether within the organization or outside and it’s important to respect their choice. With this employee exit interview template, you can record their final remarks on company culture, responsibilities, and other work benefits in the hope of improving your company work culture. You can also ask questions about their reason for leaving to ensure you can work to prevent more resignations for the same reasons. Secure your workforce now by downloading this interview exit template. 


Questionnaire Form For Employee Exit Interview


Download this template


Template 5: Market Intelligence Interview Questionnaire Sample Template


Conduct a market survey from shoppers and business visitors with this questionnaire survey template. Find out what makes your business favorable and their experience delightful with this PPT Template. Enquire about ways in which you can improve your customer experience while keeping up with the quality and service. Collect responses with this interview questionnaire template. Know your customers' grievances and identify aspects about your products and services that make their shopping experience with you satisfactory. To perform this assessment now, click on the link below to get this readymade layout.


Market Intelligence Interview Questionnaire Sample For Data Collection Template


Download this template




These were the noteworthy interview questionnaire templates that will help you conduct a concrete interview every time. Grab these in advance to render smooth interviews.


PS: What are you doing about employee wellness in your company? Address the crucial aspect that keeps the good employees loyal as well as attracts the good press to promote your healthy work culture. Employ this employee wellness playbook to lead the way.

FAQs on Interview Questionnaire Template

What is an interview questionnaire in qualitative research?

An interview questionnaire in qualitative research is a set of open-ended questions designed to gather in-depth and rich information from participants during an interview. Unlike a structured questionnaire with close-ended questions and predefined response options, an interview questionnaire provides flexibility for participants to express their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives in their own words.


The purpose of an interview questionnaire in qualitative research is to explore and understand participants' viewpoints, opinions, beliefs, and experiences related to a specific research topic or area of interest. It allows researchers to delve into the complexities and nuances of participants' responses, providing insights that may not be captured by quantitative methods alone.


The design of an interview questionnaire involves identifying key research objectives, determining the focus of the interview, and developing a set of open-ended questions that align with the research objectives. During the interview process, the researcher follows the interview questionnaire as a guide, asking the questions in a conversational manner and probing further based on the participants' responses. The interviewer may also ask follow-up questions to clarify or explore specific areas of interest that emerge during the interview.

Is an interview a type of questionnaire?

No, an interview is not considered a type of questionnaire. While both interviews and questionnaires are research methods used to collect data, they differ in their approach and format.


An interview involves a direct conversation between the researcher (interviewer) and the participant (interviewee). The interviewer asks questions and engages in a dialogue with the participant, allowing for a dynamic exchange of information. The questions in an interview are typically open-ended, allowing participants to provide detailed responses and elaborate on their thoughts and experiences.


On the other hand, a questionnaire is a written set of questions that participants complete on their own, without direct interaction with the researcher. Questionnaires can be administered in paper-based forms, online surveys, or electronic forms. The questions can be both open-ended and closed-ended. Closed-ended questions have predefined response options, often in the form of multiple-choice or rating scales, while open-ended questions allow participants to provide their own responses.


Interviews are typically more suitable for exploring complex topics, obtaining detailed narratives, and understanding participants' perspectives in depth. Questionnaires, on the other hand, are often used to collect data from a larger sample size and can be easily quantified and analyzed statistically.

What is a survey questionnaire and interview?

A survey questionnaire is a written set of questions that participants are asked to complete. It is typically administered in a standardized manner, where the same set of questions is given to all participants. The questions in a survey questionnaire can be both open-ended and closed-ended. Closed-ended questions provide predefined response options, such as multiple-choice or rating scales, while open-ended questions allow participants to provide their own responses. Surveys are often used to collect data from a larger sample size. 


Interviews are typically more flexible and in-depth compared to surveys. The questions in an interview are often open-ended, allowing participants to provide detailed responses and elaborate on their thoughts and experiences. Interviews are often used to explore complex topics, understand participants' perspectives in depth, and generate rich qualitative data.

Why do we use questionnaires in interviews?

Questionnaires are self-administered written instruments consisting of a set of questions designed to collect data from participants. They are typically used to gather information from a large number of respondents efficiently and allow for standardized data collection. Questionnaires are useful when seeking quantitative data or when the research objectives can be achieved by collecting specific information from a predefined set of questions. They do not involve direct interaction between the researcher and the participants.


On the other hand, interviews involve direct interaction between the researcher and the participant. The researcher asks questions and engages in a conversation with the participant to gather in-depth qualitative data. Interviews are particularly useful when exploring complex topics, understanding participants' perspectives, motivations, experiences, or when a more nuanced understanding of the research topic is sought.