Worldwide, 940 million (13%) people still do not have access to electricity. In fact, the alternative solution, kerosene lighting, is expensive and destructive – causing burns, respiratory problems, and deaths. 


However, since 2007, the largest renewable energy companies like Orsted, Iberdrola SA, JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd, Vestas Wind Systems, First Solar Inc, and more are developing clean technology practices and software to offer electricity in the less privileged countries. 


Clean technology includes various financial, VC, and business communities that aim to improve environmental sustainability. It offers a diverse range of products, services, and processes that harness renewable materials and energy sources, thereby reducing the use of natural reserves, eliminating emissions and wastes. 


In 2021, more than 11,500 companies were nominated in The Global Cleantech 100 for innovating energy optimization, clean water treatment, pollution reduction, and waste treatment processes. Along with these solutions, many companies have advanced clean technology for producing algae biofuels, zinc-air batteries, organic solar cells, marine energy, smart lighting, pyrolysis oil, micro automation, and more. 


But why do companies invest in clean technology?


Reports state that by 2022, the global market of clean technology is expected to reach $2.5 trillion. However, companies contemplate investing in clean technology because it is an enormous and rapidly growing opportunity.


Firstly, it helps them improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption, leading to lower operational costs. Secondly, through the adoption of clean technologies, companies can reduce their carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions and become more eco-friendly. Thirdly, many companies choose to go green for recycling used products and reusing them in new applications. 


If you too wish to put green technology at the heart of your organization, check out our 20 well-researched PowerPoint designs. These PPT presentations will help you select a profitable clean technology for your company by creating a strategic plan of action. Besides, these clean technology templates are fully editable, so you can change the font, color, and text information easily. 


Let’s explore them one by one and initiate informed investment decisions!


Template 1


Looking to make a presentation on environmental technology for your business? Choose this 49-slide clean technology template packed with professionally designed graphics. These slides will help you illustrate the segments of market revenue, production facility, and cost summary for implementing green services and solutions. Therefore, download it now and get started!


Clean Technology Template


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Template 2


You can pick this PowerPoint template to compare the progress of multiple green technology plans. Whether you're pitching to investors or trying to rally support for a new project, this presentation design will help you make a powerful impact. Therefore, grab it without any hassle!


Green Technology Template


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Template 3


Pick this invigorating PPT design to get a foothold in the booming clean energy market. This PowerPoint template illustrates the cleantech market overview from 2012 to 2022. With this slide, you'll be able to wow your clients with impressive insights and information to make lucrative decisions. Download now!


Global Environmental Technology Market Overview


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Template 4


You can use  clean templates on  technology  to pitch a process for clearing water waste. This design features text holders for illustrating inorganic contaminants and a robust treatment process. So download it instantly and make the desired changes. 


Wastewater Management


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Template 5


If you are planning to create an environmental technology segment, pick this visually appealing template and illustrate the industry overview. Besides, this presentation design can be easily shared using Google Slides. So download it and dazzle your potential audience right away! 


Industry Overview for Environmental Technology Segment


Download this template


Template 6


You can use this well-structured template to represent the cost estimates required for implementing a clean technology. The design includes expenses on consultation, technology solutions, and additional services. So grab now and share it with your investors or management. 


Cost Summary for Implementing Environmental Technology Solutions


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Template 7


You can use this clean technology template to depict the role of environmental technology in reducing your operational expenses. This design can include process information on water, energy, raw material, product, waste, and more. Therefore, download and utilize it to your advantage. 


Role of Environmental Technology


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Template 8


Anaerobic digestion technology is a powerful tool for reducing the environmental impact of a business. You can use this top-quality PPT template to make an impression on your audience by showcasing the amazing potential of anaerobic digestion technology. With its bold graphics and easy-to-use design, this template is perfect for any presentation on clean technology. So don't miss out – download this PowerPoint graphic today!


