Innovation is critical to build a profitable business. It is the process of creating and implementing new products or services that can solve problems, meet customer needs and create value within the market. Companies that can consistently create new and innovative products thrive in the long run. Being innovative, however, is not easy. It requires a well-defined strategy and a commitment to improvement.


This is where innovation strategy comes in. An innovation strategy is a design that underscores the process behind innovation, laying out how a company will develop and incorporate new products and services. It is linked to an understanding of the company’s customers, competitors, and the market landscape. It should be flexible enough to adapt to changing trends and customer needs.


Looking to explore beyond innovation strategy? Click here to get a world-class blog on transformation strategy templates. 


This blog offers 20 innovation strategy templates that come pre-designed and are ready to use. These templates have the salient benefit of being easy to download, use, customize and deploy. Each of the templates is 100% customizable and editable. You get both structure to start your presentation, and tailor it to audience profile. 


Let’s get started. 


Template 1 - Digital Innovation Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Build a strong toolkit for growth and innovation and bridge the divide needed to excel in the corporate world, with this sound PPT Bundle. The complete deck in 26 slides offers complete knowledge on barriers to digital transformation, ways to achieve digital transformation, transformation roadmap, task distribution, value addition from transformation, and much more.  


Digital Innovation Strategy


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Template 2 - Innovation Strategy PowerPoint Template Bundles

If you find yourself falling behind urgently need to adjust your corporate innovation procedures, we’ve got the perfect present for you. This cogent PPT Deck can be a potent ally in your drive to bolster your professional standing and bring out the finest products through creative soul-searching and innovation. It gives you the tools to devise a global innovation strategy, then break it down into smaller phases. A systematic, step by step protocol in building your innovation strategy is the highlight of the slide. Also present is a market innovation strategy matrix with dimensions, strategies for transforming your internal business practices, a look into your corporate structural framework, and more. 


Innovation Strategy


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Template 3 - Innovation strategy defines communication purpose product innovation and commitment

This one-page PPT Template lays out a comprehensive and engaging outline of the five phases of a successful innovation strategy. Commitment, questioning your purpose, communication, product innovation and finding the right talent are the key ingredients, creatively represented here. Whether you are a well-established corporation or a new start-up, this presentation template is a crucial anchor in your personal innovation frameworks, giving you the nudge that you need to aim higher and advance your business goals. 


Innovation Strategy


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Template 4 - Innovation Strategy Framework Light Bulb Connections Formulation Success Approaches 

This nine-page PPT can be a fine asset if you’re struggling to evaluate and recalibrate your innovation strategy to accrue better financial returns. It includes an innovation framework for non-traditional and traditional approaches, a graph discussing the three stages of business innovation, the implications of formulation and implementation, a slide discussing the strategies needed for long-term success, and more. Download this slide and apply it to your own business apparatus to effect the changes needed, when it comes to the product pipeline and innovation. 


Innovation Strategy


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Template 5 - Innovation strategy template infographics

This presentation template is suitable for businesses of seeking to develop and implement a successful innovation strategy. The template presents five stages of the innovation process - strategic, operations, marketing, financial, and external impact. Use this slide to convey an innovation strategy to employees and stakeholders, to survey the impact of your personal innovation initiatives, and to isolate areas for improvement in their overall process. 


Innovation Strategy Template PPT Infographics


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Template 6 - Key Pillars Of Business Innovation Strategy

This easy-to-use slide can aid your corporation in boosting mechanisms of development and innovation, building market saturation in the process. The slide features six key pillars of innovation strategy: Intrapreneurship, corporate accelerator, innovation labs, open innovation program, collaboration, and ideation. The slide can be employed to provide an overview of your innovation strategy to senior leadership, as well as to train employees on key concepts of innovation strategy. Get it now and reward yourself with the right standards for product management and innovation. 


Key pillars of business innovation strategy


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Template 7 - Product Development Plan Product Innovation Strategy And Action Plan 

This PPT Template provides a clear and concise overview of the product development process, from ideation to launch. You can use the contents of this slide to plan and manage the product development process, conduct market research and analysis, and to communicate concepts relating to the core process to stakeholders. Boost decision making, enhance communication and streamline the product development process by getting this template and incorporating it into your business methodology now. 


Product innovation strategy and action plan


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Template 8 - Five Steps To Develop An Effective Innovation Strategy

The slide deck includes five clear and concise steps that corporations can follow to create a reliable system to match competitive needs. You can use this slide to draw out objectives for your innovation strategy, and to establish mechanisms for generating and evaluating ideas. Get this presentation template now and raise the bar within your corporate environment, building reliable and time-tested architectures for product development and innovation. 


Five steps to develop an effective innovation strategy


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Template 9 - Four Steps To Implement Innovation Strategy

Are you unable to align your corporate management systems with your grand and ambitious vision? Use this versatile
one-pager template to give your firm direction with respect to its own innovation management techniques, developing stronger and more durable systems for product launch and innovation. It presents four key steps in bridging the divide and honing your strategy – focus, alignment, integration and communication, and measurement of growth.


Four steps to implement innovation strategy


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Template 10 - Technology development model for innovation strategy

If you’re seeking new ways to energize your innovation process, then get this pre-designed Slide. The presentation template includes sub-sections such as customer and ecosystem, solution, business, for a more easy-to-digest presentation. Identify and prioritize innovation opportunities, develop and implement effective innovation strategies, and create a culture of innovation, using this nicely-rendered PPT.  


Technology Development Model for Innovation Strategy


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Template 11 - Evolution of innovation strategy architectural radical disruptive technical competences

Put into place firm policies meant to advance competitiveness and facilitate lucrative performance, by changing your working technicalities as this slide documents. The slide incorporates some crucial terminologies that lead to better performance, such as requires new business model, leverages existing business model, leverages existing technical competences etc. Get it now and master the art of evolving, adapting and changing to better yourself. 


Evolution Of Innovation Strategy


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Template 12 - Principles Of Innovation Strategy For Business Model

This slide outlines and illustrates the core ideas behind a sound innovation strategy, and how it can impact your overall business infrastructure. It includes critical topics like strategy-driven innovation, viable business model, open innovation model, human experience and technology driven innovation. You can include this slide in a presentation meant to spur on your team members, or to demonstrate competency and business prowess to your stakeholders.


Principles of innovation strategy for business model


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Template 13 - Innovation funnel with business strategy

This PPT Template helps in visualizing, evaluating, and executing your innovation strategies. It features a five-stage funnel process, with headlines envision, engage, evaluate, evolve and execute. This dashboard can aid you in keeping your innovation efforts well-organized and strategic, and in applying the right frameworks.


Innovation Funnel with Business Strategy


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Template 14 - Innovation model customer strategy track communicate improvement

Are you looking for a way to showcase your innovation process in a clear and captivating manner? If so, then check out this PPT Slide that depicts a creative innovation strategy with six stages. Communicate, manage and reward change, customer value, strategy and leadership commitment, track performance, continuous system improvement and internal and external partnership are the phases of the slide. Use this slide to present your innovation goals, criteria, methods, and results to your audience, whether they are investors, customers, or employees. Get it now. 


Innovation Model Customer Strategy Track Communicate Improvement


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Template 15 - Four gears for innovative strategy and customer segmentation

Highlight how you stand out from the crowd with a unique working structure and innovation strategy, with the aid of this slide. This slide features four gears for innovative strategy and customer segmentation. Each gear represents an aspect of your strategy, such as target, strategy, segmentation, and innovation. Demonstrate your business competency while enhancing customer experience and brand value, all by integrating this PPT into your working practice.


Four Gears for innovative Strategy and Customer Segmentation


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Template 16 - Strategy innovation framework for non-traditional and traditional approaches

Do you want to learn how to balance traditional and non-traditional approaches to achieve breakthrough growth? Use this presentation template to showcase a strategy innovation framework that helps you to identify and pursue new opportunities, while maintaining your core competencies. The topics covered are industry foresight, customer insight, organizational readiness, disciplined implementation, strategic alignment and core technologies and competencies. Use this presentation template to adapt to the changing environment by embracing uncertainty and complexity, and stay ahead of the competition by creating value for customers and stakeholders. 