Impact of Anaerobic Digestion


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Template 9


You can use this sample work PPT design to illustrate the efficient solutions for water treatment and circulation, exhaust air treatment, waste management, and production facilities. So download it and educate your colleagues about the importance of using environment-friendly solutions for an organization. All just a click away!


Sample Work – Customized Environment Friendly Solutions


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Template 10


This fantastic PowerPoint template is the perfect tool to help you visualize the growth of green technology and its sustainability in the market. With beautiful graphics and in-depth data, this template will help you illustrate the US market revenues on clean technology. Don't miss out on this opportunity to jump ahead of your competition. Download the slide now!


US Market Revenues by Segment


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Template 11


Are you looking for a creative and effective way to present your ammunition disposal strategy? Use this clean technology template packed with a six-step process including treatment, description, implication, equipment used, process, and cost. Download it now and begin to explain your plan, engage your audience, and persuade them to take action. 


Different Technologies Used in Ammunition Disposal


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Template 12


This is another well-designed clean technology template that can be used to demonstrate the anaerobic digestion process with a diagram. This PPT theme is crafted by our team of professional designers. So don't wait any longer! Download it today and get started on putting together an impressive presentation.


Anaerobic Digestion Process


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Template 13


If you wish to represent an exhaust air treatment process, this is a suitable template for you. You can use it to emphasize the crucial steps covering reduced carbon emissions, degradation of pollutants, and air handling unit system control. Download it to insert your text, and you are ready to go!


Exhaust Air Treatment – Process


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Template 14


Use this PowerPoint template to select an actionable clean technology process for your organization. This design includes a chart diagram that can be used to measure the pros and cons of each process involved in thermal waste management. So grab it without any second thoughts!


Process Selection Criteria for Thermal Waste Management


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Template 15


You can pick this PPT graphic to illustrate thermal waste treatment. This presentation design covers several processes such as fluidized bed incineration, rotary kiln combustion system, high turbulence combustion chamber, and more. So download it now and select the most profitable process!


Several Process for Thermal Waste Treatment


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Template 16


You can use this template to ensure that your organization follows various methods for treating air pollution. The design includes multiple treatment methods such as thermal treatment, thermal oxidation, regenerative thermal oxidation, absorption, combustion chambers, and more. So download and add this graphic to your clean technology strategy. 


Various Methods for Treating Exhaust Air


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Template 17


You can choose this template to help your audience know all about your cleantech business. This presentation can be used to take an in-depth look from renewable energy and green transportation to recycling and pollution prevention. So grab it and help the customers learn more about your company's vision, mission, and core values. 


Our Company at Glance


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Template 18


Are you looking for a way to make your presentations on cleantech more engaging and persuasive? Check out this clean technology template and highlight the application and benefits of your exhaust air treatment system. With this slick and modern design, your presentation will look engaging no matter where it’s shown. So why wait? Download it now!


Exhaust Air Treatment System

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Template 19


Ready to jump on the clean technology bandwagon? You can use this agenda PPT template to select a clean technology from energy efficiency, carbon footprint, water purification techniques, and more. So don’t wait any further; download it immediately!


Agenda for Clean Technology


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Template 20


You can use this template to specify the steps for conducting maintenance and after-sales services for your clean technology solution. This design includes general services, plant optimization, and customized solutions. So download it now! Additionally, you can also contact SlideTeam’s presentation design services unit to get a PPT template prepared from scratch. 


Maintenance and Aftersales Services


Download this template


In the end


Clean technology is the future as a majority of investors want to finance environment-friendly companies. Therefore, you can pitch your cleantech idea to stakeholders for purchasing economies or big organizations to hold a solid job position – as a solar panel installer, civil and process engineer, technician, or manufacturing personnel. Whatever the agenda may be, our pre-designed clean technology templates will surely help you in a superior representation. You can download these PowerPoint designs and enjoy their unlimited access by purchasing any of our subscriptions here. 


P.S: If you want to set up a green plan for your organization, check out our handy guide featuring ready-to-use sustainability strategy templates.Â