Strategy Innovation Framework for Non-Traditional and Traditional Approaches


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Template 17 - Business Product Innovation Strategy Matrix

Are you looking for a way to innovate your business strategy and gain a competitive edge? If so, tap into the contents of this slide and reinvent your working methodology for better performance. It showcases a matrix for innovation strategy with the phases, sustaining, disruptive, radical and incremental. Use this slide to strengthen internal productivity, while fostering a culture of innovation where you promote creativity and experimentation. 


Business product innovation strategy matrix


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Template 18 - Top Business Product Innovation Strategies

This slide gives you the tools to develop your own innovation apparatus, as illustrated by the strategies that leading brands adopt. The topics covered are brands, innovation strategy, and comments, giving you room to study, examine and expand on the industry’s innovation ethos. Download it now and impress your audience. 


Top business product innovation strategies


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Template 19 - Steps For Developing Business Innovation Strategy

This slide features a sleek and modern design that captures the essence of innovation. It presents a set of key phases within wider innovation mechanisms that are central to success. It includes segments on determining objectives, identifying competitors and customers, defining value proposition and assessing capabilities. Whether you’re launching a new product or improving an existing one, use this presentation template to convey your value proposition and differentiate yourself from the competition.


Steps for developing business innovation strategy


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Template 20 - Tips For Innovation Strategy In Small Business

Are you a small business seeking new ways to boost your innovation strategy and strengthen revenue? If so, we’ve got the perfect PPT Theme. This slide includes the highlights and covers topics on developing innovation culture, recruit innovative employees, embrace innovative technologies, assemble teams, and monitor and improve. You can use this slide to present your product innovation vision, goals, and roadmap, as part of compelling presentation. Get it now. 


Tips for innovation strategy in small business


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Innovation strategy is a practical and vital skill for modern day businesses. It is not only a process of generating ideas, but also of implementing them effectively. It concerns not just creativity, but logic and analysis. Innovation strategy is an opportunity for any business to rise above its current station and achieve more. Get our pre-designed presentation templates and master the art of innovation strategy, giving your business the tools it needs to survive and thrive in today’s demanding market.


Product strategy frameworks can be your roadmap to success. Click here to explore this topic more, delving into our blog on five top product strategy framework templates.


PS: If you are looking for some help with respect to technical strategy, then we’ve got you covered. Click here to read our blog on ten technical strategy templates now.


FAQs on Innovative Strategies


What are four innovation strategies?


Incremental innovation 

This strategy involves enacting small, gradual improvements to existing products or services. This model of innovation is employed by companies seeking to retain their competitive edge while also upgrading efficiency. 


Adjacent innovation 

This model involves extending a firm’s presence into new markets or building new products tied to the existing product offerings. This framework of innovation can aid a company in grooming its customer base and expanding into new markets. 


Disruptive innovation

This requires creating new products that alter and recalibrate existing markets. This is a risky model of innovation, but when done right, it can yield great rewards to the company. 


Radical innovation 

This is based on building and releasing new products that carve out new markets. For example, the creation of the internet was a moment of radical innovation. 


What is an example of an innovation strategy?



Google’s innovation strategy relies heavily on research and development, with the goal of tapping into a broad array of markets. Google also fosters an environment of collaboration between arenas of its corporate machinery, making for a more innovative workplace environment. 



Amazon’s innovation strategy depends on tailoring it to existing customer appetites. The company invests huge resources in anticipating customer preferences, to develop products or services that help satiate them. 



Apple is a leading name in the world of innovation, with respect to design and technicality. Its innovative strategy is focused on user experience, attention to detail and simplicity. Apply has defined new parameters for innovation by releasing marketing altering products such as the iPhone, iPad, and the Apple Watch.